Washington, D.C. 20549
Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. __)
Filed by the Registrant þ
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant o
Check the appropriate box:
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Preliminary Proxy Statement |
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Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2)) |
þ |
Definitive Proxy Statement |
o |
Definitive Additional Materials |
o |
Soliciting Material Pursuant to §240.14a-12 |
(Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)
(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
þ |
No fee required. |
o |
Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11. |
(1) |
Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies: |
(2) |
Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies: |
(3) |
Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act
Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was
determined): |
(4) |
Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: |
(5) |
Total fee paid: |
o |
Fee paid previously with preliminary materials. |
o |
Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2)
and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the
previous filing by registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its
filing. |
(1) |
Amount Previously Paid: |
(2) |
Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.: |
(3) |
Filing Party: |
(4) |
Date Filed: |
To Be Held February 24, 2010
The Annual Meeting of the shareholders of Hillenbrand, Inc. (the Company) will be held at
the Companys headquarters at One Batesville Boulevard, Batesville, Indiana 47006, on Wednesday,
February 24, 2010, at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, for the following purposes:
(1) |
to elect four members to the Board of Directors; |
(2) |
to approve the Hillenbrand, Inc. Stock Incentive Plan (As of February
24, 2010); |
(3) |
to ratify the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the
Companys independent registered public accounting firm; and |
(4) |
to transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting
and any postponement or adjournment of the meeting. |
By Order of the Board of Directors, |
John R. Zerkle |
Secretary |
January 6, 2010
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This proxy statement relates to the solicitation by the Board of Directors of
Hillenbrand, Inc. (the Company or Hillenbrand) of proxies for use at the Annual
Meeting of the Companys shareholders to be held at the Companys headquarters, One
Batesville Boulevard, Batesville, Indiana 47006, telephone (812) 934-7500, on
Wednesday, February 24, 2010, at 10:00 a.m., Eastern Standard Time, and at any
postponements or adjournments of the meeting.
Important Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy Materials for the Shareholders
Meeting to Be Held on February 24, 2010.
This proxy statement and our 2009 Annual Report to Shareholders are
available on the Internet at www.hillenbrandinc.com. |
The following questions and answers will explain the purpose of this proxy
statement and what you need to know in order to vote your shares. Throughout these
questions and answers and the proxy statement, we sometimes refer to Hillenbrand and
the Company in terms of we, us, or our.
Q: |
What is the purpose of this proxy statement? |
A: |
The Board of Directors of Hillenbrand is soliciting your proxy to vote at
the 2010 Annual Meeting of the shareholders of Hillenbrand because you were a
shareholder at the close of business on December 17, 2009, the record date, and
are entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting. The record date was established by
the Board of Directors as required by our By-laws and Indiana law. |
This proxy statement contains the matters that must be set out in a proxy
statement according to the rules of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
(the SEC) and provides the information you need to know to vote at the Annual
Meeting. You do not need to attend the Annual Meeting to vote your shares. |
Q: |
What is the difference between holding shares as a shareholder of record
and as a beneficial owner? |
A: |
If your shares are registered directly in your name with Hillenbrands
transfer agent, Computershare Investor Services, you are the shareholder of
record with respect to those shares, and you tell us directly how your shares
are to be voted. |
If your shares are held in a stock brokerage account or by a bank or other
nominee, then your nominee is the shareholder of record for your shares and you
are considered the beneficial owner of shares held in street name. As the
beneficial owner, you have the right to direct your broker, bank, or nominee how
to vote your shares. |
Q: |
What am I being asked to vote on? |
A: |
Election of four directors: Mark C. DeLuzio, James A. Henderson,
Ray J. Hillenbrand, and F. Joseph Loughrey; |
Approval of the Hillenbrand, Inc. Stock Incentive Plan (As of February
24, 2010) (the Amended Plan); and |
Ratification of the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the
Companys independent registered public accounting firm for 2010. |
The Board recommends a vote FOR each of the nominees to the Board of Directors,
FOR the approval of the Amended Plan, and FOR the ratification of the
appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the independent registered public
accounting firm for 2010.
Q: |
What is the voting requirement to elect the directors and to approve each
of the proposals? |
A: |
Under Indiana law, corporate directors are elected by a plurality of the
votes cast for the election of directors. A plurality means, in this case, that
the four nominees receiving the most votes in their favor at the Annual Meeting
will be elected to the Board. |
The proposals to approve the Amended Plan and to ratify the appointment of
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the independent registered public accounting firm
require the affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast for or against
approval. If you are present or represented by proxy at the Annual Meeting and
you abstain, your abstention, as well as withheld votes for directors and broker
non-votes, will not be counted as votes cast on any matter to which they relate. |
Q: |
How many votes do I have? |
A: |
You are entitled to one vote for each share of Hillenbrand common stock
that you held as of the record date. |
A: |
The different ways that you can tell us (if you are a shareholder of
record) or your nominee (if you are a beneficial owner) how to vote your shares
depend on how you received your proxy statement this year. |
For shareholders of record, many of you were not mailed a hard copy of the Proxy
Materials (this proxy statement and our 2009 Annual Report to Shareholders) and
a proxy card. Instead, commencing on or about January 6, 2010, we sent you a
Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials (Notice) telling you that
the Proxy Materials are available at the web site indicated in that Notice,
www.proxyvote.com, and giving you instructions for voting your shares at that
web site. We also told you in that Notice (and on the web site) how you could
request us to mail the Proxy Materials to you. If you subsequently do receive
the Proxy Materials by mail, you can
vote in any of the ways described below. If not, you must vote via the Internet
(and we encourage you to do so) at www.proxyvote.com or in person at the Annual
Meeting as explained below. |
With respect to shareholders of record who received the Proxy Materials by mail,
we commenced mailing the Proxy Materials to you on or about January 6, 2010.
You can vote using any of the following methods: |
Proxy card or voting instruction card. Be sure to complete, sign, and
date the card and return it in the prepaid envelope. If you are a
shareholder of record and you return your signed proxy card but do not
indicate your voting preferences, the persons named in the proxy card will
vote FOR the election of directors, FOR the approval of the Amended Plan,
and FOR the ratification of the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
as the Companys independent registered public accounting firm for 2010. |
By telephone or the Internet. The telephone and Internet voting
procedures established by Hillenbrand for shareholders of record are
explained in detail on your proxy card and are designed to authenticate
your identity, to allow you to give your voting instructions, and to
confirm that these instructions have been properly recorded. |
In person at the Annual Meeting. You may vote in person at the Annual
Meeting. You may also be represented by another person at the meeting by
executing a proper proxy designating that person. If you are a beneficial
owner of shares and want to attend the meeting and vote in person, you must
obtain a legal proxy from your broker, bank, or nominee and present it to
the inspectors of election with your ballot when you vote at the meeting. |
With respect to the beneficial owners of shares held by nominees, the methods
by which they can access the Proxy Materials and give the voting instructions
to the nominee may vary, depending on the nominee. Accordingly, beneficial
owners should follow the instructions provided by their nominees. |
Q: |
How will my shares be voted? |
A: |
For shareholders of record, all shares represented by the proxies mailed
to shareholders will be voted at this meeting in accordance with instructions
given by the shareholders. Where no instructions are given, the shares will be
voted (1) in favor of the election of the Board of Directors nominees for four
directors; (2) in favor of the approval of the Amended Plan; (3) in favor of the
ratification of the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the independent
registered public accounting firm of the Company; and (4) in the discretion of
the proxy holders upon such other business as may properly come before the
meeting. |
For beneficial owners, the brokers, banks, or nominees holding shares for
beneficial owners must vote those shares as instructed. If the broker, bank, or
nominee has not received instructions from the beneficial owner, the broker,
bank, or nominee generally has discretionary voting power only with respect to
the ratification of the appointment of the independent registered public
accounting firm, or may elect not to vote the shares on that proposal (referred
to as a broker non-vote). Unlike in years past, however, a broker, bank, or
nominee does not have
discretion to vote for or against the election of directors or the approval of
the Amended Plan. In order to avoid a broker non-vote of your shares on the
election of directors and the approval of the Amended Plan, you must send voting
instructions to your bank, broker, or nominee. |
Q: |
What can I do if I change my mind after I vote my shares prior to the
Annual Meeting? |
A: |
If you are a shareholder of record, you may revoke your proxy at any time
before it is voted at the Annual Meeting by: |
sending written notice of revocation to the Secretary of Hillenbrand at
One Batesville Boulevard, Batesville, Indiana 47006; |
submitting a revised proxy by telephone, Internet, or paper ballot after
the date of the revoked proxy; or |
attending the Annual Meeting and voting in person. |
If you are a beneficial owner of shares, you may submit new voting instructions
by contacting your broker, bank, or nominee. You may also vote in person at the
Annual Meeting if you obtain a legal proxy as described under How do I vote?
Q: |
Who will count the votes? |
A: |
Representatives of Broadridge Investor Communication Solutions, Inc. will
tabulate the votes and act as inspectors of election. |
Q: |
What constitutes a quorum at the Annual Meeting? |
A: |
As of the record date, 62,171,971 shares of Hillenbrand common stock were
outstanding. A majority of the outstanding shares present or represented by
proxy at the Annual Meeting constitutes a quorum for the purpose of adopting
proposals at the Annual Meeting. If you submit a properly executed proxy, then
your shares will be considered part of the quorum. |
Q: |
Who can attend the Annual Meeting? |
A: |
All shareholders as of the record date may attend the Annual Meeting but
must have an admission ticket. If you are a shareholder of record, the ticket
attached to the proxy card or a copy of your Notice (whichever you receive) will
admit you and one guest. If you are a beneficial owner, you may request a ticket
by writing to the Office of the Secretary, One Batesville Boulevard, Batesville,
Indiana 47006 or by faxing your request to (812) 931-5185. You must provide
evidence of your ownership of shares with your ticket request, which you can
obtain from your broker, bank, or nominee. We encourage you or your broker to
fax your ticket request and proof of ownership in order to avoid any mail delays. |
Q: |
When are shareholder proposals due for the 2011 Annual Meeting? |
A: |
For shareholder proposals or director nominees to be presented at the
Companys 2011 Annual Meeting of shareholders and to be considered for possible
inclusion in the Companys proxy statement and form of proxy relating to that
meeting, such proposals or nominations must be submitted to and received by the
Secretary of Hillenbrand, at its principal offices at One Batesville Boulevard,
Batesville, Indiana 47006, not later than September 8, 2010. |
In addition, with respect to proposals or nominations that will not be included
in our proxy statement for the 2011 Annual Meeting, Hillenbrands Amended and
Restated Code of By-laws provides that for business to be brought before a
shareholders meeting by a shareholder, or for nominations to the Board of
Directors to be made by a shareholder for consideration at a shareholders
meeting, written notice thereof must be received by the Secretary of Hillenbrand
at its principal offices not later than 100 days prior to the anniversary of the
immediately preceding Annual Meeting, or not later than November 14, 2010, for
the 2011 Annual Meeting of shareholders. This notice must also provide certain
information set forth in the Amended and Restated Code of By-laws. |
Q: |
What happens if a nominee for director is unable to serve as a director? |
A: |
If any of the nominees becomes unavailable for election, which we do not
expect to happen, votes will be cast for such substitute nominee or nominees as
may be designated by the Board of Directors, unless the Board of Directors
reduces the number of directors. |
Q: |
Can I view the shareholder list? If so, how? |
A: |
A complete list of the shareholders entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting
will be available to view during the Annual Meeting. The list will also be
available to view at the Companys headquarters during regular business hours
during the five business days preceding the Annual Meeting. |
Q: |
Who pays for the proxy solicitation related to the Annual Meeting? |
A: |
We do. In addition to sending you these materials, some of our directors
and officers as well as management and non-management employees may contact you
by telephone, mail, email, or in person. You may also be solicited by means of
press releases issued by Hillenbrand and postings on our web site,
www.hillenbrandinc.com. None of our officers or employees will receive any
additional compensation for soliciting your proxy. We have retained Broadridge
Investor Communications Solutions, Inc. to assist us in soliciting proxies for an
estimated fee of $35,800, plus reasonable out-of-pocket expenses. Broadridge
will ask brokers, banks, and other custodians and nominees whether they hold
shares for which other persons are beneficial owners. If so, we will supply them
with additional copies of the Proxy Materials for distribution to the beneficial
owners. We will also reimburse banks, nominees, fiduciaries, brokers, and other
custodians for their costs of sending the Proxy Materials to the beneficial
owners of Hillenbrand common stock. |
Q: |
How can I obtain a copy of the Annual Report on Form 10-K? |
A: |
A copy of Hillenbrands 2009 Annual Report on Form 10-K may be obtained
free of charge by writing or calling the Investor Relations Department of
Hillenbrand at its main office at One Batesville Boulevard, Batesville, Indiana,
47006, telephone (812) 931-6000 and facsimile (812) 931-5184. The 2009 Annual
Report on Form 10-K, as well as Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and Current
Reports on Form 8-K, are also available at Hillenbrands
web site, www.hillenbrandinc.com. |
Q: |
How can I obtain the Companys corporate governance information? |
A: |
The documents listed below are available on the Internet at the Companys
web site which is www.hillenbrandinc.com. You may also go directly to
www.hillenbrandinc.com/CorpGov_overview.htm for those documents. The documents
are also available in print to any shareholder who requests copies through our
Investor Relations Department at our main office at One Batesville Boulevard,
Batesville, Indiana 47006, telephone (812) 931-6000 and facsimile (812) 931-5184.
The available documents are: |
Hillenbrand, Inc. Corporate Governance Standards |
Hillenbrand, Inc. Committee Charters Audit Committee,
Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee, and Compensation and Management
Development Committee |
Position Descriptions for Chairperson of the Board, Vice Chairperson of
the Board, Members of the Board of Directors, Committee Chairpersons, and
Committee Vice Chairpersons |
Hillenbrand, Inc. Code of Ethical Business Conduct |
Restated and Amended Articles of Incorporation of Hillenbrand, Inc. |
Amended and Restated Code of By-laws of Hillenbrand, Inc. |
This section of the proxy statement introduces the members of our Board of
Directors, including the four directors who have been nominated for election to an
additional three-year term at the 2010 Annual Meeting.
The Restated and Amended Articles of Incorporation and the Amended and Restated
Code of By-laws of Hillenbrand provide that members of the Board of Directors are
classified with respect to the terms that they serve by dividing them into three equal
(or near-equal) classes. Directors in each class are elected to serve a three-year
term or until their successors have been duly elected and have qualified.
The Board of Directors currently consists of ten members, with three directors in
Classes I and III, and four directors in Class II. The terms of the directors expire
as follows:
Class |
Term Expires at: |
Class II
2010 Annual Meeting |
Class III
2011 Annual Meeting |
Class I
2012 Annual Meeting |
The four directors in Class II, who are each nominated for election to the Board
at the 2010 Annual Meeting to serve a three-year term ending at the 2013 Annual
Meeting, and who each have agreed to serve as a director if elected, are Mark C.
DeLuzio, James A. Henderson, Ray J. Hillenbrand, and F. Joseph Loughrey.
The Board of Directors recommends that shareholders vote FOR the election to the
Board of Directors of each of the four nominees.
Set forth below is information about all of our directors, including the four
nominees to be elected at the 2010 Annual Meeting of shareholders. The directors are
listed alphabetically within each class.
Class I (Terms expire in 2012)
Name, Age, and Year First |
Elected as a Director |
Other Information |
William J. Cernugel
Age 67
Director since 2008
William J. Cernugel has served as a
director of the Company since March
31, 2008. Mr. Cernugel was Senior
Vice President and Chief Financial
Officer of Alberto-Culver Company
from May 2000 until his retirement
in March 2007. Prior to that, he
served in various other financial
capacities for Alberto-Culver
Company including Senior Vice
President, Finance. Mr. Cernugel
also serves on several
not-for-profit boards. He is
currently a board member and
chairman of the Audit and Finance
Committee of the Rehabilitation
Institute of Chicago. Mr. Cernugel
is also a board member and
Secretary-Treasurer of Gottlieb
Memorial Foundation and until June
2008 was a board member of Gottlieb
Health Resources, Inc. and chairman
of its Audit and Finance Committee.
Mr. Cernugel was on the Board of
Directors and a member of the Audit
Committee of the Illinois CPA
Society from 2007 to 2009. Mr.
Cernugel is a Certified Public
Accountant. |
Eduardo R. Menascé
Age 64
Director since 2008
Eduardo R. Menascé has served as a
director of the Company since
February 8, 2008. Mr. Menascé also
is a director of Hill-Rom Holdings,
Inc. (formerly Hillenbrand
Industries, Inc.), the former parent
corporation of the Company, having
served on that board since 2004. He
is the retired President of the
Enterprise Solutions Group for
Verizon Communications, Inc., New
York City, New York. Prior to the
merger of Bell Atlantic and GTE
Corporation, which created Verizon
Communications, he was the Chairman,
President and Chief Executive
Officer of CTI MOVIL S.A.
(Argentina), a business unit of GTE
Corporation, from 1996 to 2000. Mr.
Menascé has also held senior
positions at CANTV in Venezuela and
Wagner Lockheed and Alcatel in
Brazil, and from 1981 to 1992 served
as Chairman of the Board and Chief
Executive Officer of GTE Lighting in
France. He earned a Bachelors
degree in Industrial Engineering
from Universidad Pontificia Catolica
de Rio de Janeiro and a Masters
degree in Business Administration
from Columbia University. Mr.
Menascé currently serves on the
boards of directors of Pitney Bowes
Inc., a global provider of
integrated mail and document
management solutions, John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., a developer, publisher
and seller of products in print and
electronic media for educational,
professional, scientific, technical,
medical, and consumer markets, and
KeyCorp, one of the nations leading
bank-based financial service
companies. |
Stuart A. Taylor, II
Age 49
Director since 2008
Stuart A. Taylor, II has served as a
director of the Company since
September 26, 2008. Mr. Taylor is
the Chief Executive Officer of The
Taylor Group LLC in Chicago, a
private equity firm focused on
creating and acquiring businesses in
partnership with women and minority
entrepreneurs. He has previously
held positions as Senior Managing
Director at Bear, Stearns & Co.
Inc., and Managing Director and head
of CIBC World Markets Global
Automotive Group and Capital Goods
Group. He also served as Managing
Director of the Automotive Industry
Group at Bankers Trust following a
10 year position at Morgan Stanley &
Co. Incorporated in Corporate
Finance. Mr. Taylor has been a
member of the board of directors for
Ball Corporation since 1999, where
he currently serves as Chairman of
the Human Resources Committee. |
Class II (Nominated for re-election this year)
Name, Age, and Year First |
Elected as a Director |
Other Information |
Mark C. DeLuzio
Age 53
Director since 2008
Mark C. DeLuzio has served as a
director of the Company since March
31, 2008. He is President and Chief
Executive Officer of Lean Horizons
Consulting, LLC, a global management
consulting business which he founded
in 2001. Prior to founding Lean
Horizons, he served as Vice
President, Danaher Business Systems
for Danaher Corporation. Mr.
DeLuzio serves as an advisory board
member for Central Connecticut State
Universitys School of Engineering
and Technology and the School of
Business. |
James A. Henderson
Age 75
Director since 2008
James A. Henderson has served as a
director of the Company since March
31, 2008. Mr. Henderson was
Chairman of the Board and Chief
Executive Officer of Cummins Inc.
prior to his retirement in December
1999. Mr. Henderson is a director
of Nanophase Technologies
Corporation. Mr. Henderson also
currently serves as Chairman of The
Culver Educational Foundation Board
of Trustees and was a member of the
Princeton University Board of
Trustees and served as Chairman of
the Executive Committee for the
university. He has previously
served as a director of AT&T Inc.,
International Paper Company, Rohm
and Haas Company and Ryerson, Inc. |
Ray J. Hillenbrand
Age 75
Director since 2008
Ray J. Hillenbrand has been
Chairperson of the Board of the
Company since February 8, 2008. He
previously served as a director of
Hillenbrand Industries, Inc., the
former parent corporation of the
Company, from 1970 until March 31,
2008. He served as that companys
Chairman of the Board from January
17, 2001 until March 31, 2006. He
is engaged in the management of
personal and family investments.
Mr. Hillenbrand was employed by and
active for 19 years in the
management of Hillenbrand Industries
prior to his resignation as Senior
Vice President and member of the
Office of the President in 1977.
Mr. Hillenbrand is President of
Dakota Charitable Foundation and
serves as a member of the Board of
Trustees of The Catholic University
of America, Washington, D.C. Mr.
Hillenbrand is a cousin of both W
August Hillenbrand and Thomas H.
Johnson. |
F. Joseph Loughrey
Age 60
Director since 2009
F. Joseph Loughrey has served as a
director of the Company since
February 11, 2009. On April 1,
2009, he retired from Cummins, Inc.
after serving at Cummins in a
variety of roles for 35 years, most
recently as Vice Chairman of the
Board of Directors and the companys
President and Chief Operating
Officer. Mr. Loughrey serves on a
number of boards, including as
Chairman for Conexus Indiana,
Chairman for Energy System Network,
and as a member of the boards of
Sauer-Danfoss, AB SKF, Vanguard
Group, Lumina Foundation for
Education and the Columbus Community
Education Coalition. |
Class III (Terms expire in 2011)
Name, Age, and Year First |
Elected as a Director |
Other Information |
Kenneth A. Camp
Age 64
Director since 2008
Kenneth A. Camp has served as a
director and as President and Chief
Executive Officer of the Company
since February 8, 2008. Mr. Camp
previously served as President of
Batesville Casket Company, Inc.
(Batesville) from May 1, 2001
until June 16, 2008. He continues
to serve as Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer of Batesville.
Mr. Camp previously held various
positions with our former parent
corporation, Hillenbrand Industries,
Inc., commencing October 8, 2001.
He served as Senior Vice President
of that company from October 1, 2006
until his resignation from that
position on March 31, 2008. He also
has held various positions at
Batesville including Vice
President/General Manager of
Operations from 1995 to 2000; Vice
President, Sales and Service; Vice
President, Marketing; and Vice
President, Strategic Planning. Mr.
Camp also serves on the boards of
the Manufacturers Alliance/MAPI and
the Funeral Service Foundation. |
W August Hillenbrand
Age 69
Director since 2008
W August Hillenbrand has served as a
director of the Company since
February 8, 2008. Mr. Hillenbrand
also is a director of Hill-Rom
Holdings, Inc., our former parent
company (previously named
Hillenbrand Industries, Inc.) having
served on that board since 1972. He
served as that companys Chief
Executive Officer from 1989 until
2000 and as President from 1981
until 1999. Prior to his retirement
in December 2000, Hillenbrand
Industries, Inc. had employed Mr.
Hillenbrand throughout his business
career. Mr. Hillenbrand is a board
member of the Ocean Reef Medical
Center and of the Ocean Reef Medical
Center Foundation. Mr. Hillenbrand
is the Chief Executive Officer of
Hillenbrand Capital Partners, an
unaffiliated family investment
partnership. Mr. Hillenbrand is a
cousin of Ray J. Hillenbrand. |
Thomas H. Johnson
Age 59
Director since 2008
Thomas H. Johnson has served as a
director of the Company since March
31, 2008. Mr. Johnson founded and
currently serves as Chairman of
Johnson Consulting Group, a
consulting firm focused on the death
care industry. Prior to founding
Johnson Consulting, he founded and
served as Chairman of Prime
Succession. Before Prime
Succession, he served in a variety
of other capacities in the death
care profession including as an
executive of Batesville. Mr.
Johnson is the sole owner of Johnson
Investment Group, LLC, which company
owns and operates two funeral homes
in the Phoenix, Arizona vicinity.
Mr. Johnson is also a 25% owner, and
the managing member, of Fire and
Stone Group, LLC which company owns
and operates a funeral home in
Batesville, Indiana. Mr. Johnson
currently serves on the boards of
the Funeral Service Foundation and
Great Western Life Insurance. Mr.
Johnson is a cousin of Ray J.
Hillenbrand. |
The Board of Directors is charged with overseeing the operations of the Company.
In this section of the proxy statement we describe the overall responsibilities of the
Board of Directors and its committees. These pages provide detailed information about
the role of the Board of Directors, our Corporate Governance documents, and how you
can communicate with the Board or with individual directors.
Boards Responsibilities
The Board of Directors is the ultimate decision-making body of the Company except
with respect to those matters reserved to the shareholders. The Board acts as an
advisor and counselor to senior management and oversees and monitors managements
Meetings of the Board and Committees
The Board agenda setting process generally involves the Chairperson of the Board,
Vice Chairperson of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, and Secretary, who develop a
proposed agenda for Board meetings. Proposed agenda items that fall within the scope
of responsibilities of a Board committee are initially developed by the chairperson of
that committee with management assistance. Board and committee materials related to
agenda items are provided to Board members sufficiently in advance of meetings
(typically one week) to allow the directors to prepare for discussion of the items at
the meetings.
At the invitation of the Board and its committees, members of senior management
attend Board and committee meetings or portions thereof for the purpose of
participating in discussions. Generally, discussions of matters to be considered by
the Board and its committees are facilitated by the manager responsible for that
function or area of the Companys operations. In addition, Board members have free
access to all other members of management and employees of the Company. As necessary
and appropriate in their discretion, the Board and its committees consult with
independent legal, financial, human resource, compensation, and accounting advisors to
assist in their duties to the Company and its shareholders.
The chairpersons of the committees of the Board each preside over the portion of
the Board meetings at which the principal items to be considered are within the scope
of the authority of their respective committees. The chairperson of each committee,
working with management, determines the frequency, length, and agenda of meetings of
that committee. Sufficient time to consider the agenda items is provided. Materials
related to agenda items are provided to the committee members sufficiently in advance
of meetings (typically one week) to allow the members to prepare for discussion of the
items at the meeting.
Executive sessions or meetings of outside directors without management present
are held after each Board meeting, and after each committee meeting as scheduled by
the chairpersons of the committees. The Chairperson of the Board generally presides
at executive sessions of non-management directors, except that the chairpersons of the
committees of the Board preside at executive sessions of non-management directors held
following meetings of their committees or at which the principal items to be
considered are within the scope or authority of their committees.
How You Can Communicate with Directors
Shareholders of the Company and other interested persons may communicate with the
Chairperson of the Board, the chairpersons of the Companys Nominating/Corporate
Governance Committee, Audit Committee, or Compensation and Management Development
Committee, or the non-management directors of the Company as a group, by sending an
email to our Investor Relations Department at investors@hillenbrandinc.com. The email
should specify which of the foregoing is the intended recipient so that it can be
forwarded accordingly.
Attendance at Annual Meetings
The upcoming Annual Meeting will be the second Annual Meeting of the Companys
shareholders. The Companys directors are expected to attend the annual meetings of
the shareholders. The Chairperson of the Board generally presides at the annual
meetings of shareholders, and the Board of Directors holds one of its regular meetings
in conjunction with the annual meetings of shareholders. All of the directors
attended the 2009 Annual Meeting of the shareholders of the Company in person.
Other Corporate Governance Matters
Both the Board of Directors and management of the Company firmly embrace good and
accountable corporate governance and believe that an attentive, performing Board is a
tangible competitive advantage. The composition of our Board was formed with an
emphasis on independence and the mix of characteristics, experiences, and diverse
perspectives and skills most appropriate for the Company. The Board has established
position specifications, including performance criteria, for its members, the
Chairperson of the Board, the Vice Chairperson of the Board, and the chairpersons and
vice chairpersons of each of the standing Board committees discussed below. These
position specifications are available on the Companys web site at
The Board of Directors has also taken other measures to ensure continued high
standards for corporate governance. Specifically, the Board has adopted Corporate
Governance Standards for the Board of Directors of the Company, the current version of
which can be found on the Companys web site. The Board has also adopted a Code of
Ethical Business Conduct that is applicable to all employees of the Company and its
subsidiaries, including the Companys chief executive officer, chief financial
officer, and principal accounting officer. No waivers of the requirement of our Code
of Ethical Business Conduct were granted during fiscal year 2009.
Consistent with the Companys commitment to sound corporate governance, the Board
and management believe that the foregoing measures, and others that have been taken,
place the Company in compliance with listing and corporate governance requirements of
the New York Stock Exchange, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, and related rules of the
SEC. Copies of the Companys Corporate Governance Standards, Code of Ethical Business
Conduct, and Board committee charters are filed or incorporated by reference as
exhibits to the Companys Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended September 30,
2009, and are available on the Companys web site at www.hillenbrandinc.com or in
print to any shareholder who requests copies through the Companys Investor Relations
Department at its main office at One Batesville Boulevard, Batesville, Indiana, 47006,
telephone (812) 931-6000 and facsimile (812) 931-5184.
Determinations with Respect to Independence of Directors
The Corporate Governance Standards of the New York Stock Exchange adopted by the
Board of Directors require the Board of Directors to make an annual determination
regarding the independence of each of the Companys directors and provide standards
for making those determinations which are prescribed by the New York Stock Exchange.
The Board made those determinations for each member of the Board on December 2, 2009,
based on an annual evaluation performed by and recommendations made by the
Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee.
To assist in the Boards determinations, each director completed materials
designed to identify any relationships that could affect the directors independence.
On the basis of these materials and the standards described above, the Board
determined that each of William J. Cernugel, Mark C. DeLuzio, James A. Henderson, Ray
J. Hillenbrand, Thomas H. Johnson, F. Joseph Loughrey, Eduardo R. Menascé, and Stuart
A. Taylor, II is independent.
On the basis of the standards described above and the materials submitted by the
directors, the Board determined that W August Hillenbrand does not meet the standards
for director independence because of an agreement we have with him to provide certain
benefits to him. That agreement was assumed by us from our former corporate parent in
connection with our spin-off. Details concerning the agreement are described under
the heading Compensation of Directors below. The Board has also determined that
Kenneth A. Camp does not meet the director independence standards because of his
current service as President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company. Accordingly,
neither of these non-independent directors serves on the Audit, Compensation and
Management Development, or Nominating/Corporate Governance Committees of the Board of
Committees of the Board of Directors
It is the general policy of the Company that all significant decisions be
considered by the Board as a whole. As a consequence, the standing (permanent)
committee structure of the Board is limited to those committees considered to be basic
to, or required for, the operation of a publicly owned company. Currently those
committees are the Compensation and Management Development Committee, Audit Committee,
and Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee, each of which has a written charter
adopted by the Board of Directors. (There are presently two other committees created
for specific purposes that are not considered to be permanent committees.) The
Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee recommends the members and chairpersons of
those committees to the Board. The Audit Committee, Compensation and Management
Development Committee, and Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee are made up of
only independent directors. The current charter for each of the Boards standing
committees is available on the Companys web site at www.hillenbrandinc.com and is
available in print to any shareholder who requests it through the Companys Investor
Relations Department at One Batesville Boulevard, Batesville, Indiana 47006, telephone
(812) 931-6000 and facsimile (812) 931-5184.
In furtherance of its policy of having significant decisions made by the Board as
a whole, the Company has an orientation and continuing education process for Board
members that includes extensive materials, meetings with key management, visits to
Company facilities, and Company and industry events. Moreover, as part of directors
education, which includes, among other things, regular dedicated sessions regarding
the Companys businesses and operations, Audit Committee sponsored financial literacy
and legal and regulatory compliance training, and participation in Company and
industry trade events, each director is expected to attend an outside governance
or director related seminar at least once every three years.
Audit Committee. The Audit Committee has general oversight
responsibilities with respect to the Companys financial reporting and financial
controls. It annually reviews the Companys financial reporting process, its system
of internal controls regarding accounting, legal, and regulatory compliance and ethics
that management or the Board has established, and the internal and external audit
processes of the Company. During fiscal year 2009, the Audit Committee consisted of
Eduardo R. Menascé (Chairperson), William J. Cernugel, Thomas H. Johnson, and Stuart
A. Taylor, II (Mr. Taylor was appointed to the Audit Committee on February 11, 2009).
Each member of the Audit Committee is independent under Rule 10A-3 of the SEC and New
York Stock Exchange listing standards and meets the financial literacy guidelines
established by the Board in the Audit Committee Charter. The Board interprets
financial literacy to mean the ability to read and understand audited and unaudited
consolidated financial statements (including the related notes) and monthly operating
statements of the sort released or prepared by the Company, as the case may be, in the
normal course of its business. The Board of Directors has determined that each member
of the Audit Committee is an audit committee financial expert as that term is
defined in Item 407(d) of Regulation S-K of the SEC.
Mr. Menascé also serves on the audit committees of two other public companies.
In accordance with our Audit Committee Charter, the Board of Directors has made a
determination that his service on those other public company audit committees does not
impair his ability to serve on our Audit Committee.
Compensation and Management Development Committee. The Compensation and
Management Development Committee (the Compensation Committee) assists the Board in
ensuring that the officers and key management of the Company are effectively
compensated in terms of salaries, supplemental compensation, and other benefits that
are internally equitable and externally competitive. The Compensation Committee is
also responsible for reviewing and assessing the talent development and succession
management actions concerning the officers and key employees of the Company. For
fiscal 2009, the Compensation Committee consisted of James A. Henderson (Chairperson),
Mark C. DeLuzio, Ray J. Hillenbrand, and F. Joseph Loughrey. (Stuart A. Taylor, II
served on the Compensation Committee from December 18, 2008, until February 11, 2009,
at which time he was appointed to the Audit Committee. Mr. Loughrey was appointed to
the Compensation Committee on February 11, 2009.) Each member of the Compensation
Committee is independent as defined by the New York Stock Exchange listing standards.
Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee. For fiscal 2009, the
Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee consisted of all of the independent
directors of the Company (being all directors except W August Hillenbrand and Kenneth
A. Camp). Stuart A. Taylor, II was appointed to the Nominating/Corporate Governance
Committee effective December 18, 2008. F. Joseph Loughrey was appointed to the
Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee effective February 11, 2009. Each member of
the Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee is independent as defined by the New
York Stock Exchange listing standards.
The charter for the Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee provides that the
primary function of this Committee is to assist the Board of Directors in ensuring
that the Company is operated in accordance with prudent and practical corporate
governance standards, ensuring that the Board achieves its objective of having a
majority of its members be independent in accordance with New York Stock Exchange and
other regulations, and identifying candidates for the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors has adopted position specifications applicable to members
of the Board of Directors, and nominees for the Board of Directors recommended by the
Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee must meet the qualifications set forth in
those position specifications. The specifications provide that a candidate for
director should not ever have (i) been the subject of an SEC enforcement action in
which he or she consented to the entry of injunctive relief, a cease and desist order,
or a suspension or other limitation on the ability to serve as a corporate officer or
supervisor; (ii) had any license suspended or revoked due to misconduct of any type;
or (iii) violated any fiduciary duty to the Company or its Code of Ethical Business
Conduct, and should exhibit the following characteristics:
Have a reputation for industry, integrity, honesty, candor, fairness,
and discretion; |
Be an acknowledged expert in his or her chosen field of endeavor, which
area of expertise should have some relevance to the Companys businesses or
operations; |
Be knowledgeable, or willing and able to become so quickly, in the
critical aspects of the Companys businesses and operations; and |
Be experienced and skillful in serving as a competent overseer of, and
trusted advisor to, senior management of a substantial publicly held
corporation. |
The Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee reviews incumbent directors against
the position specifications applicable to members of the Board of Directors and
independence standards set forth in the New York Stock Exchange listing standards.
The Board as a whole, the Board committees, and the individual directors are formally
evaluated annually by the Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee, whose findings
are reviewed with the Board. The Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee retains a
nationally recognized consulting firm to assist it with that evaluation process.
The Nominating/Corporate Governance Committees policy with respect to the
consideration of director candidates recommended by shareholders is that it will
consider such candidates. Any such recommendations should be communicated to the
Chairperson of the Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee in the manner described
above in How You Can Communicate with Directors and should be accompanied by
substantially the same types of information as are required under the Companys Code
of By-laws for shareholder nominees.
The Companys Amended and Restated Code of By-laws provides that nominations of
persons for election to the Board of Directors of the Company may be made for any
meeting of shareholders at which directors are to be elected by or at the direction of
the Board of Directors or by any shareholder entitled to vote for the election of
members of the Board of Directors at the meeting. For nominations to be made by a
shareholder, the shareholder must have given timely notice thereof in writing to the
Secretary of the Company, and any nominee must satisfy the qualifications established
by the Board of Directors of the Company from time-to-time as contained in the proxy
statement of the Company for the immediately preceding Annual Meeting of shareholders
or posted on the web site of the Company at www.hillenbrandinc.com. To be timely, a
shareholders nomination must be delivered to or mailed and received by the Secretary
not later than (i) in the case of the Annual Meeting, 100 days prior to the
anniversary of the date of the immediately preceding Annual Meeting which was
specified in the initial formal notice of such meeting (but if the date of the
forthcoming Annual Meeting is more than 30 days after such anniversary date, such
written notice will also be timely if received by the Secretary by the later of
100 days prior to the forthcoming meeting date and the close of business 10 days
following the date on which the Company first makes public disclosure of the meeting
date); and (ii) in the
case of a special meeting, the close of business on the tenth day following the date on
which the Company first makes public disclosure of the meeting date. The notice given
by a shareholder must set forth: (i) the name and address of the shareholder who
intends to make the nomination and of the person or persons to be nominated; (ii) a
representation that the shareholder is a holder of record, setting forth the shares so
held, and intends to appear in person or by proxy as a holder of record at the meeting
to nominate the person or persons specified in the notice; (iii) a description of all
arrangements or understandings between such shareholder and each nominee proposed by
the shareholder and any other person or persons (identifying such person or persons)
pursuant to which the nomination or nominations are to be made by the shareholders;
(iv) such other information regarding each nominee proposed by such shareholder as
would be required to be included in a proxy statement filed pursuant to the proxy
rules of the SEC; (v) the consent in writing of each nominee to serve as a director of
the Company if so elected; and (vi) a description of the qualifications of such
nominee to serve as a director of the Company.
Certain Relationships and Related Person Transactions
The Corporate Governance Standards for the Board require that all new proposed
related party transactions involving executive officers or directors must be reviewed
and approved by the Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee in advance. The
Corporate Governance Standards do not specify the standards to be applied by the
Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee in reviewing transactions with related
persons. However, we expect that in general the Nominating/Corporate Governance
Committee will consider all of the relevant facts and circumstances, including, if
applicable, but not limited to: the benefits to us; the impact on a directors
independence in the event the related person is a director, an immediate family member
of a director, or an entity in which a director is a partner, shareholder, or
executive officer; the availability of other sources for comparable products or
services; the terms of the transaction; and the terms available for similar
transactions with unrelated third parties.
In 2003, Batesville Casket Company entered into a contract with Nambé Mills, Inc.
pursuant to which Batesville Casket purchases urn products from Nambé Mills.
Purchases during the fiscal year ended September 30, 2009, were approximately
$501,503, and purchases during fiscal 2010 are projected to remain consistent with
prior years. John A. Hillenbrand, II, a director of Hillenbrand Industries, Inc.
until February 8, 2008, serves as Chairman Emeritus of Nambé Mills. Mr. Hillenbrands
children own substantially all of the equity of Nambé Mills. John A. Hillenbrand, II
is the brother of our Board Chairperson, Ray J. Hillenbrand. We believe these
purchases were made, and will continue to be made, on terms similar to those
Batesville Casket, one of our operating subsidiaries, could obtain from an unrelated
third party for these products.
Thomas H. Johnson, a director of the Company, through various companies owned by
him or in which he owns an interest, owns (a) 100% of the Menke Funeral Home in Sun
City, Arizona, and the Whitney & Murphy Funeral Home in Scottsdale, Arizona, and (b) a
25% interest in the Weigel Funeral Home in Batesville, Indiana. Those funeral homes
purchase products from the Companys subsidiary, Batesville Casket Company, at market
prices. In fiscal 2009, the total amount of purchases made from Batesville Casket by
those three funeral homes was $397,671.
W August Hillenbrand receives various benefits from us under an agreement he made
with our former parent. See Compensation of Directors and footnote (6) under the
tables in that section.
Attendance at Meetings
The following chart details the number of meetings of the Board and its three
standing committees attended by each of the directors (as applicable to them) during
the past fiscal year of the Company (a blank means not applicable):
Nominating/ |
Compensation |
Corporate |
and Management |
Audit |
Governance |
Development |
Board |
Committee |
Committee |
Committee |
Meetings |
Meetings |
Meetings |
Meetings |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Director |
(8 held) |
(8 held) |
(4 held) |
(4 held) |
Kenneth A. Camp |
8 |
William J. Cernugel |
8 |
8 |
4 |
Mark C. DeLuzio |
8 |
4 |
4 |
James A. Henderson |
8 |
4 |
4 |
W August Hillenbrand |
8 |
Ray J. Hillenbrand |
7 |
4 |
4 |
Thomas H. Johnson |
8 |
8 |
4 |
F. Joseph Loughrey (1) |
4 |
2 |
2 |
Eduardo R. Menascé |
8 |
8 |
4 |
Stuart A. Taylor II (2) |
8 |
4 |
4 |
2 |
(1) |
Mr. Loughrey was elected to the Companys Board of Directors and appointed
to the Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee and the Compensation and
Management Development Committee all on February 11, 2009. Mr. Loughrey attended
all meetings held following his election and appointments. |
(2) |
Mr. Taylor was appointed to the Companys Audit Committee on February 11,
2009. He was a member of the Companys Compensation and Management Development
Committee from December 18, 2008, until he was appointed to the Audit Committee.
Mr. Taylor attended all meetings held during his tenure on those committees. |
During the fiscal year ended September 30, 2009, no member of the Board of
Directors attended fewer than 75% of the aggregate of the number of meetings of the
full Board of Directors and the number of meetings of the standing committees on which
he served.
Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation
The Compensation Committee had no interlocks or insider participation during
fiscal 2009. Specifically in that regard, during all or some portion of fiscal year
2009, Messrs. DeLuzio, Henderson,
Loughrey, Taylor, and Ray J. Hillenbrand were the directors who served on the
Compensation Committee of the Company. None of such directors:
Is or has at any time been an officer or employee of the Company or any
of its subsidiaries; |
Has or has had at any time any direct or indirect interest in an
existing or proposed transaction involving more than $120,000 in which the
Company is, was, or was proposed to be a participant, or that is otherwise
required to be disclosed by us under the proxy disclosure rules. |
Also in that regard, during fiscal year 2009 none of our executive officers
served as a member of the board of directors or on the compensation committee of
another company, which other company had an executive officer who served on our Board
of Directors or our Compensation Committee.
We believe it is important that our directors and executive officers own stock in
the Company. In that regard, our non-employee directors are required, within four
years after becoming a director, to own and maintain ownership of a minimum of 12,000
shares of our Common Stock (including shares of deferred stock but not including
shares that may be acquired upon the exercise of stock options). Ownership
requirements for our Named Executive Officers are detailed in the Compensation
Discussion and Analysis section of this proxy statement.
The table below shows shares beneficially owned by all directors and executive
officers at December 17, 2009.
Security Ownership of Directors:
Shares (1) |
Percent Of |
Beneficially Owned As Of |
Total Shares |
Name |
December 17, 2009 |
Outstanding |
Kenneth A. Camp |
817,493 |
(2) |
1.30 |
% |
William J. Cernugel |
5,902 |
(3) |
* |
Mark C. DeLuzio |
11,605 |
(4) |
* |
James A. Henderson |
9,902 |
(3) |
* |
W August Hillenbrand |
1,148,544 |
(5) |
1.84 |
% |
Ray J. Hillenbrand |
761,240 |
(6) |
1.22 |
% |
Thomas H. Johnson |
10,902 |
(3) |
* |
F. Joseph Loughrey |
7,947 |
(7) |
* |
Eduardo R. Menascé |
12,876 |
(8) |
* |
Stuart A. Taylor II |
7,657 |
(9) |
* |
Security Ownership of Named Executive Officers:
Shares (1) |
Percent Of |
Beneficially Owned As Of |
Total Shares |
Name |
December 17, 2009 |
Outstanding |
Joe A. Raver |
127,289 |
(10) |
* |
Cynthia L. Lucchese |
109,850 |
(11) |
* |
P. Douglas Wilson |
86,986 |
(12) |
* |
John R. Zerkle |
126,716 |
(13) |
* |
All directors and executive
officers of the Company as
a group, consisting of 17
persons |
3,314,193 |
5.26 |
% |
* |
Ownership is less than one percent (1%) of the total shares outstanding. |
(1) |
The Companys only class of equity securities outstanding is common stock
without par value. Except as otherwise indicated in these footnotes, the persons
named have sole voting and investment power with respect to all shares shown as
beneficially owned by them. None of the shares beneficially owned by directors
and executive officers is pledged as security. |
(2) |
Includes 437,567 shares that may be purchased pursuant to stock options
that are exercisable within 60 days of December 17, 2009, 48,039 deferred stock
shares, and 284,490 shares of performance-based restricted stock, held on the
books and records of the Company. |
(3) |
Includes 5,902 deferred stock shares held on the books and records of the
Company. |
(4) |
Includes 5,902 deferred stock shares held on the books and records of the
Company and 5,703 shares acquired with deferred director fees and held on the
books and records of the Company under the Directors Deferred Compensation Plan. |
(5) |
Includes (i) 72,000 shares that may be purchased pursuant to stock options
that are exercisable within 60 days of December 17, 2009, (ii) 14,498 deferred
stock shares held on the books and records of the Company, and (iii) 2,109 shares
acquired with deferred director fees and held on the books and records of the
Company under the Directors Deferred Compensation Plan. Also includes 48,934
shares owned beneficially by W August Hillenbrands wife, Nancy K. Hillenbrand;
206,091 shares owned by grantor retained annuity trusts (GRATs); 680,594 shares
owned of record, or which may be acquired within sixty days, by trusts of which W
August Hillenbrand is trustee or co-trustee; and 71,773 shares held by a limited
liability company. Mr. Hillenbrand disclaims beneficial ownership of the 680,594
shares owned by trusts of which he is a trustee and the 71,773 shares held by a
limited liability company. |
(6) |
Includes 35,581 deferred stock shares held on the books and records of the
Company. Also includes 314,750 shares held of record by a charitable foundation,
of which Ray J. Hillenbrand is a trustee, and 250,000 shares held of record by
family partnerships for the benefit of other members of his immediate family.
Mr. Hillenbrand disclaims beneficial ownership of the shares held by the
charitable foundation and the family partnerships. |
(7) |
Includes 4,947 deferred stock shares held on the books and records of the
Company. |
(8) |
Includes 12,876 deferred stock shares held on the books and records of the
Company. |
(9) |
Includes 4,947 deferred stock shares held on the books and records of the
Company and 2,710 shares acquired with deferred director fees and held on the
books and records of the Company under the Directors Deferred Compensation Plan. |
(10) |
Includes 24,473 shares that may be purchased pursuant to stock options
that are exercisable within 60 days of December 17, 2009, 13,187 shares of
deferred stock shares, and 87,427 shares of performance-based restricted stock,
held on the books and records of the Company. |
(11) |
Includes 34,501 shares that may be purchased pursuant to stock options
that are exercisable within 60 days of December 17, 2009, 9,624 deferred stock
shares, and 65,725 shares of performance-based restricted stock, held on the
books and records of the Company. |
(12) |
Includes 17,792 shares that may be purchased pursuant to stock options
that are exercisable within 60 days of December 17, 2009, 6,933 shares of
deferred stock shares, and 58,761 shares of performance-based restricted stock,
held on the books and records of the Company. |
(13) |
Includes 41,808 shares that may be purchased pursuant to stock options
that are exercisable within 60 days of December 17, 2009, 3,739 shares of
deferred stock shares, and 69,589 shares of performance-based restricted stock,
held on the books and records of the Company. |
The following table provides information regarding all persons or entities known
to us that, as of the date indicated, were beneficial owners of more than 5% of the
Companys common stock.
Shares |
Percent Of |
Beneficially Owned As Of |
Total Shares |
Name |
December 17, 2009 |
Outstanding |
Barclays Global Investors UK Holdings Limited |
3,954,266 |
(1) |
6.36 |
% |
1 Churchill Place
Canary Wharf |
London |
Breeden Capital Management, LLC |
3,973,470 |
(2) |
6.39 |
% |
100 Northfield Street |
Greenwich, CT 06830-4618 |
Franklin Mutual Advisers, LLC |
3,373,205 |
(3) |
5.43 |
% |
101 John F. Kennedy Parkway |
3rd Floor
Short Hills, NJ 07078-2716 |
(1) |
This information is based on a 13F-HR filed by Barclays Global Investors
UK Holdings Limited with the Securities and Exchange Commission on November 12,
2009. |
(2) |
This information is based on a Schedule 13F-HR filed by Breeden Capital
Management, LLC with the Securities and Exchange Commission on November 16, 2009. |
(3) |
This information is based on a Schedule 13F filed by Franklin Resources,
Inc. with the Securities and Exchange Commission on November 12, 2009. |
Letter from the Chairperson of the Compensation and Management Development Committee:
Over the past fiscal year, the Compensation and Management Development Committee
continued its comprehensive review and design of the Companys compensation plan for
executives. This work, done with the help of an independent outside advisor and
management input, resulted in the Committee reaffirming the Companys previously
adopted compensation philosophy, an update of the compensation peer group, the
execution and monitoring of the new performance-based long-term incentive award
program, and the continuation of a short-term incentive plan that supports the
achievement of the long-term goals of the Company. The performance-based long-term
incentive award program is of particular note as it is a change from time-based
restricted stock to performance-based restricted stock, thereby more directly aligning
the Companys economic value and executive compensation.
While the design of the compensation program is significantly performance-based,
it also reflects our perspective not to encourage excessive risk-taking. The design
rewards the senior executives with a blend of base salary, short-term incentives,
long-term rewards, and required share ownership. We believe that this blend of
components provides the Companys leadership team with the appropriate incentives to
create long-term value for shareholders while taking thoughtful and prudent risks to
grow the value of the Company. The Compensation Committee and Audit Committee work
closely to ensure that there is a shared risk assessment view.
In addition, the Committee devoted significant time over this past year to the
tasks of ensuring that the Company is well prepared and positioned to achieve its
goals for Batesville Casket Company and to be successful in acquisitions. This
included a particular focus on talent management, succession planning for critical
roles throughout the Company, and reviewing other key people initiatives.
For the Company to be successful in achieving its goal of generating appropriate
long-term returns for shareholders, it is essential to attract, retain, and develop
high-quality, passionate, and committed executive leadership. The Committee
recognizes that while this is essential, it alone is not sufficient. In addition, the
members of the executive management team must exercise their commitment and passion
with the highest standards of ethical behavior at all times and in all situations.
Thank you for your investment in Hillenbrand, Inc. It is our expectation to
continue to demonstrate that the trust you have placed in us is well deserved and well
James A. Henderson |
Vice Chairperson, Board of Directors |
Chairperson, Compensation and
Management Development Committee |
Part I of this section on Executive Compensation presents a thorough discussion
of our executive compensation philosophy, policies, and procedures as they relate to
our executive officers named in the discussion (the SEC rules specify which officers
should be reported, and they are identified as our Named Executive Officers). Part
II is a report from the Compensation Committee. Following that report, in Part III,
we present numerous tables that report in detail the compensation of, and the
potential amounts payable by the Company under certain contractual agreements with,
the Named Executive Officers.
We have attempted to assist you in your understanding of the information
presented by the use of tables and charts as much as possible. We encourage you to
keep two basic thoughts in mind as you read this section:
First, the compensation of our Named Executive Officers is set by our
Compensation Committee, which is a committee of independent directors. |
Second, a significant portion of all Named Executive Officers
compensation is variable and based on their individual performance and the
performance of the Company. This is designed to align their compensation
with the interests of the shareholders of the Company. |
Our Named Executive Officers
The five Named Executive Officers of the Company whose compensation information
is being discussed and reported in this proxy statement, and their positions with the
Company, are as follows:
Kenneth A. Camp
President and Chief Executive Officer |
Joe A. Raver
Senior Vice President and President of
Batesville Casket Company |
Cynthia L. Lucchese
Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer |
P. Douglas Wilson
Senior Vice President, Human Resources
John R. Zerkle
Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary |
A Brief Historical Perspective
The Spin. Prior to April 1, 2008, the Company was a wholly owned
subsidiary of a public company named Hillenbrand Industries, Inc. (now named Hill-Rom
Holdings, Inc.) (HHI). At that time, HHI conducted two separate businesses it
manufactured and sold hospital beds and other medical devices under the brand name
Hill-Rom, and it manufactured and sold burial caskets and related products under the
brand name Batesville Casket. On April 1, 2008, the shares of the Companys stock
were distributed to HHIs shareholders in a spin-off transaction (the Spin),
resulting in HHI and the Company becoming separate public companies.
Engaging a Compensation Consultant. The Company engaged Ernst & Young
LLP to be the Compensation Committees independent compensation and benefits
consulting firm (the Compensation Consultant) to (1) evaluate independently and
objectively the effectiveness of and assist with implementation of our compensation
and benefit programs, and (2) provide the Compensation Committee with additional
expertise in the evaluation of our compensation practices and of the
recommendations developed by management and firms engaged by us. The Committees
Compensation Consultant also provides information and insights relative to current and
emerging compensation and benefits practices. Ernst & Young was the independent
compensation consultant of HHI immediately prior to the Spin, and the selection of
that firm to continue as the Compensation Consultant for the Company provided
desirable continuity to our compensation program administration through and following
the Spin.
Establishing Compensation Programs. In conjunction with the Spin, the
Company established compensation and benefit programs that were identical in all
material respects to the compensation and benefit programs of HHI. This fact,
together with the engagement of Ernst & Young as the Committees independent
compensation advisor, provided a seamless transition of compensation and benefit
payments from HHI to our Company as far as our employees were concerned.
Employing the Named Executive Officers. The Spin necessitated the
filling of five new positions as executive officers of the Company. Mr. Camp, who had
been the President and CEO of Batesville Casket Company prior to the Spin, assumed
that same position with the Company. Likewise, Mr. Zerkle moved up from his position
as General Counsel of Batesville Casket Company to become the general counsel of the
The other three Named Executive Officers were hired from outside the Company as
new employees. Mr. Raver was hired shortly after the Spin as the chief operating
officer of Batesville Casket Company to assume the majority of the duties that Mr.
Camp had been performing. Ms. Lucchese was hired in January 2008, in anticipation of
the occurrence of the Spin, as the Companys chief financial officer. Mr. Wilson was
hired a week before the Spin as the chief human resources officer of the Company. The
Committees Compensation Consultant worked closely with the Committee in developing
relevant market compensation data that was utilized in our searches to fill these
Building Upon the Established Foundation of Executive Compensation; New
Philosophy. Following the Spin, the newly formed Compensation Committee, in
conjunction with management and the Committees independent compensation advisor,
began a comprehensive review of executive compensation programs. The Committee
approved several changes to these programs; the most significant was a move from the
use of time-based restricted stock awards as part of the annual long-term incentive
compensation to using performance-based restricted stock awards. The Committee also
adopted a new Executive Compensation Philosophy, again focusing on the alignment of
our executive compensation program with the interests of shareholders.
Our Executive Compensation Philosophy
Our Compensation Committee has adopted the following Executive Compensation
Philosophy, which describes the objectives and principles of our executive
compensation program, and which is used as the guide to our program design and
compensation decisions:
Hillenbrands executives should be fairly compensated for creating
appropriate long-term returns for shareholders.
The executive compensation program is designed to ensure
officers and key management personnel are effectively
compensated in terms of base salary, incentive compensation,
and other benefits that advance the long-term interest of
Hillenbrands shareholders.
The compensation program is based on the following principles:
Reinforcing the absolute requirement for ethical
behavior in all practices; |
Aligning managements interests with those of
shareholders; |
Motivating management to achieve superior results by
paying for sustainable performance; |
Ensuring competitive compensation in order to attract
and retain superior talent; |
Maintaining a significant portion of at-risk
compensation (superior performance is rewarded with
commensurate incentives, while little to no incentive is
paid for underperformance); |
Delineating clear accountabilities; and |
Providing clarity and transparency in compensation
structure. |
Components of Total Compensation
The components of our executive compensation program are shown in the following
table. A more detailed discussion of these components and the plans under which they
are provided appears later in this Compensation Discussion and Analysis section.
Component |
Description and Purpose |
Base Salary
Fixed compensation intended to
provide a base level of income
and aid in the attraction and
retention of talent in a
competitive market. |
Short-Term Incentive Compensation
Variable annual cash bonus
designed to motivate and reward
individuals based on achieving
both company-wide and individual
performance goals for a given
fiscal year. Also aids in the
attraction and retention of
talent in a competitive market. |
Long-Term Incentive Compensation
Variable annual equity grant
designed to reward executives for
creating shareholder value and
for their individual
contributions to the Companys
performance as well as to
motivate future contributions and
decisions aimed at increasing
shareholder value. Also aids in
the attraction and retention of
talent in a competitive market.
Our Named Executive Officers are
required to retain a certain
amount of Company equity or stock
as described in the section below
entitled Stock Ownership
Requirement. |
Retirement and Other Benefits
Fixed component of compensation
intended to protect against
catastrophic expenses
(healthcare, disability, and life
insurance) and provide
opportunity to save for
retirement (pension and 401(k)). |
Post-Termination Compensation
(Severance and Change in Control)
Severance program designed to
provide protection that allows
executives to focus on acting in
the best interests of
shareholders regardless of the
impact on their own employment. |
Key Point: Focus on Performance-Based Compensation
Referring to the previous chart, the first three elements (base salary, STIC, and
LTIC) make up what is generally referred to as an employees core compensation. It
is important to note that a key element of the compensation philosophy of Hillenbrand
and our Compensation Committee is that a significant portion of each of the Named
Executive Officers core compensation will be performance-based and therefore at
risk. Stated another way, each of the Named Executive Officers receives a base
salary regardless of the performance of the Company in any individual year. Any
particular officers salary can be and is modified from year-to-year based on such
officers individual performance and changes in responsibilities, as determined by the
Compensation Committee. Beyond base salary, each of our Named Executive Officers is
eligible to receive STIC and LTIC, but those components of compensation are variable
and at risk, dependent on the performance of the Company and the individual
performance of each of the officers.
This point is illustrated by the following pie chart, which shows the fixed (base
salary) and variable (STIC and LTIC) compensation at target levels for our President
and CEO, Kenneth A. Camp, for the fiscal year 2009:
As shown in the above chart, 80% of Mr. Camps target core compensation for the
year was performance-based, and at risk, and 20% was fixed. The Compensation
Committee believes that this approach to compensating our Named Executive Officers
aligns their compensation packages appropriately with the interests of the
shareholders of the Company and creates incentives for them to act in the best
interest of the shareholders.
Target Core Compensation Mix
Subject to discretionary deviations deemed by the Committee to be appropriate,
the Compensation Committee generally follows guidelines for the STIC and LTIC target
awards that are tied to the base salaries of the Named Executive Officers. Those
guidelines are discussed in more detail below. The application of those guidelines
produces a core compensation mix of approximately 20% base salary, 20% STIC, and 60%
LTIC for Mr. Camp, and a mix of approximately 30% base salary, 20% STIC, and 50% LTIC
for the other Named Executive Officers.
Process for Determining Compensation
Timing of Compensation Decisions. In December of each year, the
Compensation Committee takes the following actions:
It sets the base salaries of the Named Executive Officers for the coming
calendar year. |
It adjusts, if deemed appropriate, the STIC target award formula for
each Named Executive Officer and establishes the Company performance
objectives that are to be used in the award formula for the current fiscal
year. |
It makes LTIC awards to the Named Executive Officers and determines the
Company performance period (usually three years) and Company performance
objectives that are to be used in the award formula. |
It establishes the actual STIC awards to be paid to the Named Executive
Officers for the fiscal year ended on the past September 30. |
Factors Considered in Setting Compensation.
In General. In establishing and adjusting our executive
compensation programs and the compensation packages for the Named Executive
Officers, the Compensation Committee considers and analyzes a number of factors,
each of which is informative but none of which is individually determinative of
the outcome of the Committees work. The Committee acts with informed judgment
to establish compensation packages for the Named Executive Officers that are
appropriate under all the circumstances and that are designed to enable the
Company to attract, motivate, and retain the executive talent needed to operate
the Company, including the implementation of its announced intention to grow and
diversify through business acquisitions, in a manner in the best interests of
the shareholders.
The factors the Compensation Committee considers are discussed below. They
are not discussed in any order of priority; no one factor standing alone is
necessarily more important than all the others.
Peer Group Data. As one of several factors in considering approval
of elements of our compensation programs and appropriate levels of compensation
of our Named Executive Officers, the Compensation Committee compares our
compensation programs and levels to those of a selected peer group of companies.
Our Compensation Committee believes that we have to remain competitive in order
to attract, retain, and motivate our executive talent and believes that our
Named Executive Officers should be rewarded appropriately when the Company
exceeds expected performance targets. We do not, however, rigidly target any of
the core compensation components of our Named Executive Officers to any specific
percentile of our peer group compensation levels. As a general rule, our
Compensation Committee seeks to target the core compensation of our Named
Executive Officers within the range between the 50th and 75th percentiles of the
average total core compensation amounts paid by our peer group.
The Committee and its Compensation Consultant review various financial
metrics and business attributes in selecting the companies to be included in,
and in periodically making additions to or deletions from, our peer group of
companies. (In 2009, Tredegar Corporation was added to our peer group to
replace a company in the group that was acquired and no longer met the peer
group qualification standards.) In developing our peer group, our Compensation
Committee reviews various financial metrics and business attributes (i.e., free
cash flow, operating income, return on invested capital, etc.) to assess whether
additions or deletions to the current peer group are appropriate. In addition,
various members of management provide input relative to understanding the
Companys key financial metrics, key competitors for talent, key competitors
with whom the Company competes in the market, the business plan, and other
factors. The following qualitative factors are also considered in developing
the peer group:
Non-cyclical versus cyclical companies; |
Companies with an internal distribution method and a supply chain
management focus versus those with external distribution methods; |
Companies focusing on continuous improvement in all aspects of their
business versus those that do not apply a continuous improvement model; |
Companies that manufacture products with wood and/or metal versus those
that manufacture products using other materials; |
Companies that are product leaders, manufacturing a quality end product;
and |
Companies that are primarily domestic versus those that are global. |
The peer group currently consists of the following sixteen companies:
Acuity Brands, Inc.
Sealy Corporation |
American Woodmark Corporation
Service Corporation International |
Ethan Allen Interiors Inc.
Simpson Manufacturing Co., Inc. |
Herman Miller, Inc.
Spartech Corporation |
HNI Corporation
Stewart Enterprises, Inc. |
Kimball International
Tempur-Pedic International Inc. |
Matthews International Corporation
The Middleby Corporation |
Roper Industries
Tredegar Corporation |
Survey Data. In addition to peer group data, the Compensation
Committee considers published compensation survey data provided by its
Compensation Consultant, focusing on compensation data for companies in the
manufacturing industry with revenues within a comparable range of the Companys
revenue. The survey data provides additional compensation data targeted to the
specific job responsibilities of our Named Executive Officers.
External Market Conditions. The Compensation Committee also takes
into account external market conditions when establishing the total compensation
of each Named Executive Officer. We are located in a relatively small rural
community between Indianapolis and Columbus, Indiana, and Cincinnati, Ohio, all
of which are home to other public companies, and we must compete with companies
in those metropolitan areas for our executive talent.
Individual Factors. Individual factors are also considered by the
Compensation Committee in establishing the compensation packages of our Named
Executive Officers. These factors include the level and breadth of experience
and responsibility of the officer, the complexity of the position, individual
performance and growth potential, and the difficulty of replacement. Individual
performance of our Named Executive Officers is evaluated in large part based
upon the achievement of group and personal goals that are established by
management and approved by the Compensation Committee each year.
2009 Individual Performance Goals. We identified four common
personal objectives for the Named Executive Officers for fiscal year 2009. They
are as follows:
Strengthen our separate company capabilities by ensuring that
resources, processes, procedures, and controls necessary to be a
successful, compliant, efficient, and well controlled public company
are in place. This will be accomplished through the application of
the principles of continuous improvement across the enterprise. |
Support the Batesville Casket core business by providing
Batesville Casket with necessary and sufficient resources to continue
to generate strong, predictable cash flows. This will be
accomplished through a transparent resource allocation process
and a commitment to a lean organization... both at the corporate and
operating company levels. |
Actively pursue acquisitions by identifying prudent opportunities
that provide long-term revenue and earnings per share growth, meet
our strategic criteria, and leverage our core competencies. This
will be accomplished through an active screening process that engages
the senior-most leadership in the identification of targets and the
broader organization in evaluation. |
Ensure acquisition success by planning and preparing for due
diligence and integration with a specific focus on our areas of
competency, including continuous improvement, logistics, and
developing talent. This will be accomplished through (a) attracting,
developing, deploying, and retaining high performance individuals who
are resources for today and tomorrow, and (b) training internal
resources for due diligence and integration. |
The following unique personal objectives were identified for each of the
Named Executive Officers for fiscal year 2009:
For Mr. Camp, executing the Companys strategy and business plan;
managing pending litigation; leading our new growth initiatives and
overseeing the Companys acquisition activities; and achieving the
Companys financial objectives; |
For Mr. Raver, developing and executing the business plan of
Batesville Casket Company; growing core revenue and income before
taxes; growing revenue in under-penetrated segments; improving the
Companys cost structure; actively pursuing strategic acquisitions
and alliances; and strengthening core capabilities; |
For Ms. Lucchese, establishing appropriate processes and
procedures for the operation of the Company as a separate,
stand-alone public company; providing financial support with
excellence to the Company as a newly formed public company; managing
financial due diligence efforts with respect to the Companys
acquisition activities; and providing financial support where
necessary to the Companys subsidiaries and their finance staff; |
For Mr. Wilson, establishing appropriate processes and procedures
for the operation of the Company as a separate, stand-alone public
company; providing human resources support with excellence to the
Company as a newly formed public company; providing support where
necessary to the Companys subsidiaries and their staff; managing
human resources, compensation, and benefit due diligence efforts with
respect to the Companys acquisition activities; and building the
talent pool to strengthen the capabilities and competencies of the
Company; and |
For Mr. Zerkle, establishing appropriate processes and procedures
for the operation of the Company as a separate, stand-alone public
company; providing general legal counsel with excellence to the
Company as a newly formed public company; providing legal support
where necessary to the Companys subsidiaries and their general
counsel; managing legal due diligence efforts and transaction
documentation with respect to the Companys acquisition activities;
managing all litigation involving
the Company; and supervising and coordinating the responsibilities of
other attorneys in the Companys legal department. |
Internal Pay Equity. The Compensation Committee considers the
differentials between the compensation levels of our Named Executive Officers in
light of their respective positions and responsibilities and seeks to maintain
those differentials at equitable levels, considering peer group and survey data
with respect to comparable differentials at other companies.
Aggregate Compensation. For our Named Executive Officers, the
Compensation Committee considers the aggregate value of their core compensation
components of base salary, STIC at target level, and the estimated value of LTIC
at target level. The Compensation Committee compares the aggregate amount of
these elements of core compensation for our Named Executive Officers to the
aggregate amount of the same elements of executive officer compensation at other
companies using peer group and survey data. Additionally, the Compensation
Committee reviews tally sheets reflecting all compensation paid to our Named
Executive Officers, including retirement and other benefits, perquisites, and
amounts potentially payable to them upon a change in control of the Company.
Finally, the Compensation Committee considers projections as to the potential
future value of long-term equity awards made to the Named Executive Officers.
Advice of Compensation Consultant. The Compensation Committee
seeks and considers the expert advice and recommendations of the Compensation
Consultant in connection with the administration of our compensation programs
and the establishment of appropriate compensation components and levels with
respect to our Named Executive Officers.
Fiscal 2009 Compensation Decisions
Base Salaries. Prior to fiscal 2009, as noted previously, the then
current base salaries of Ms. Lucchese and Messrs. Raver and Wilson had been determined
during 2008 as the result of arms length hiring processes with respect to each of
them. With respect to Messrs. Camp and Zerkle, the HHI Compensation Committee, prior
to the Spin, working with its independent compensation consultant (also Ernst &
Young), recommended certain compensation adjustments for each of them in light of
their increased responsibilities and new roles after the Spin. The Board of Directors
of the Company agreed with those recommendations, and as a result new base salaries
were implemented for each of them effective April 1, 2008.
In considering fiscal 2009 compensation, the Compensation Committee received from
and reviewed in detail with the Committees Compensation Consultant an Executive
Compensation Analysis reporting, among other things, the median compensation paid by
our then current peer group to its top five executive officers (based on compensation)
and the median compensation levels of similar executive officers as determined from
various published compensation surveys. By comparison to our peer group, the base
salaries of our Named Executive Officers ranged from a low of 84% to a high of 99% of
the peer group median.
Mr. Camp provided to and discussed with the Committee his review of and comments
with respect to the performance of the other Named Executive Officers. Mr. Camp also
recommended to the Committee proposed compensation packages for the other Named
Executive Officers (which he had developed in consultation with Ernst & Young and
after review of the Executive Compensation Analysis report provided to the Committee
in September). After discussing the recommendations and
performance of the other Named Executive Officers, the Committee approved the
compensation for this group.
The Compensation Committee, outside of Mr. Camps presence, also discussed Mr.
Camps performance. This conversation included a review of Mr. Camps objectives as
approved by the Committee for 2009 and the level of achievement of each of those
After assessing Mr. Camps performance for the year, the Committee, considering
the impact of all relevant factors and considering the advice and recommendations of
the Committees Compensation Consultant, determined Mr. Camps compensation for 2009.
The following adjustments were made to the Named Executive Officers base
2008 |
2009 |
% Increase |
Mr. Camp |
$ |
650,000 |
$ |
675,000 |
3.8 |
Mr. Raver |
$ |
400,000 |
$ |
415,000 |
3.8 |
Ms. Lucchese |
$ |
300,000 |
$ |
312,000 |
4.0 |
Mr. Wilson |
$ |
250,000 |
$ |
260,000 |
4.0 |
Mr. Zerkle |
$ |
275,000 |
$ |
285,000 |
3.6 |
Annual Cash Incentives Awards (STIC).
Overview. The payment of annual short-term cash incentives to our Named
Executive Officers for fiscal 2009 was formula-based, with adjustments for achievement
of common and individual performance goals, and was governed by our Short-Term
Incentive Compensation Plan for Key Executives (STIC Plan). The STIC Plan is
designed to motivate our Named Executive Officers to perform and meet both Company and
individual objectives. It is consistent with our philosophy that employees should
share in the Companys success when value is created for our shareholders. The
potential to be paid significant awards plays an important role in the attraction and
retention of our Named Executive Officers.
STIC Formula Design. Our Compensation Committee has approved a formula
for calculating the maximum STIC awards potentially payable to our Named Executive
Officers under the STIC Plan. At the end of each fiscal year, the Compensation
Committee then exercises negative discretion, to the extent deemed appropriate and
based primarily on individual performance reviews relating to the achievement of
personal goals established for the Named Executive Officers, to reduce the maximum
award amounts to the actual payout levels.
We have structured our formula to produce the maximum potential award, rather
than a lesser targeted amount, in order to qualify our STIC payments for an income tax
deduction without that deduction being limited in amount (or possibly denied in total)
by Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code. In order to avoid the limiting
effects of Section 162(m), the Company must not have any discretion to increase the
amount of the award produced by the award formula. However, the Company can exercise
discretion to reduce the actual payout below the award formula amounts. Accordingly,
we have designed our formula to calculate the maximum possible STIC amounts payable,
with the understanding that the Compensation Committee has discretion to reduce the
formula amounts to arrive at the actual STIC payment amounts to our Named Executive
STIC Maximum Award Formula. Our formula for calculating the maximum
STIC amounts potentially payable to our Named Executive Officers each year is as
Individual Factor |
Company |
Maximum |
Maximum |
Base Salary |
x |
x |
Performance |
x |
Award |
= |
Potential |
Factor |
Factor |
STIC Award |
The formula components are described and quantified as follows:
Base salary the amount of salary paid to the Named Executive Officer
during the fiscal year in question. |
Individual Factor a predetermined percentage of base salary (90% for
Mr. Camp, 75% for Mr. Raver, and 50% for the other Named Executive
Officers). The Committee could adjust those percentages from year to year
at the beginning of the fiscal year, if deemed appropriate. |
Company Performance Factor a percentage reflecting the Companys (or
Batesville Caskets with respect to Mr. Raver) achievement level with
respect to the pre-established financial performance targets set by the
Committee for each fiscal year. This percentage will be zero (producing a
zero formula amount) if the Company (or Batesville Casket, if applicable)
does not achieve at least a threshold achievement percentage level
established by the Committee (which was 90% for fiscal 2009). The maximum
achievement percentage possible is 200%. The pre-established financial
performance targets currently used in the formula are designated amounts of
Net Revenues and Core IBT for the Company and Batesville Casket, as
applicable, which are calculated as follows: |
Net Revenue the amount established as the
target amount is the same for both the Company and Batesville Casket
since the Company itself has no revenue-producing operations. In
determining the overall Company or Batesville Casket achievement
level each year, the achievement level for Net Revenue is weighted at
20% of the total in determining the Companys (or Batesville
Caskets) overall performance achievement level. In calculating Net
Revenue, the effects of the following items are ignored: |
acquisitions made during the fiscal
year; |
divestitures made during the fiscal
year (corresponding adjustments will be made to the plan
targets); and |
changes in accounting pronouncements
in United States GAAP or applicable international standards
that cause an inconsistency in computation as originally
designed. |
Core IBT this is income before taxes, adjusted
to eliminate selected extraordinary and non-recurring items as listed
below. The adjustment items are determined in advance by the
Compensation Committee during the first quarter of each fiscal year.
Core IBT achievement is weighted at 80% of the total in determining
the Companys (or Batesville Caskets) overall performance
achievement level. In calculating Core IBT, the following items are
excluded or their effects ignored: |
all professional fees, due diligence
fees, expenses, and integration costs related to a specific
acquisition; |
all professional fees, due diligence
fees, expenses, and integration costs related to a specific
divestiture; |
income, losses, or impairments from
specific financial instruments transferred to the corporation
as part of the Spin (i.e., auction rate securities, equity
limited partnerships, common stock, and Forethought note); |
stock compensation expense; |
external extraordinary legal costs (e.g., antitrust litigation); |
Spin-related costs; |
restructuring costs; and |
changes in accounting pronouncements
in United States GAAP or applicable international standards
that cause an inconsistency in computation as originally
designed. |
Maximum Award Factor a multiplier established by the Committee in
order to produce the maximum award payout amount. It is currently 1.2.
This factor serves two purposes. First, it provides a sufficient potential
payout amount to reward above-average individual or Company performance.
Second, it provides a cap on the award formula amount. |
Company Performance Factors. The Companys financial performance
objectives and threshold achievement percentages are established annually at levels
that typically reflect strong financial performance under then existing conditions.
The target objectives are intended to represent stretch goals based on the business
plan of the Company so that management must be diligent, focused, and effective in
order to reach these goals. The objectives are set with the intention that the
relative level of difficulty in achieving the targets is consistent from year to year.
The Company has exceeded its threshold level but did not reach its targeted objective
amount in each of its last two fiscal years.
The following table sets forth the Companys and Batesville Caskets targeted
financial performance objectives and targeted threshold achievement percentages, and
the actual amounts achieved, for fiscal year 2009:
2009 |
Batesville |
Company |
Casket |
Targeted |
Targeted |
Batesville |
Objective |
Objective |
Company |
Casket |
Financial |
Amount |
Amount |
Threshold |
Achievement |
Achievement |
Criteria |
(millions) |
(millions) |
Percentage |
Percentage |
Percentage |
Net Revenue |
$ |
715.6 |
$ |
715.6 |
90 |
% |
90.7 |
% |
90.7 |
% |
Core IBT |
$ |
173.7 |
$ |
195.0 |
90 |
% |
94.3 |
% |
94.7 |
% |
For fiscal 2009, Mr. Ravers STIC award formula was based on the financial objectives
of Batesville Casket Company rather than those of the Company, while the award
formulas for our other 2009 Named Executive Officers were based on the Companys
financial objectives.
2009 STIC Awards. For fiscal year 2009, the maximum STIC awards payable, and
the actual STIC awards paid, to our Named Executive Officers were as follows:
Fiscal |
Company |
Maximum |
Maximum |
Actual |
Named Executive |
Year Base |
Individual |
Performance |
Award |
Officer |
x |
Salary |
x |
Factor |
x |
Factor * |
x |
Factor |
= |
Award |
Award Paid |
Kenneth A. Camp |
$ |
669,231 |
90 |
% |
69.6 |
% |
1.2 |
$ |
503,048 |
$ |
440,000 |
Joe A. Raver |
$ |
411,539 |
75 |
% |
69.6 |
% |
1.2 |
$ |
257,788 |
$ |
215,000 |
Cynthia L. Lucchese |
$ |
309,231 |
50 |
% |
69.6 |
% |
1.2 |
$ |
129,135 |
$ |
97,000 |
P. Douglas Wilson |
$ |
257,692 |
50 |
% |
69.6 |
% |
1.2 |
$ |
107,612 |
$ |
103,000 |
John R. Zerkle |
$ |
282,692 |
50 |
% |
69.6 |
% |
1.2 |
$ |
118,052 |
$ |
98,500 |
* |
Although the achieved performance factor for the Company was slightly
higher than 69.6%, which was the achieved performance factor for Batesville
Casket Company, the Company elected to calculate 2009 STIC payouts based on the
lower performance factor for all of our Named Executive Officers. |
Long Term Incentive Compensation (LTIC).
Overview. We provide Long-Term Incentive Compensation to our Named
Executive Officers (and other employees) by awarding them stock options, deferred
stock awards, or restricted stock. Our Stock Incentive Plan (the Stock Plan)
enables us to grant such equity-based awards.
The Compensation Committee makes and administers all awards made to our Named
Executive Officers under the Stock Plan. A total of 4,635,436 shares of our common
stock is available for equity awards under the Stock Plan. There are annual limits as
to the number of options or shares of deferred or restricted stock that can be granted
to any one employee or director each year. (Under Proposal No. 2, we are submitting
our revised Stock Incentive Plan (the Amended Plan) for approval by our shareholders
at the 2010 Annual Meeting. The Amended Plan submitted for approval increases the
number of shares that are available for equity awards under the Amended Plan to
8,635,436 shares, an increase of 4,000,000 shares.)
Although the Company does not have a written policy regarding the timing or
practices related to granting equity awards, neither the Company nor the Compensation
Committee engages in spring-loading, back-dating, or bullet-dodging practices. Stock
options and restricted stock awards are generally granted at a regularly scheduled
meeting of the Compensation Committee in the first quarter of the fiscal year (usually
in December), after the Company issues a press release announcing the results of the
prior fiscal year. The Compensation Committee has delegated authority to the
Chairperson of the Committee to make awards under the Stock Plan other than the
regular annual awards (such as awards made to a new hire or in the case of a
promotion, for example).
Available Awards. Our Stock Plan enables us to grant several types of
equity awards stock appreciation rights, restricted stock, bonus stock, stock
options, and deferred stock units. However, only stock options, restricted stock, and
deferred stock awards have been granted and are outstanding under the Stock Plan as of
the end of fiscal year 2009.
Stock Options. Incentive (tax-qualified) and non-qualified stock options
may be granted to such employees and directors and for such number of shares of our
common stock as the Administrator determines. A stock option will be exercisable and
vest at such times, over such term, and subject to such terms and conditions as the
Administrator determines, at an exercise price which may not be less than the fair
market value of the common stock on the date the option is granted.
Deferred Stock. A deferred stock award represents our agreement to
deliver shares of common stock (or their cash equivalent) to the award recipient at a
specified future time or upon a specified future event. Vesting of the award shares
and/or delivery of them may be conditioned upon the completion of a specified period
of service, the attainment of specific performance goals, or such other criteria as
the Administrator may determine, or may provide for the unconditional delivery of
shares (or their cash equivalent) on a specified date. Deferred stock awards carry no
voting rights until such time as shares of common stock are actually issued. The
Administrator has the right to determine whether and when dividend equivalents will be
paid with respect to a deferred stock award. Generally, dividend equivalent amounts
are accrued on deferred stock awards and are paid when the shares are distributed.
Restricted Stock. A grant of shares of restricted stock involves the
actual issuance of shares of our common stock to the grant recipient. However, the
right to retain the shares of restricted stock is conditioned upon whatever vesting
conditions are specified as part of the grant. Until those vesting conditions are
satisfied, the restricted stock cannot be sold, transferred, pledged, or assigned, and
is subject to forfeiture if the vesting conditions are not satisfied.
Performance-Based Equity Awards. The Administrator may designate and
structure any awards under the Stock Plan as performance-based awards. With respect
to performance-based awards, either the granting or vesting (or both) of the award is
made subject to the achievement of Company performance objectives specified by the
Administrator. The performance objectives specified for a particular award may be
based on one or more of the following criteria, which the Administrator may apply to
our Company as a whole and/or to a subsidiary, and which the Administrator may use
either as an absolute measure, as a measure of improvement relative to prior
performance, or as a measure of comparable performance relative to a peer group of
companies: sales, operating profits, operating profits before taxes, operating
profits before interest expense and taxes, net earnings, earnings per share, return on
equity, return on assets, return on invested capital, total shareholder return, cash
flow, debt to equity ratio, market share, stock price, shareholder value added, and
market value added.
LTIC Guidelines. The Compensation Committee, subject to deviations as
appropriate in its discretion, generally follows guidelines it has established for
annual LTIC awards to our Named Executive Officers. Those guidelines provide for an
award at target value of three times base salary to Mr. Camp, and 1.5 times base
salary to our other Named Executive Officers. Each award consists of approximately
25% of the award value in stock options and approximately 75% in deferred or
restricted stock. Compared to an average of our peer groups mix of long-term
incentive compensation awards, the pie-charts below reflect our heavy emphasis on
performance-based awards to our Named Executive Officers.
Valuation of Awards. Considering commonly used valuation models and
advice from the Committees Compensation Consultant, stock options are assumed to have
a present value equal to 25% of the then current share price for our Common Stock.
The number of option shares to be granted is determined by dividing the total option
portion of the award dollar value by 25% of the then current share price.
Awards for deferred or restricted stock are valued at the target share level,
which is the number of shares that will ultimately be earned by the Named Executive
Officers at the 100% achievement level of the targeted Incremental Shareholder Value
established by the Compensation Committee under the award formula. (The maximum
number of shares potentially issuable as fully earned or vested shares is 150% of the
targeted number.) The number of shares to be awarded at the target level is
determined by dividing the deferred or restricted stock value portion of the total
award dollar value by the share price for our stock on the date of the award.
2009 LTIC Awards. The Compensation Committee decided for fiscal year
2009 to award restricted stock as performance-based equity awards rather than as
time-based equity awards. Accordingly, the amount of compensation ultimately received
by the award recipients (including our Named Executive Officers) will be tied to and
conditioned on performance objectives for our Company rather than being conditioned
merely on the passage of time and continued employment. As we have stated above in
our compensation philosophy, the Company management team is charged with increasing
the long-term economic value of the Company in excess of the rate investors expect.
That is accomplished by growing the amount of cash generated by the Company over time
through execution of the Companys strategy and the initiatives that flow from that
The performance-based restricted stock awards and stock options granted to our
Named Executive Officers during fiscal year 2009 were as follows:
Target |
Maximum |
Restricted |
Restricted |
Name |
Option Shares |
Stock Award |
Stock Award |
Kenneth A. Camp |
135,997 |
101,997 |
152,996 |
Joe A. Raver |
41,806 |
31,354 |
47,032 |
Cynthia L. Lucchese |
31,430 |
23,572 |
35,359 |
P. Douglas
Wilson1 |
28,569 |
21,427 |
32,140 |
John R.
Zerkle2 |
36,209 |
27,157 |
40,735 |
1. |
Includes a one-time adjustment of 2,377 stock options and
1,783 target shares of restricted stock in excess of the guideline awarded
to make up for below-guideline equity awards in effect for Mr. Wilson
during the last half of fiscal year 2008. |
2. |
Includes a one-time adjustment of 7,498 stock options and
5,624 target shares of restricted stock in excess of the guideline awarded
to make up for below-guideline equity awards in effect for Mr. Zerkle
during the last half of fiscal year 2008. |
The performance period for vesting of the restricted stock is the three-year
period beginning October 1, 2008. The stock options become exercisable ratably on the
first, second, and third anniversaries of the grant date (1/3 on each grant date
Performance-Based Award Details.
For fiscal 2009, the measurement tool in the performance-based restricted stock
award formula is a shareholder value creation model, which is a discounted cash flow
model that measures the true economic return to investors. The key inputs into the
model are net income, free cash flow, and the weighted average cost of capital. Each
performance-based restricted stock grant to our Named
Executive Officers will span the performance of three consecutive fiscal years,
and the performance award at the end of the three years will be based upon the
incremental shareholder value created over/under what was expected. To earn a full
payout of the targeted award the Company must earn a return that meets the Companys
weighted average cost of capital.
The long-term incentive plan for the Named Executive Officers is designed to pay
on the basis of the growth in shareholder value over a three-year period. By linking
rewards with the growth in the economic value of the Company, the plan aligns the
interests of the executive management team with those of the Companys investors.
Also, by using a three-year period, the plan shapes investment strategies that improve
the value of the business over the long term.
The Company performance objectives and the award calculation formula for the
performance-based LTIC awards (per the preceding chart showing their Target Restricted
Stock awards) made to the Named Executive Officers in fiscal 2009 are as follows:
Award Information.
Measurement Period
October 1, 2008 through September 30, 2011 |
Shareholder Value
(at the beginning of Measurement Period)
$1,194.3 million |
Incremental Shareholder Value Expected
$341.7 million |
Weighted Average Cost of Capital
8.75% |
Award Formula.
The number of Shares of Restricted Stock that will vest at the end of the
Measurement Period is a function of the amount of Incremental Shareholder Value
Delivered over the Measurement Period as compared to the Incremental Shareholder Value
Expected to be created over the Measurement Period. Except as otherwise provided in
the award agreements in connection with a termination of employment prior to September
30, 2011, at the end of the Measurement Period all restrictions will lapse on, and the
Shares will become fully vested with respect to, the number of whole Shares
(rounded down) equal to the product of (a) the number of Shares comprising the
Target Restricted Stock Award, and (b) a multiplier, as provided in the following
table, based on the ratio, expressed as a percentage, of Incremental Shareholder Value
Delivered for the Measurement Period (as determined below) to the Incremental
Shareholder Value Expected for the Measurement Period:
Incremental Shareholder Value Delivered |
as Percentage of |
Incremental Shareholder Value Expected |
Multiplier |
(rounded down to nearest whole percent) |
(rounded down to two decimal places) |
Less than 50%
zero (no Shares vest) |
At least 50% but less than 80%
.2 plus an additional .01 for each
full percentage point realized
above minimum for range |
At least 80% but less than 100%
.5 plus an additional .025 for each
full percentage point realized
above minimum for range |
At least 100% but less than 110%
1.0 plus an additional .025 for
each full percentage point realized
above minimum for range |
At least 110% but less than 150%
1.25 plus an additional .00625 for
each full point realized above
minimum for range |
At least 150%
1.5 (all Shares vest) |
Calculation of Incremental Shareholder Value Delivered.
The amount of Incremental Shareholder Value Delivered during the Measurement
Period is calculated by subtracting the Base Shareholder Value from the Shareholder
Value Delivered, and the Shareholder Value Delivered is calculated by adding two
components: the Net Income Component and the Cash Flows Component.
The Net Income Component of Shareholder Value Delivered is the Companys
Adjusted Net Income for the last fiscal year of the Measurement Period,
divided by the Weighted Average Cost of Capital. |
The Cash Flows Component of Shareholder Value Delivered is the sum of
the following: |
the Companys Adjusted Cash Flows for the third
fiscal year in the Measurement Period; |
the Companys Adjusted Cash Flows for the second
fiscal year in the Measurement Period, multiplied by the sum of 100%
and the Weighted Average Cost of Capital; and |
the Companys Adjusted Cash Flows for the first
fiscal year in the Measurement Period, multiplied by the square of
the sum of 100% and the Weighted Average Cost of Capital. |
(a) |
Adjusted Net Income means the Companys net income, as
shown on its audited financial statements, as adjusted (net of tax where
applicable) to exclude the effects of the following items: |
Income losses or impairments from specific financial instruments
held by the Company immediately following its spin-off (the Spin)
as a stand-alone company (i.e., auction rate securities, equity
limited partnerships, common stock, and Forethought note); |
All professional fees, due diligence fees, expenses, and
integration costs related to a specific acquisition; |
External extraordinary legal costs (e.g., antitrust litigation); |
Restructuring charges and other items related to a restructuring
plan approved by the CEO; and |
Changes in accounting pronouncements in United States GAAP or
applicable international standards that cause an inconsistency in
computation as originally designed. |
(b) |
Adjusted Cash Flows means, with respect to each fiscal year
in the Measurement Period, the Companys net cash provided by operating
activities (whether positive or negative) less its capital expenditures net
of proceeds on the disposal of property, all as shown on its audited
financial statements for the fiscal year, as adjusted (net of tax where
applicable) to exclude the effects of the following items: |
Cash receipts or disbursements from financial instruments held by
the corporation immediately following the Spin (i.e., auction rate
securities, limited partnerships, and Forethought note); |
Spin-related disbursements; |
External extraordinary legal disbursements (e.g., antitrust
litigation); |
Investments in non death-care related technologies and companies; |
Changes in accounting pronouncements in United States GAAP or
applicable international standards that cause an inconsistency in
computation as originally designed; and |
Acquisition of businesses, net of cash acquired, as follows: |
Acquisitions are included for the
operating companies and corporate and are phased into the
calculation of cash flow over 36 months; |
In the year of acquisition, the
impact on the balance sheet is excluded from the respective
working capital and other balance sheet items lines and netted
on an acquisitions line on the cash flow statement; and |
A separate cash flow supporting
statement is kept for LTIC purposes to adjust period cash
flows for the acquisition amount spread over 36 months. |
Stock Ownership Requirement
All of our Named Executive Officers are expected to own a significant number of
shares of our common stock. Specifically, our Chief Executive Officer and the other
Named Executive Officers, from and after the later of (i) April 1, 2013, or (ii) the
fifth anniversary of the date on which any such individual first became an officer of
Hillenbrand, Inc. or any of its subsidiaries, are required to hold shares of our
common stock or equivalents described below at the following levels (Required
Ownership Level):
Position |
Required Ownership Level |
Chief Executive Officer
4 x Base Annual Salary |
Senior Vice Presidents of the Company
2 x Base Annual Salary |
Vice Presidents of the Company and all
1 x Base Annual Salary |
Shares owned outright and deferred or restricted stock shares, whether vested or
unvested, count as share equivalents towards the Required Ownership Level. Failure to
achieve or maintain the Required Ownership Level may result in (1) the applicable
individual being required to hold all after-tax vested deferred stock shares and
after-tax shares acquired upon exercise of stock options, or (2) suspension of future
restricted stock or deferred stock awards, until the Required Ownership Level is
achieved. The Compensation Committee (or its designee) may make exceptions, in its
sole discretion, in the event of disability or great financial hardship.
Clawback Provisions
For STIC and performance-based LTIC awards made in fiscal year 2010 and beyond,
the Company has adopted a clawback policy that authorizes the Compensation
Committee, in its discretion, to require repayment from our Named Executive Officers
of all or any portion of their STIC and LTIC awards paid if the Company is required to
restate its financial statements as a result of fraud or negligence and such restated
financial information would have produced a lesser amount of STIC or LTIC award
payable (ignoring Committee negative discretion with respect to STIC awards) than was
calculated per the original financial information.
Tax Deduction Management
Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code limits the tax deductibility of
certain executive compensation in excess of $1 million per year unless certain
requirements are met. Performance-based compensation is generally not subject to the
deductibility cap under Section 162(m). We seek to
maximize the tax deductibility of both our STIC and performance-based LTIC awards
under Section 162(m).
Retirement and Savings Plans
Pension Plan. We sponsor a defined benefit pension plan (the Pension
Plan). The Pension Plan provides monthly retirement benefits based on a formula that
takes into consideration the highest average annual compensation of a participant over
a five consecutive year period and the participants years of service to the Company
(including years of service to our former parent).
The Pension Plan is closed to new salaried employees. Mr. Camp is the only Named
Executive Officer who is an active participant in the Pension Plan. Mr. Zerkle has a
frozen benefit in the Pension Plan. We are required to make annual contributions that
are determined actuarially as the amount needed to adequately fund future benefits to
be paid out to participants.
For information regarding the benefits potentially payable to our Named Executive
Officers under the Pension Plan, see the Pension Benefits at September 30, 2009
table in Part III below.
Savings Plan. We maintain a tax-qualified defined contribution savings
plan (the Savings Plan) in which substantially all of our employees, including the
Named Executive Officers, are eligible to participate. Employees may contribute up to
40% of their compensation on a pre-tax basis to the Savings Plan. For those salaried
participants who are not active participants in the Pension Plan, the Company matches
their contributions in an amount equal to 50¢ on the dollar for their contributions up
to 6% of their compensation. No matching contributions are made for employees who are
active participants in the Pension Plan. Additionally, whether or not employees
contribute to the Savings Plan, the Company provides an automatic Company contribution
per pay period to the Savings Plan for all employees eligible to participate in an
amount equal to 4% of their compensation if they are not active participants in the
Pension Plan or 3% if they are active participants in the Pension Plan. All
contributions by employees and the automatic Company contribution are fully vested
immediately. The Company matching contributions do not vest until after three years
of credited service; after that point Company matching contributions vest immediately
when made.
For information regarding compensation paid to our Named Executive Officers under
the Savings Plan, see footnote 6 to the Summary Compensation Table in Part III below.
Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan. We maintain and agree to pay
future cash benefits under a Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan (the SERP) for
certain of our executive officers who are selected to participate in the plan. All of
our Named Executive Officers are participants in the SERP. The Compensation Committee
can at any time choose to freeze the accrued benefits of a participant under the
SERP and stop accruing additional benefits under the plan for that participant.
The SERP is an unfunded retirement benefit plan, and is not a tax qualified
retirement plan under the Internal Revenue Code. No monies are actually contributed
to the SERP by the Company to fund future benefit payouts. Under the SERP, future
payout amounts are simply recorded in accounts set up for the participants to record
the amounts the Company is obligated to pay them if and when they become entitled to
payment of their accrued benefits. If a participant is ever terminated for cause
(as such term is defined in the SERP), all benefits under the SERP are forfeited.
There are two components of the SERP a defined contribution component (in
which all Named Executive Officers participate) and a defined benefit component (in
which only Mr. Camp participates).
The SERP is designed to supplement the amount of retirement benefits that
participants are entitled to receive from either or both of our Pension Plan and our
Savings Plan. For tax qualified retirement plans, such as our Pension Plan and our
Savings Plan, the Internal Revenue Code establishes various limitations that must be
applied no matter what the terms of the plan might be. For example, the tax laws
limit the maximum amount of annual benefits that can be paid to a participant under a
defined benefit plan, limit the maximum amount that can be contributed for any
particular year by or for a participant under a defined contribution plan, and limit
the maximum amount of compensation that can be counted as earnings of the participant
for purposes of calculating benefits or contributions under either type of plan. The
application of these tax law limitations can result in a reduction in the amount
of retirement benefits that would otherwise be payable to a participant under the
terms of a tax qualified retirement plan. In general, the SERP is designed to pay
benefits to a retiring participant that make up for any reduction in the benefits
that would otherwise have been payable to the retiree under our Pension Plan, or a
reduction in the contributions that the Company would have made for such retiree under
the Savings Plan, on account of the application of those tax law limitations.
Under the defined contribution component, the SERP permits the Company to accrue
an additional benefit amount equal to 3% of compensation for Mr. Camp and up to 4% of
compensation for the other Named Executive Officers in the SERP each year. The
Compensation Committee has also granted an additional 3% of compensation for Mr. Camp.
The Compensation Committee selects which SERP participants, if any, shall receive
this additional accrual each year. For this purpose, a participants compensation for
a particular year is assumed to be an amount that uses the participants targeted STIC
For information concerning retirement benefits payable to certain of our Named
Executive Officers under the SERP, see the table entitled Pension Benefits at
September 30, 2009 in Part III below.
Executive Deferred Compensation Program. Under our Executive Deferred
Compensation Program certain executives, including the Named Executive Officers, who
are chosen by the Compensation Committee may elect to defer all or a portion of their
base salary, Short-Term Incentive Compensation, and certain other benefits, and elect
to have them paid in a year or years later than when such amounts would otherwise be
payable. As of September 30, 2009, none of the Named Executive Officers participate
or have balances in the Executive Deferred Compensation Program.
Severance Benefits and Employment Agreements
We have entered into employment agreements with each of the Named Executive
Officers. We believe that it is appropriate for our senior executives to have
employment agreements because they provide certain contractual protections to us that
we might not otherwise have, including provisions relating to not competing with us,
not soliciting our employees, and maintaining the confidentiality of our proprietary
information. Additionally, we believe that employment agreements are a useful tool in
the recruiting and retention of senior-level executives.
The employment agreements of our Named Executive Officers are terminable by
either party without cause on 60 days written notice, and are also terminable by us
at any time (subject to certain cure rights) for cause as such term is defined in
each employment agreement. The Named Executive Officers may also terminate their
employment agreements for good reason as such term is defined in their agreements.
If we terminate the employment of a Named Executive Officer without cause for doing
so, or if a Named Executive Officer terminates his or her employment with good
reason for doing so, then we are obligated to provide severance compensation in
connection with such termination.
No severance compensation is payable if we terminate with cause or the
executive terminates without good reason or if the employment relationship is
terminated on account of death or disability.
If the employment of a Named Executive Officer is terminated by us without cause
or is terminated by the executive officer upon the occurrence, without the executive
officers consent, of a good reason event, we are required to provide severance
compensation to the Named Executive Officer as follows:
continuation of the executive officers base salary for twelve months,
subject to required withholdings, which payments may need to be delayed for
six months under certain provisions of the Internal Revenue Code; |
continuation of group life and health coverage until the payment
described above has been made; and |
limited out-placement counseling. |
The employment agreements also contain non-competition and non-solicitation
agreements of the executive officers, which continue in effect generally for a period
of two years after the termination of the Named Executive Officers employment.
For information regarding the severance benefits payable to our Named Executive
Officers under their employment agreements, see the Potential Payments Upon
Terminations tables under Compensation of Named Executive Officers in Part III
Change in Control Agreements
We believe that it is important that management of Hillenbrand be in a position
to provide assessment and advice to the Companys Board of Directors regarding any
proposed business transaction without being unduly distracted by the uncertainties and
risks created by such a proposed change in control. Accordingly, we have entered into
Change in Control Agreements with each of our Named Executive Officers (as well as
with other key executives) that provide severance compensation to them if their
employment is terminated on account of or under certain circumstances following a
change in the control of the Company. Severance compensation under our Change in
Control Agreements is in lieu of severance compensation provided under the Named
Executive Officers employment agreements or our Severance Plan.
The Change in Control Agreements provide for payment of specified benefits upon
the termination of a Named Executive Officers employment (other than on account of
death, disability, retirement, or cause) in anticipation of or within two years
after the occurrence of a Change in Control (three years for Mr. Camp), or upon the
executives termination of employment for good reason within two years after a
Change in Control (three years for Mr. Camp). Additionally, Mr. Camp is entitled to
severance benefits under his agreement if he voluntarily terminates his employment at
any time within the period of one year plus thirty days after the occurrence of a
Change in Control. The severance benefits to be provided upon a termination of
employment under any of the above circumstances are:
a lump sum payment in cash equal to two times the executives annual
base salary (three times for Mr. Camp); |
continued health and medical insurance for the executive and his or her
dependents, and continued life insurance coverage, for 24 months (36 months
for Mr. Camp), with the right to purchase continued medical insurance (at
COBRA rates) from the end of this period until the executive reaches Social
Security retirement age; |
a lump sum payment equal to twice (three times in the case of Mr. Camp)
the amount of the additional amounts accrued during the last 12 months in
the executives defined contribution accounts under the Companys SERP;
and |
an increase to the defined benefit pension benefit otherwise payable to
the executive under the Pension Plan and the SERP component related to the
Pension Plan, calculated by giving the executive credit for two additional
years of service. |
In addition, upon a Change in Control, with respect to executives whose
employment is not terminated prior to or at the time of the Change in Control, all
outstanding stock options and stock awards will become fully vested, and the
executives will be deemed to have earned and will be entitled to payment, within 30
days after the occurrence of the Change in Control, of the current years Short-Term
Incentive Compensation to the extent such STIC would have been earned if all
performance targets for the relevant period were achieved at the 100% level.
The Change in Control Agreements also provide that if the executive receives
payments that would be subject to the excise tax on excess parachute payments imposed
by Section 4999 of the Internal Revenue Code, the executive will be entitled to
receive an additional gross-up payment in an amount necessary to put him or her in
the same after-tax position as if such excise tax had not been imposed. However, with
respect to all of the Named Executive Officers other than Mr. Camp, if the value of
all parachute payments to the executive does not exceed 120% of the maximum
parachute payment that could be paid to him or her without giving rise to the excise
tax, the payments otherwise called for by the Change in Control Agreement will be
reduced (or cut back) to the maximum amount which would not give rise to the excise
Under the Change in Control Agreements, a Change in Control is defined
generally as: (1) the acquisition of beneficial ownership of 35% or more of the voting
power of all of our voting securities by a person or group other than members of the
Hillenbrand Family; (2) the consummation of certain mergers or consolidations; (3) the
failure of a majority of the members of our Board of Directors to consist of Current
Directors (defined as any director on the date of the Change in Control Agreement and
any director whose election was approved by a majority of the then Current Directors);
(4) the consummation of a sale of substantially all of our assets; or (5) the date of
approval by our shareholders of a plan of complete liquidation of our Company.
The amounts potentially payable to our Named Executive Officers in connection
with a Change in Control are set forth in the tables under the heading Potential
Payments Upon Termination in Part III: Executive Compensation Tables below.
Other Personal Benefits
In addition to the elements of compensation discussed above, we also provide our
Named Executive Officers with various other benefits as described below. We provide
these benefits in order to
remain competitive with the market and believe that these benefits help us to attract
and retain qualified executives.
Executive Financial Planning, Estate Planning, and Tax Preparation Service
Program. Our Named Executive Officers are eligible for reimbursement of (a)
financial and estate planning services, and (b) income tax preparation services.
Reimbursement is approved for up to $5,000 per calendar year.
Executive Physical. We provide the Named Executive Officers with annual
physicals. We cover 100% of the cost of this program. This program was developed to
promote the physical well-being and health of our senior-level managers. We believe
that this program is in the best long-term interest of our shareholders.
Other Benefits. Named Executive Officers also participate in other
benefit plans that we fully or partially subsidize. Their participation is on the
same terms as our other employees. Some of the more significant of these benefits
include medical, dental, life, disability insurance, and vision insurance, as well as
relocation reimbursement, tuition reimbursement, holiday, and vacation benefits. All
Named Executive Officers participate in our group term life insurance program, which
provides death benefit coverage of up to two times base salary or $500,000, whichever
is less. In addition, our Named Executive Officers are eligible to participate in our
optional supplemental group term life insurance program in which participants may
purchase up to the lesser of five times their base annual salary or $600,000 of
additional term life insurance at their own expense.
Each member of the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors of
Hillenbrand, Inc. is independent, as that term is defined under (a) the New York
Stock Exchange listing standards, (b) the non-employee director standards of Rule
16b-3 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, (c) the outside director
requirements of Section 162(m) of the Code, and (d) the Companys Corporate Governance
Standards. The Compensation Committee currently consists of Mark C. DeLuzio, James A.
Henderson, Ray J. Hillenbrand, and F. Joseph Loughrey.
As a committee, our primary function is to ensure Hillenbrands executive
compensation program is competitive so that the Company can attract and retain
executive personnel, and performance-based so that the interests of its management are
aligned with both the short-term and long-term interests of its shareholders. We
engage an independent executive compensation consulting firm to assist us in our
review of the Companys executive and director compensation programs to ensure these
programs are competitive and consistent with our stated objectives. The executive
compensation consultant is retained by and is directly accountable to us and we
generally approve all related fees paid to the executive compensation consultant. We
have no interlocks or insider participation and we engage in annual self-evaluations
to determine our effectiveness as a committee. We have adopted a charter, which may
be found on Hillenbrands web site at www.hillenbrandinc.com.
Under Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code, the Company is not able to
deduct for federal income tax purposes annual compensation in excess of $1 million
paid to certain employees, generally its Named Executive Officers. However,
compensation that is performance-based is not subject to that deduction limitation.
We believe that certain performance-based compensation paid pursuant to the Companys
Stock Incentive Plan and the Companys Short-Term Incentive Compensation Plan for Key
Executives is not subject to the deduction limit, but no assurances can be made in
this regard. While the Compensation Committee generally intends to structure and
administer executive compensation plans and arrangements so that they will not be
subject to the deduction limit, the Compensation Committee may from time-to-time
approve payments that cannot be deducted in order to maintain flexibility in
structuring appropriate compensation programs in the interest of shareholders.
The Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors of Hillenbrand, Inc. has
reviewed and discussed the Compensation Discussion and Analysis contained in this
proxy statement with management and, based upon this review and discussion,
recommended to the Board of Directors that the preceding Compensation Discussion and
Analysis be included in this proxy statement.
Respectfully submitted, |
James A. Henderson (Chairperson) |
Mark C. DeLuzio |
Ray J. Hillenbrand |
F. Joseph Loughrey |
Tabular Compensation Information
In the following pages we present numerous tables that set out various elements
of compensation for our Named Executive Officers. No one table in and of itself
presents the total picture; instead, you should review all the information carefully
to understand the manner in which, and the amounts, our Named Executive Officers have
been paid.
Compensation of Named Executive Officers
Summary Compensation Table
The following table summarizes the total compensation paid to or earned by each of
the Named Executive Officers for the fiscal years ended September 30, 2009, 2008, and
2007. We have entered into employment agreements with each of the Named Executive
Officers see the Severance Benefits and Employment Agreements section of Part I:
Compensation Discussion and Analysis for further discussion.
To understand all the numbers in the table below, you need to read the footnotes
carefully, which explain the various assumptions and calculations that give rise to the
dollar amounts in the tables. For example, you will note that in column (f) entitled
Option Awards, the dollar amount under Option Awards is actually a calculation
based on certain future assumptions about the Companys performance. The actual amount
ultimately paid to any executive, in particular, may be subject to significant change
up or down based on whether the Company outperforms or underperforms the various
metrics used in this methodology.
(a) |
(b) |
(c) |
(d) |
(e) |
(f) |
(g) |
(h) |
(i) |
(j) |
Change in |
Pension Value |
and |
Nonqualified |
Non-Equity |
Deferred |
Name and Principal |
Option |
Incentive Plan |
Compensation |
All Other |
Position |
Salary |
Bonus |
Stock Awards |
Awards |
Compensation |
Earnings |
Compensation |
Total |
(as of September 30, 2009) |
Year |
$(1) |
$ |
$(2) |
$(3) |
$(4) |
$(5) |
$(6) |
$ |
Kenneth A. Camp |
2009 |
$ |
669,315 |
$ |
$ |
1,484,275 |
$ |
634,190 |
$ |
440,000 |
$ |
1,251,951 |
$ |
75,464 |
$ |
4,555,195 |
President and |
2008 |
$ |
543,198 |
$ |
$ |
1,253,685 |
$ |
733,105 |
$ |
400,000 |
$ |
341,329 |
$ |
65,735 |
$ |
3,337,052 |
Chief Executive Officer |
2007 |
$ |
424,102 |
$ |
$ |
745,077 |
$ |
279,017 |
$ |
202,881 |
$ |
338,345 |
$ |
42,210 |
$ |
2,031,632 |
Cynthia L. Lucchese |
2009 |
$ |
309,271 |
$ |
$ |
145,071 |
$ |
103,164 |
$ |
97,000 |
$ |
$ |
23,862 |
$ |
678,368 |
Senior Vice President and |
2008 |
$ |
218,852 |
$ |
$ |
33,773 |
$ |
52,037 |
$ |
95,000 |
$ |
$ |
8,308 |
$ |
407,970 |
Chief Financial Officer |
Joe A. Raver |
2009 |
$ |
411,589 |
$ |
$ |
186,632 |
$ |
104,249 |
$ |
215,000 |
$ |
$ |
75,009 |
$ |
992,479 |
Senior Vice President and President of Batesville Casket Company |
2008 |
$ |
115,847 |
$ |
100,000 |
$ |
15,972 |
$ |
17,692 |
$ |
70,000 |
$ |
$ |
17,061 |
$ |
336,572 |
P. Douglas Wilson |
2009 |
$ |
257,726 |
$ |
$ |
119,295 |
$ |
72,251 |
$ |
103,000 |
$ |
$ |
28,788 |
$ |
581,060 |
Senior Vice President |
2008 |
$ |
129,781 |
$ |
$ |
15,262 |
$ |
22,186 |
$ |
55,000 |
$ |
$ |
8,462 |
$ |
230,691 |
Human Resources |
John R. Zerkle |
2009 |
$ |
282,726 |
$ |
$ |
215,577 |
$ |
163,525 |
$ |
98,500 |
$ |
3,179 |
$ |
25,407 |
$ |
788,914 |
Senior Vice President, |
2008 |
$ |
244,400 |
$ |
25,000 |
$ |
201,252 |
$ |
71,419 |
$ |
100,000 |
$ |
$ |
16,678 |
$ |
658,749 |
General Counsel and Secretary |
2007 |
$ |
207,404 |
$ |
$ |
76,284 |
$ |
37,776 |
$ |
56,337 |
$ |
22 |
$ |
14,550 |
$ |
392,373 |
(1) |
The amounts indicated represent the dollar value of base salary earned
during fiscal years 2009, 2008, and 2007 as applicable. |
(2) |
The amounts indicated represent the aggregate dollar amount of
compensation expense related to time-based and performance-based deferred and
restricted stock awards granted and recognized in our financial statements during
fiscal years 2009, 2008, and 2007. The determination of this expense is based on
the methodology set forth in Note 11 to our financial statements included in our
Annual Report on Form 10-K, which was filed with the SEC on November 24, 2009. |
(3) |
The amounts indicated represent the aggregate dollar amount of
compensation expense related to stock option awards granted and recognized in our
financial statements during fiscal years 2009, 2008, and 2007. The determination
of this expense is based on the methodology set forth in Note 11 to our financial
statements included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K, which was filed with the
SEC on November 24, 2009. |
(4) |
The amounts indicated represent cash awards earned for fiscal years 2009,
2008, and 2007 and paid in fiscal years 2010, 2009, and 2008 under our STIC Plan.
See the Annual Cash Incentives section of the Compensation Discussion and
Analysis. |
(5) |
Change in Pension Value and Nonqualified Deferred Compensation earned or
allocated during the fiscal year ended September 30, 2009, is as follows: |
Change in |
Above Market |
Actuarial Present |
Nonqualified |
Value of |
Deferred |
Accumulated |
Compensation |
Name |
Pension Benefit (a) |
Earnings (b) |
Total |
Kenneth A. Camp (c) |
$ |
1,251,951 |
$ |
$ |
1,251,951 |
Joe A. Raver |
$ |
$ |
$ |
Cynthia L. Lucchese |
$ |
$ |
$ |
P. Douglas Wilson |
$ |
$ |
$ |
John R. Zerkle |
$ |
3,179 |
$ |
$ |
3,179 |
(a) |
See the Pension Benefits Table below for additional
information, including present value assumptions used in this calculation. |
(b) |
SEC rules characterize earnings in excess of the Applicable
Federal Rate as above market earnings and require the separate
disclosure of those amounts. There were no above market earnings to be
reported for fiscal 2009. |
(c) |
The pension benefit for Mr. Camp includes the effect of the
supplemental benefits he may earn under the agreement dated March 15, 2006,
and more fully described in footnote 4 to the Pension Benefits Table below. |
(6) |
Consists of Company provided contributions to the Savings Plan and the
Savings Plan portion of the SERP. Also includes the incremental cost of other
personal benefits such as relocation, financial planning, tax preparation, and
spousal meals and travel. All Other Compensation earned or allocated during the
fiscal year ended September 30, 2009, is as follows: |
Company Contribution |
Other Personal |
401(K) |
Supp 401(K) |
Benefits |
Total |
Kenneth A. Camp |
$ |
3,919 |
$ |
69,339 |
$ |
2,206 |
$ |
75,464 |
Joe A. Raver |
$ |
21,743 |
$ |
34,277 |
$ |
18,989 |
$ |
75,009 |
Cynthia L. Lucchese |
$ |
15,532 |
$ |
8,330 |
$ |
$ |
23,862 |
P. Douglas Wilson |
$ |
18,038 |
$ |
5,600 |
$ |
5,150 |
$ |
28,788 |
John R. Zerkle |
$ |
17,885 |
$ |
6,912 |
$ |
610 |
$ |
25,407 |
Grants of Plan-Based Awards for Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 2009
The following table summarizes the grants of plan-based awards to each of the
Named Executive Officers for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2009.
(a) |
(b) |
(c) |
(d) |
(e) |
(f) |
(g) |
(h) |
(i) |
(j) |
All |
Other |
All Other |
Stock |
Option |
Awards: |
Awards: |
Number |
Number |
Closing |
Estimated Future Payouts Under |
of |
of |
Exercise |
Market |
Grant Date |
Non-Equity Incentive Plan Awards (1) |
Shares |
Securities |
or Base |
Price on |
Fair Value of |
Initial |
of Stock |
Underlying |
Price of |
Grant |
Stock and |
Grant |
Threshold |
Target |
Maximum |
or Units |
Options |
Option Awards |
Date |
Option Awards |
Name |
Date |
$ |
$ |
$ |
# (2) |
# (3) |
$/sh |
$/sh |
$ (4) |
Kenneth A. Camp |
$ |
$ |
602,308 |
$ |
1,445,539 |
12/18/2008 |
135,997 |
$ |
14.89 |
$ |
14.98 |
$ |
539,949 |
12/18/2008 |
101,997 |
$ |
1,518,735 |
Joe A. Raver |
$ |
$ |
308,654 |
$ |
740,770 |
12/18/2008 |
41,806 |
$ |
14.89 |
$ |
14.98 |
$ |
165,982 |
12/18/2008 |
31,354 |
$ |
466,861 |
Cynthia L. Lucchese |
$ |
$ |
154,615 |
$ |
371,076 |
12/18/2008 |
31,430 |
$ |
14.89 |
$ |
14.98 |
$ |
124,787 |
12/18/2008 |
23,572 |
$ |
350,987 |
P. Douglas Wilson |
$ |
128,846 |
$ |
309,230 |
12/18/2008 |
28,569 |
(5) |
$ |
14.89 |
$ |
14.98 |
$ |
113,428 |
12/18/2008 |
21,427 |
(5) |
$ |
319,048 |
John R. Zerkle |
$ |
$ |
141,346 |
$ |
339,230 |
12/18/2008 |
36,209 |
(6) |
$ |
14.89 |
$ |
14.98 |
$ |
143,761 |
12/18/2008 |
27,157 |
(6) |
$ |
404,368 |
(1) |
The amounts indicated represent potential cash awards that could be paid
under Hillenbrands STIC Plan. See Annual Cash Incentives section of the
Compensation Discussion and Analysis for a discussion of this plan. See the
Non-Equity Incentive Plan Compensation column of the Summary Compensation Table
above for the actual amounts earned, which were paid in December 2009. |
(2) |
All restricted stock grants are held in escrow by the Company and are
subject to vesting conditions based on the Companys financial performance during
the three fiscal year period 2009-2011. Dividends payable during that period
will be accumulated, will be deemed to be reinvested in additional shares of
stock as of the dividend payment date, and will be distributed in proportion to
the number of underlying shares granted that vest and are distributed to the
holder of the shares. The amounts in the table represent 100% achievement of the
targeted increase in shareholder value. The vesting schedules for stock awards
granted during the fiscal year 2009 are disclosed by individual Named Executive
Officer in the footnotes in the following Outstanding Equity Awards table. |
(3) |
Options expire in ten years from date of grant and will vest for exercise
purposes in equal increments during the first three years of the option life.
Stock awards and options are granted to our Named Executive Officers at the
discretion of the Compensation Committee. |
(4) |
The valuation of stock options and deferred stock shares are based on the
methodology set forth in Note 11 to our financial statements included in our
Annual Report on Form 10-K, which was filed with the SEC on November 24, 2009. |
(5) |
Includes a one-time adjustment of 2,377 stock options and 1,783 target
shares of restricted stock in excess of the guideline awarded to make up for
below-guideline equity awards in effect for Mr. Wilson during the last half of
fiscal year 2008. |
(6) |
Includes a one-time adjustment of 7,498 stock options and 5,624 target
shares of restricted stock in excess of the guideline awarded to make up for
below-guideline equity awards in effect for Mr. Zerkle during the last half of
fiscal year 2008. |
Outstanding Equity Awards at September 30, 2009
The following table summarizes the number and terms of stock option awards,
time-based deferred stock share awards, and performance-based deferred stock share
awards outstanding for each of the Named Executive Officers as of September 30, 2009.
Option Awards |
Stock Awards |
(a) |
(b) |
(c) |
(d) |
(e) |
(f) |
(g) |
(h) |
(i) |
(j) |
Equity |
Incentive |
Equity |
Plan |
Incentive Plan |
Equity |
Awards: |
Awards: |
Incentive |
Number of |
Market or |
Plan Awards: |
Market |
Unearned |
Payout Value |
Number of |
Number of |
Number of |
Number of |
Value of |
Shares, |
of Unearned |
Securities |
Securities |
Securities |
Shares or |
Shares or |
Units or |
Shares, Units |
Underlying |
Underlying |
Underlying |
Units of |
Units of |
Other |
or Other |
Unexercised |
Unexercised |
Unexercised |
Option |
Stock That |
Stock That |
Rights That |
Rights That |
Options |
Options |
Unearned |
Exercise |
Option |
Have Not |
Have Not |
Have Not |
Have Not |
# |
# |
Options |
Price |
Expiration |
Vested |
Vested |
Vested |
Vested |
Name |
Exercisable |
Unexercisable |
# |
$ |
Date |
# (1) |
$ (2) |
# (3) |
$ (1) (2) |
Kenneth A. Camp |
21,760 |
$ |
20.84 |
1/15/2011 |
21,760 |
$ |
22.35 |
4/9/2011 |
32,640 |
$ |
23.03 |
11/9/2011 |
19,584 |
$ |
28.26 |
4/9/2012 |
43,520 |
$ |
21.82 |
12/4/2012 |
43,520 |
$ |
26.76 |
12/3/2013 |
52,224 |
$ |
25.54 |
12/15/2014 |
43,520 |
$ |
22.50 |
11/30/2015 |
29,014 |
14,506 |
(4) |
$ |
26.61 |
11/30/2016 |
14,507 |
29,013 |
(5) |
$ |
24.84 |
12/5/2017 |
41,172 |
82,343 |
(6) |
$ |
21.05 |
4/1/2018 |
135,997 |
(7) |
$ |
14.89 |
12/18/2018 |
49,908 |
(8) |
$ |
1,016,626 |
105,270 |
(9) |
$ |
2,144,350 |
Cynthia L. Lucchese |
12,012 |
24,023 |
(10) |
$ |
25.63 |
1/7/2018 |
31,430 |
(7) |
$ |
14.89 |
12/18/2018 |
9,624 |
(11) |
$ |
196,041 |
24,329 |
(12) |
$ |
495,575 |
Joe A. Raver |
10,537 |
21,073 |
(13) |
$ |
22.15 |
6/16/2018 |
41,806 |
(7) |
$ |
14.89 |
12/18/2018 |
13,187 |
(14) |
$ |
268,619 |
32,361 |
(15) |
$ |
659,187 |
P. Douglas Wilson |
8,269 |
16,537 |
(16) |
$ |
22.46 |
3/24/2018 |
28,569 |
(7) |
$ |
14.89 |
12/18/2018 |
6,933 |
(17) |
$ |
141,225 |
22,114 |
(18) |
$ |
450,462 |
John R. Zerkle |
2,901 |
$ |
25.54 |
12/15/2014 |
6,382 |
$ |
22.50 |
11/30/2015 |
7,254 |
3,626 |
(4) |
$ |
26.61 |
11/30/2016 |
4,788 |
9,574 |
(5) |
$ |
24.84 |
12/5/2017 |
36,209 |
(7) |
$ |
14.89 |
12/18/2018 |
4,674 |
(19) |
$ |
95,209 |
28,028 |
(20) |
$ |
570,930 |
(1) |
Dividends paid on Hillenbrand common stock will be deemed to have been
paid with regard to the deferred stock shares awarded and deemed to be reinvested
in Hillenbrand common stock at the market value on the date of such dividend, and
will be paid in additional shares on the distribution date of the underlying
award. Generally, vesting is contingent upon continued employment. In the case
of retirement, death, or disability, vesting may be accelerated for options and
deferred stock awards held over one year from issue date of award.
Performance-based deferred stock or restricted stock shares will vest pro-rata in
the case of retirement, death, disability, termination without cause, and
termination with good reason. |
(2) |
Value is based on the closing price of Hillenbrand common stock of $20.37
on September 30, 2009, as reported on the New York Stock Exchange. |
(3) |
Performance-based restricted stock shares are held in escrow by the
Company and are subject to vesting conditions based on the Companys financial
performance during a three fiscal year period. The amounts in the table
represent 100% achievement of the targeted increase in shareholder value. |
(4) |
The options were granted on November 30, 2006. Remaining unexercisable
options vested 100% on November 30, 2009. |
(5) |
The options were granted on December 5, 2007. Remaining unexercisable
options vested 50% on December 5, 2009, and will fully vest on December 5, 2010. |
(6) |
The options were granted on April 1, 2008. Remaining unexercisable
options will vest 50% each on April 1, 2010 and 2011, respectively. |
(7) |
The options were granted on December 18, 2008. Remaining unexercisable
options vested
33-1/3% on December 18, 2009, and will vest 33-1/3% each on December 18, 2010
and 2011, respectively. |
(8) |
Mr. Camp was awarded the following deferred stock shares: |
Deferred Stock |
Award Date |
Shares Awarded |
Vesting Schedule |
December 5, 2007 |
8,705 |
Award vested 20% on December 6, 2009, and will vest 25%, 25%, and 30% on December 6, 2010, 2011, and 2012, respectively. |
April 1, 2008 |
7,316 |
Award will vest 20%, 25%, 25%, and 30% on April 2, 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013, respectively. |
April 29, 2008 |
30,879 |
Award will vest 25%, 25%, and 50% on April 30, 2010, 2011, and 2013, respectively. |
(9) |
Mr. Camp was awarded the following performance-based restricted stock
shares (representing 100% achievement of the targeted increase in shareholder
value): |
Restricted Stock |
Award Date |
Shares Awarded |
Vesting Schedule |
December 18, 2008 |
101,997 |
Award will vest 100% on September 30, 2011, based on achievement of the targeted increase in shareholder value. |
(10) |
The options were granted on January 7, 2008. Remaining unexercisable
options will vest
50% each on January 7, 2010 and 2011, respectively. |
(11) |
Ms. Lucchese was awarded the following deferred stock shares: |
Deferred Stock |
Award Date |
Shares Awarded |
Vesting Schedule |
January 7, 2008 |
9,009 |
Award will vest 20%, 25%, 25%, and 30% on January 8, 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013, respectively. |
(12) |
Ms. Lucchese was awarded the following performance-based restricted stock
shares (representing 100% achievement of the targeted increase in shareholder
value): |
Restricted Stock |
Award Date |
Shares Awarded |
Vesting Schedule |
December 18, 2008 |
23,572 |
Award will vest 100% on September 30, 2011, based on achievement of the targeted increase in shareholder value. |
(13) |
The options were granted on June 16, 2008. Remaining unexercisable
options will vest 50% each on June 16, 2010, and 2011, respectively. |
(14) |
Mr. Raver was awarded the following deferred stock shares: |
Deferred Stock |
Award Date |
Shares Awarded |
Vesting Schedule |
June 16, 2008 |
12,418 |
Award will vest 20%, 25%, 25%, and 30% on June 17, 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013, respectively. |
(15) |
Mr. Raver was awarded the following performance-based restricted stock
shares (representing 100% achievement of the targeted increase in shareholder
value): |
Restricted Stock |
Award Date |
Shares Awarded |
Vesting Schedule |
December 18, 2008 |
31,354 |
Award will vest 100% on September 30, 2011, based on achievement of the targeted increase in shareholder value. |
(16) |
The options were granted on March 24, 2008. Remaining unexercisable
options will vest 50% each on March 24, 2010 and 2011, respectively. |
(17) |
Mr. Wilson was awarded the following deferred stock shares: |
Deferred Stock |
Award Date |
Shares Awarded |
Vesting Schedule |
March 24, 2008 |
6,529 |
Award will vest 20%, 25%, 25%, and 30% on March 25, 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013, respectively. |
(18) |
Mr. Wilson was awarded the following performance-based restricted stock
shares (representing 100% achievement of the targeted increase in shareholder
value): |
Restricted Stock |
Award Date |
Shares Awarded |
Vesting Schedule |
December 18, 2008 |
21,427 |
Award will vest 100% on September 30, 2011, based on achievement of the targeted increase in shareholder value. |
(19) |
Mr. Zerkle was awarded the following deferred stock shares: |
Deferred Stock |
Award Date |
Shares Awarded |
Vesting Schedule |
December 5, 2007 |
4,353 |
Award vested 20% on December 6, 2009, and will vest 25%, 25%, and 30% on December 6, 2010, 2011, and 2012, respectively. |
(20) |
Mr. Zerkle was awarded the following performance-based restricted stock
shares (representing 100% achievement of the targeted increase in shareholder
value): |
Restricted Stock |
Award Date |
Shares Awarded |
Vesting Schedule |
December 18, 2008 |
27,157 |
Award will vest 100% on September 30, 2011, based on achievement of the targeted increase in shareholder value. |
Option Exercises and Stock Vested For Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 2009
The following table summarizes the number of stock option awards exercised and the
value realized upon exercise during the fiscal year ended September 30, 2009, for the
Named Executive Officers.
(a) |
(b) |
(c) |
Options Awards |
Number of Shares Acquired |
on Exercise |
Value Realized on Exercise |
Name |
# |
$(1) |
Kenneth A. Camp |
5,440 |
$ |
28,452 |
21,760 |
$ |
70,502 |
(1) |
Based upon the difference between the price of Hillenbrand common stock on
the New York Stock Exchange at the time of exercise and the exercise price for
the stock options exercised. |
Pension Benefits at September 30, 2009
The following table quantifies the pension benefits expected to be paid from the
Hillenbrand, Inc. Pension Plan (Pension Plan) and the Hillenbrand, Inc. Supplemental
Executive Retirement Plan (SERP).
(a) |
(b) |
(c) |
(d) |
(e) |
Number of |
Present Value |
Payments |
Years Credited |
of Accumulated |
During Last |
Service |
Benefit |
Fiscal Year |
Name |
Plan Name(1)(2) |
# |
$(3) |
$ |
Kenneth A. Camp (4) |
Pension Plan |
28 |
$ |
918,320 |
$ |
30 |
$ |
2,962,304 |
$ |
John R. Zerkle (5) |
Pension Plan |
1 |
$ |
9,331 |
$ |
(1) |
The Pension Plan covers officers of Former Hillenbrand and other
employees. Contributions to the Pension Plan by Former Hillenbrand are made on
an actuarial basis, and no specific contributions are determined or set aside for
any individual. Effective June 30, 2003, the Pension Plan was closed to new
participants. Existing participants, effective January 1, 2004, were given the
choice of remaining in the Pension Plan and continuing to earn credit service or
of freezing their accumulated benefit as of January 1, 2004, and of participating
in an enhanced defined contribution savings plan. Benefits under the Pension
Plan are not subject to deductions for Social Security or other offset amounts.
Employees, including officers of Former Hillenbrand, who retire under the Pension
Plan, receive fixed benefits calculated by means of a formula that takes into
account the highest average annual calendar year eligible compensation earned
over five consecutive years and the employees years of service. |
The Pension Plan permits participants with 5 or more years of credited service
to retire as early as age 55 but with a reduction in the amount of their monthly
benefit. The reduction is one quarter of 1% for each month the actual
retirement date precedes the participants normal retirement date at age 65 up
to a maximum of 30%. |
(2) |
The Company maintains the Pension Plan portion of the SERP to provide
additional retirement benefits to certain employees selected by the Compensation
Committee of the Company whose retirement benefits under the Pension Plan are
reduced, curtailed, or otherwise limited as a result of certain limitations under
the Internal Revenue Code. The additional retirement benefits provided by the
SERP are for certain Pension Plan participants chosen by the Compensation
Committee, in an amount equal to the benefits under the Pension Plan which are so
reduced, curtailed, or limited by reason of the application of such limitation.
Compensation under the SERP means the corresponding definition of compensation
under the Pension Plan plus a percentage of a participants eligible compensation
as determined under the Companys Short-Term Incentive Compensation Program. The
retirement benefit to be paid under the SERP is from the general assets of the
Company, and such benefits are generally payable at the time and in the manner
benefits are payable under the Pension Plan. |
(3) |
This column represents the total discounted value of the monthly single
life annuity benefit earned as of September 30, 2009, assuming the executive
leaves Hillenbrand at this date and retires at age 65. The present value is not
the monthly or annual lifetime benefit that would be paid to the executive.
Further explanation of the valuation method and assumptions is included in Note 7
to our financial statements included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K, which was
filed with the SEC on November 24, 2009. |
(4) |
We have agreed to provide supplemental benefits to Mr. Camp under the
SERP. The agreement provides that if Mr. Camp remains employed by us through
March 16, 2010, and his employment is not thereafter terminated for cause (as
defined in the employment agreement between us and Mr. Camp), then for benefit
calculation purposes under the SERP, Mr. Camp will be credited with an additional
four years of service earned under the Pension Plan portion of the SERP (in
addition to the years of service Mr. Camp otherwise would earn under the SERP
during such period). Also under this agreement, if prior to March 16, 2010: |
(i) |
Mr. Camps employment with us is terminated after March 16,
2007, due to disability or death, |
(ii) |
Mr. Camps employment with us is terminated after March 16,
2007, without cause (as defined in Mr. Camps employment agreement) or by
Mr. Camp for good reason (as defined in Mr. Camps employment agreement), |
(iii) |
a change in control of the Company occurs, or |
(iv) |
a sale, transfer, or disposition of substantially all of our
assets or capital stock occurs, |
then Mr. Camp will be credited with one additional year of service under the
Pension Plan portion of the SERP for each full year worked during the four-year
period ending March 16, 2010 (in addition to the years of service Mr. Camp
otherwise would earn under the SERP during such period). |
(5) |
Mr. Zerkle has one year credited service in the Pension Plan, in which his
accumulated benefit was frozen as of January 1, 2004. Mr. Zerkle participates in
the Savings Plan and has accumulated six years of vested service in the Savings
Plan. |
Nonqualified Deferred Compensation for Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2009
(a) |
(b) |
(c) |
(d) |
(e) |
(f) |
Executive |
Company |
Aggregate |
Aggregate |
Contributions in |
Contributions in |
Earnings in |
Aggregate |
Balance at |
Last Fiscal |
Last Fiscal |
Last Fiscal |
Withdrawals/ |
Last Fiscal |
Year |
Year |
Year |
Distributions |
Year End |
Name |
$ |
$(1) |
$ |
$ |
$(2) |
Kenneth A. Camp |
$ |
$ |
69,339 |
$ |
8,772 |
$ |
$ |
296,417 |
Joe A. Raver |
$ |
$ |
34,277 |
$ |
852 |
$ |
$ |
43,408 |
Cynthia L. Lucchese |
$ |
$ |
8,330 |
$ |
68 |
$ |
$ |
8,398 |
P. Douglas Wilson |
$ |
$ |
5,600 |
$ |
46 |
$ |
$ |
5,646 |
John R. Zerkle |
$ |
$ |
6,912 |
$ |
57 |
$ |
$ |
6,969 |
(1) |
Hillenbrand maintains the Savings Plan portion of SERP to provide
additional retirement benefits to certain employees selected by the Compensation
Committee or the Chief Executive Officer of Hillenbrand whose retirement benefits
under the Savings Plan are reduced, curtailed, or otherwise limited as a result
of certain limitations under the Internal Revenue Code. The additional
retirement benefits provided by the SERP are for certain Savings Plan
participants chosen by the Compensation Committee, in an amount equal to the
benefits under the Savings Plan which are so reduced, curtailed, or limited by
reason of the application of such limitation. Additionally, certain participants
in the SERP who are selected by the Compensation Committee may annually accrue an
additional benefit of a certain percentage of such participants compensation (as
defined below) for such year (the current percentage is three), and the amount of
the retirement benefits shall equal the sum of such annual accruals plus
additional earnings based on the monthly prime rate in effect from time-to-time
or at other rates determined by the Compensation Committee. |
Compensation under the SERP means the corresponding definition of compensation
under the Savings Plan plus a percentage of a participants eligible
compensation as determined under Hillenbrands Short-Term Incentive Compensation
Program. Amounts reported here are also reported as Supplemental 401(k) and
Supplemental Retirement in the Summary Compensation Table under the column
entitled All Other Compensation and further disclosed in footnote 6 thereto.
A lump sum cash payment is available to the participant within one year of
retirement or termination of employment. In the alternative a participant may
defer receipt by electing a stream of equal annual payments for up to 15 years. |
(2) |
The following amounts represent employer contributions and above market
earnings that have been reported as compensation in the Summary Compensation
Table in fiscal year 2009 and previous fiscal years. |
Name |
2009 |
2008 |
2007 |
Kenneth A. Camp |
$ |
69,339 |
$ |
54,145 |
$ |
40,770 |
Joe A. Raver |
$ |
34,277 |
$ |
8,225 |
$ |
Cynthia L. Lucchese |
$ |
8,330 |
$ |
$ |
P. Douglas Wilson |
$ |
5,600 |
$ |
$ |
John R. Zerkle |
$ |
6,912 |
$ |
$ |
Potential Payments Upon Termination
The following tables present the benefits that would be received by each of the
Named Executive Officers in the event of a hypothetical termination as of September 30,
2009. For information regarding definitions of termination events included in the
employment agreements, see Part I: Compensation Discussion and Analysis Severance
Benefits and Employment Agreements above.
Kenneth A. Camp
Accelerated |
Continuance of |
Salary & Other |
Vesting of |
Health & |
Event |
Cash Payments |
Stock Awards (1) |
Welfare Benefits |
Total |
Permanent Disability |
$ |
1,228,027 |
$ |
2,446,193 |
$ |
8,563 |
$ |
3,682,783 |
Death |
$ |
970,990 |
$ |
2,446,193 |
$ |
4,044 |
$ |
3,421,227 |
Termination without Cause |
$ |
1,145,990 |
$ |
714,783 |
$ |
8,563 |
$ |
1,869,336 |
Resignation with Good Reason |
$ |
1,145,990 |
$ |
714,783 |
$ |
8,563 |
$ |
1,869,336 |
Termination for Cause |
$ |
51,784 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
51,784 |
Resignation without Good Reason |
$ |
51,784 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
51,784 |
Retirement |
$ |
470,990 |
$ |
2,446,193 |
$ |
$ |
2,917,183 |
Change in Control (see table below) |
Joe A. Raver
Accelerated |
Vesting of |
Continuance of |
Salary & Other |
Stock Awards |
Health & |
Event |
Cash Payments |
(1) |
Welfare Benefits |
Total |
Permanent Disability |
$ |
2,779,086 |
$ |
708,077 |
$ |
12,697 |
$ |
3,499,860 |
Death |
$ |
730,742 |
$ |
708,077 |
$ |
6,756 |
$ |
1,445,575 |
Termination without Cause |
$ |
645,742 |
$ |
219,729 |
$ |
12,697 |
$ |
878,168 |
Resignation with Good Reason |
$ |
645,742 |
$ |
219,729 |
$ |
12,697 |
$ |
878,168 |
Termination for Cause |
$ |
15,919 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
15,919 |
Resignation without Good Reason |
$ |
15,919 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
15,919 |
Retirement |
$ |
15,919 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
15,919 |
Change in Control (see table below) |
Cynthia L. Lucchese
Accelerated |
Vesting of |
Continuance of |
Salary & Other |
Stock Awards |
Health & |
Event |
Cash Payments |
(1) |
Welfare Benefits |
Total |
Permanent Disability |
$ |
2,276,605 |
$ |
526,424 |
$ |
12,697 |
$ |
2,815,726 |
Death |
$ |
619,580 |
$ |
526,424 |
$ |
6,756 |
$ |
1,152,760 |
Termination without Cause |
$ |
431,580 |
$ |
165,192 |
$ |
12,697 |
$ |
609,469 |
Resignation with Good Reason |
$ |
431,580 |
$ |
165,192 |
$ |
12,697 |
$ |
609,469 |
Termination for Cause |
$ |
11,968 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
11,968 |
Resignation without Good Reason |
$ |
11,968 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
11,968 |
Retirement |
$ |
11,968 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
11,968 |
Change in Control (see table below) |
P. Douglas Wilson
Accelerated |
Vesting of |
Continuance of |
Salary & Other |
Stock Awards |
Health & |
Event |
Cash Payments |
(1) |
Welfare Benefits |
Total |
Permanent Disability |
$ |
1,285,338 |
$ |
441,533 |
$ |
12,793 |
$ |
1,739,664 |
Death |
$ |
599,650 |
$ |
441,533 |
$ |
7,042 |
$ |
1,048,225 |
Termination without Cause |
$ |
359,650 |
$ |
150,154 |
$ |
12,793 |
$ |
522,597 |
Resignation with Good Reason |
$ |
359,650 |
$ |
150,154 |
$ |
12,793 |
$ |
522,597 |
Termination for Cause |
$ |
9,973 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
9,973 |
Resignation without Good Reason |
$ |
9,973 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
9,973 |
Retirement |
$ |
9,973 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
9,973 |
Change in Control (see table below) |
John R. Zerkle
Accelerated |
Vesting of |
Continuance of |
Salary & Other |
Stock Awards |
Health & |
Event |
Cash Payments |
(1) |
Welfare Benefits |
Total |
Permanent Disability |
$ |
1,626,532 |
$ |
475,829 |
$ |
8,563 |
$ |
2,110,924 |
Death |
$ |
614,775 |
$ |
475,829 |
$ |
4,044 |
$ |
1,094,648 |
Termination without Cause |
$ |
399,775 |
$ |
190,310 |
$ |
8,563 |
$ |
598,648 |
Resignation with Good Reason |
$ |
399,775 |
$ |
190,310 |
$ |
8,563 |
$ |
598,648 |
Termination for Cause |
$ |
16,398 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
16,398 |
Resignation without Good Reason |
$ |
16,398 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
16,398 |
Retirement |
$ |
16,398 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
16,398 |
Change in Control (see table below) |
(1) |
The accelerated vesting value of the performance-based restricted stock
shares is based on 100% achievement of the targeted shareholder value increase
and the closing stock price on September 30, 2009. However, the actual value
that would be realized would be based on the actual Company achievement of the
targeted shareholder value increase at the end of the measurement period and the
stock price on September 30, 2011, which are unknown at this time. |
Change in Control Benefits
We have change in control agreements with the Named Executive Officers in the
following table. For a discussion of their change in control agreements generally, see
Change in Control Agreements under Part I: Compensation Discussion and Analysis.
The benefits potentially payable under those agreements are set forth in the following
Change in Control Benefits
Accelerated Vesting of Stock-Based |
Awards (1) |
Continuance |
of Health & |
Tax |
Welfare |
Retirement |
Gross- |
Incentive |
and |
Savings |
Restricted |
Performance- |
Up / |
Compensation |
Vacation |
Pension |
Plan |
Stock |
Stock |
Based |
Cutback |
Name |
Salary |
(1) |
Benefits |
Benefits |
Benefit |
Options |
Awards |
Awards |
(2) |
Total |
Kenneth A. Camp (3) |
$ |
2,025,000 |
$ |
602,308 |
$ |
77,473 |
$ |
1,993,623 |
$ |
234,333 |
$ |
745,264 |
$ |
1,016,626 |
$ |
2,144,350 |
$ |
3,153,297 |
$ |
11,992,274 |
Joe A. Raver (4) |
$ |
830,000 |
$ |
308,654 |
$ |
41,313 |
$ |
$ |
88,862 |
$ |
229,097 |
$ |
268,619 |
$ |
659,187 |
$ |
865,964 |
$ |
3,291,696 |
Cynthia L. Lucchese |
$ |
624,000 |
$ |
154,615 |
$ |
37,362 |
$ |
$ |
20,395 |
$ |
172,236 |
$ |
196,041 |
$ |
495,575 |
$ |
510,999 |
$ |
2,211,223 |
P. Douglas Wilson |
$ |
520,000 |
$ |
128,846 |
$ |
35,559 |
$ |
$ |
13,710 |
$ |
156,558 |
$ |
141,225 |
$ |
450,462 |
$ |
458,715 |
$ |
1,905,075 |
John R. Zerkle |
$ |
570,000 |
$ |
141,346 |
$ |
33,525 |
$ |
$ |
13,936 |
$ |
198,425 |
$ |
95,209 |
$ |
570,930 |
$ |
(203,589 |
) |
$ |
1,419,782 |
(1) |
Generally, benefits payable upon a Change in Control of the Company are
payable under a double trigger provision to our Named Executive Officers (a)
whose employment is terminated under certain specified circumstances (such as by
the Company without cause for doing so), and (b) either in anticipation of, or
within a set period of time after the occurrence of, the Change in Control
transaction. However, there are two benefits that are payable under a single
trigger provision to our Named Executive Officers who remain employed for any
period of time after the Change in Control, regardless of whether or not they are
later terminated. For those Named Executive Officers, all of their unvested
equity awards become fully vested upon the occurrence of the transaction. In
addition, they become entitled to payment of their Short-Term Incentive
Compensation bonus for the fiscal year in which the Change in Control occurred
within 30 days after the transaction resulting in the Change in Control is
consummated, payable in an amount based on the assumed 100% achievement by the
Company of its financial performance objectives for that year under the STIC
Plan. |
(2) |
Amounts reflected assume a termination of employment (the double trigger
scenario). |
(3) |
As noted under the Change in Control Agreements section, Mr. Camp is
entitled to the same severance benefits under his agreement if he voluntarily
terminates his employment at any time within the period of one year plus thirty
days after the occurrence of a Change in Control. |
(4) |
Amount shown is applicable if Mr. Ravers employment is terminated in
connection with a Change in Control. In the event of a Change in Control without
termination of employment, a $149,083 cut-back in benefits would be made under
Mr. Ravers Change in Control agreement under the single trigger scenario in
order to avoid the application of the golden parachute excise tax provisions of
the federal tax code to Mr. Ravers benefits as provided under that agreement. |
The following table sets forth the compensation paid to our non-employee
directors in the fiscal year ended September 30, 2009. The Company uses a combination
of cash and stock-based compensation to attract and retain qualified candidates to
serve on its Board. In setting director compensation, the Company considers the
significant amount of time that directors expend in fulfilling their duties to the
Company as well as the skill-level required for members of the Board. Directors who
are also employees of the Company receive no additional remuneration for services as a
director. Of the Companys current Board members, only Mr. Camp is a salaried
employee of the Company. All other directors receive separate compensation for Board
Director Compensation for the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 2009
(a) |
(b) |
(c) |
(d) |
(e) |
(f) |
(g) |
(h) |
Change in |
Pension Value |
and |
Fees |
Nonqualified |
Earned |
Non-Equity |
Deferred |
or Paid |
Stock |
Option |
Incentive Plan |
Compensation |
All Other |
in Cash |
Awards |
Awards |
Compensation |
Earnings |
Compensation |
Name |
$(1) |
$(2) (3) (7) |
$(3) |
$ |
$(4) |
$(5) |
Total |
Ray J. Hillenbrand
Chairperson |
$ |
155,838 |
$ |
89,983 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
148 |
$ |
245,969 |
William J. Cernugel |
$ |
59,771 |
$ |
89,983 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
234 |
$ |
149,988 |
Mark C. DeLuzio |
$ |
63,678 |
$ |
89,983 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
234 |
$ |
153,895 |
James A. Henderson |
$ |
68,263 |
$ |
89,983 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
150 |
$ |
158,396 |
W August Hillenbrand |
$ |
53,011 |
$ |
89,983 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
888,111 |
(6) |
$ |
1,031,105 |
Thomas H. Johnson |
$ |
59,771 |
$ |
89,983 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
234 |
$ |
149,988 |
F. Joseph Loughrey |
$ |
27,806 |
$ |
89,983 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
146 |
$ |
117,935 |
Eduardo R. Menascé |
$ |
69,737 |
$ |
89,983 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
234 |
$ |
159,954 |
Stuart A. Taylor, II |
$ |
66,831 |
$ |
89,983 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
234 |
$ |
157,048 |
(1) |
Prior to February 11, 2009, directors received an annual retainer of
$25,000 for their service as directors, together with a $3,500 fee for each Board
meeting attended. The Chairperson of the Board of Directors annual retainer was
$150,000. For any Board meeting lasting longer than one day, each director who
attended received $1,000 for each additional day. Directors who attended a Board
meeting or standing committee meeting by telephone received 50% of the usual
meeting fee. Each director who was a member of the Nominating/Corporate
Governance, Audit, or Compensation and Management Development Committees received
a fee of $1,500 for each committee meeting attended. The Chairpersons of the
Audit, Compensation and Management Development, and Nominating/Corporate
Governance Committees received an additional $10,000, $8,000, and $7,000 annual
retainer, respectively. Directors who attended meetings of committees of which
they were not members received no fees for their attendance. Effective February
11, 2009, the Board of Directors and the Compensation Committee approved and
implemented a new payment structure for the directors. Under the new payment
plan, directors receive an annual retainer of $50,000 for their service as
directors. The Chairperson receives an annual retainer of $120,000.
Chairpersons of the Audit, Nominating/Corporate Governance, and Compensation and
Management Development committees receive an annual retainer of $10,000.
Additionally, members of certain non-permanent committees may receive additional
retainers as determined by the Board. Directors receive no additional per
meeting fee for Board or committee meeting attendance. |
(2) |
Each director is awarded on the first trading day following the close of
each Annual Meeting of the Companys shareholders deferred stock shares
(otherwise known as restricted stock units) under the Companys Stock Incentive
Plan. Prior to February 11, 2009, each director was awarded 1,800 deferred stock
shares. Effective February 11, 2009, each director receives an annual grant of
restricted stock units based on a value of approximately $90,000 (rounded down to
whole shares). The stock is valued using the average of the high and low sales
prices on the date of grant. A new director receives a pro-rata portion of the
annual award representing the time served during the fiscal year of joining the
Board of Directors. Delivery of shares underlying such deferred stock shares
occurs on the later to occur of one year and one day from the date of the grant
or the six-month anniversary of the date that the applicable director ceases to
be a member of the Board of Directors of the Company. Prior to February 11,
2009, the Chairperson of the Board of Directors was awarded an annual grant of
3,500 deferred stock shares. Effective February 11, 2009, the Chairperson of the
Board of Directors receives the same annual grant of restricted stock units as
the other members of the Board of Directors. Dividends paid on the Company
common stock will be deemed to have been paid with regard to the deferred stock
shares awarded and deemed to be reinvested in Company common stock at the market
value on the date of such dividend, and will be paid in additional shares on the
distribution date of the underlying award. |
(3) |
As of September 30, 2009, the aggregate numbers of directors deferred
stock awards and option awards outstanding were as follows: |
Vested |
Deferred Stock |
Exercisable |
Awards |
Option Awards |
Name |
# |
# |
Ray J. Hillenbrand Chairperson |
35,581 |
William J. Cernugel |
5,902 |
Mark C. DeLuzio |
10,931 |
James A. Henderson |
5,902 |
W August Hillenbrand |
15,994 |
72,000 |
Thomas H. Johnson |
5,902 |
F. Joseph Loughrey |
4,947 |
Eduardo R. Menascé |
12,876 |
Stuart A. Taylor, II |
6,922 |
(4) |
Consists of above market nonqualified deferred compensation earnings (none
for fiscal 2009). Members of the Board of Directors, who are not employees, may
participate in the Hillenbrand, Inc. Board of Directors Deferred Compensation
Plan in which members may elect to defer receipt of fees earned. Upon election,
the participant may invest fees earned in either a cash investment which bears
interest at a prime rate in effect from time-to-time or at other rates determined
by the Company, or common stock to be paid at the end of the deferral period. |
(5) |
Consists of pension benefits, incremental cost of aircraft usage, security
expenses, Company paid life insurance, and other personal benefits provided by
the Company. All Other Compensation earned or allocated during the fiscal year
ended September 30, 2009, is as follows: |
Company |
Paid |
Pers. Asst. |
Aircraft |
Life |
Supp DB |
Sal. & |
Name |
Usage (a) |
Insurance (b) |
Pension |
Benefits |
Misc. Benefits |
Total |
Ray J. Hillenbrand
Chairperson |
$ |
$ |
148 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
148 |
William J. Cernugel |
$ |
$ |
234 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
234 |
Mark C. DeLuzio |
$ |
$ |
234 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
234 |
James A. Henderson |
$ |
$ |
150 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
150 |
W August Hillenbrand (6) |
$ |
74,362 |
$ |
294,363 |
$ |
411,171 |
$ |
77,044 |
$ |
31,171 |
$ |
888,111 |
Thomas H. Johnson |
$ |
$ |
234 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
234 |
F. Joseph Loughrey |
$ |
$ |
146 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
146 |
Eduardo R. Menascé |
$ |
$ |
234 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
234 |
Stuart A. Taylor, II |
$ |
$ |
234 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
234 |
(a) |
The Company does not charge for the personal use of its
aircraft, but it does report amounts related to such use as taxable income
to the Internal Revenue Service. The value of the use of Company aircraft
disclosed in the Director Compensation Table is based upon the incremental
cost per flight hour to the Company and not the values reported to the
Internal Revenue Service. |
(b) |
The value of Company provided term life insurance is the value
of net premiums paid and not the values reported to the Internal Revenue
Service. Participation in the life insurance program is voluntary and may
be declined. |
(6) |
Under an agreement made by our former parent corporation that we have
assumed, W August Hillenbrand is entitled to receive a package of benefits from
the Company for his lifetime, including payment of life and health insurance
premiums which are grossed up for tax purposes, reimbursement of medical expenses
not covered by insurance, security services (up to $20,000 annually), an office,
a secretary, reimbursement of miscellaneous expenses, supplemental pension fund
benefit payments, and limited use of the Companys corporate aircraft for
personal purposes on the same basis as the Companys Chief Executive Officer.
During the fiscal year ended September 30, 2009, these benefits aggregated
$887,877. Additionally, during fiscal year 2009 the Company paid $234 for
Company provided term life insurance. |
(7) |
On February 11, 2009, 4,794 deferred stock shares with a fair value of
$89,983 were granted. |
The following table sets forth information concerning the Companys equity
compensation plans as of September 30, 2009:
Number of securities |
remaining available for |
Number of securities to |
Weighted-average |
issuance under equity |
be issued upon exercise |
exercise price of |
compensation plans |
of outstanding options, |
outstanding options, |
(excluding securities |
warrants and rights |
warrants and rights ($) |
reflected in column (a)) |
Plan Category |
(a) |
(b) |
(c) |
Equity compensation plans approved by security holders |
3,049,511 |
$ |
15.576 |
1,410,535 |
The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors (the Committee) is composed of
three directors, each of whom is independent under SEC Rule 10A-3 and the New York
Stock Exchange listing standards. The Committee operates under a written charter
adopted by the Board of Directors, a copy of which can be accessed at
Management is responsible for the Companys internal controls, financial
reporting process, and compliance with laws and regulations and ethical business
standards. The independent registered public accounting firm is responsible for
performing an integrated audit of the Companys consolidated financial statements and
its internal control over financial reporting in accordance with standards of the
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) and the issuance of a report
thereon. The Audit Committees responsibility is to monitor and oversee these
In this regard, the Committee meets separately at most regular committee meetings
with management and with the Companys outside independent registered public
accounting firm. The Committee has the authority to conduct or authorize
investigations into any matters within the scope of its responsibilities and the
authority to retain such outside counsel, experts, and other advisors as it determines
appropriate to assist it in the conduct of any such investigation. In addition, the
Committee approves, subject to shareholder ratification, the appointment of the
Companys outside independent registered public accounting firm and pre-approves all
audit and non-audit services to be performed by the firm.
In this context, the Committee has reviewed and discussed the fiscal 2009
consolidated financial statements with management and PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
(PwC), the Companys current independent registered accounting firm. Management
represented to the Committee that the Companys consolidated financial statements were
prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. PwC discussed
with the Committee matters required to be discussed by Statement on Auditing Standards
No. 61 (Communication with Audit Committees), as amended by SAS No. 90 Audit Committee
Communications. Management and the independent registered public accounting firm also
made presentations to the Committee throughout the year on specific topics of
interest, including: (i) current developments and best practices for audit committees;
(ii) updates on the substantive requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002,
including managements responsibility for assessing the effectiveness of internal
control over financial reporting; (iii) key elements of anti-fraud programs and
controls; (iv) transparency of corporate financial reporting; (v) the Companys
critical accounting policies; (vi) the applicability of several new and proposed
accounting releases; and (vii) numerous SEC accounting developments.
PwC also provided to the Committee the written disclosures and the letter
required by applicable requirements of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board
regarding the independent accountants communications with the Audit Committee
regarding independence. PwC informed the Audit Committee that it was independent with
respect to the Company within the meaning of the securities acts administered by the
SEC and the requirements of the Independence Standards Board, and PwC discussed with
the Committee that firms independence with respect to the Company. In addition, the
Committee considered whether non-audit consulting services provided by the auditors
firm could impair the auditors independence and concluded that such services have not
impaired the auditors independence.
Based upon the Committees discussions with management and PwC and the
Committees review of the representations of management and the report of PwC to the
Committee, the Committee recommended to the Board of Directors that the audited
consolidated financial statements be included in the Companys Annual Report on Form
10-K for the year ended September 30, 2009.
In addition, the Committee has discussed with the Chief Executive Officer and the
Chief Financial Officer of the Company the certifications required to be given by such
officers in connection with the Companys Annual Report on Form 10-K pursuant to the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and SEC rules adopted thereunder, including the subject
matter of such certifications and the procedures followed by such officers and other
management in connection with the giving of such certifications.
Submitted by the Audit Committee,
Eduardo R. Menascé (Chairperson)
William J. Cernugel
Thomas H. Johnson
Stuart A. Taylor, II
STOCK INCENTIVE PLAN (As of February 24, 2010)
The Company currently has in effect the Hillenbrand, Inc. Stock Incentive Plan
(As of December 19, 2008) (the Current Plan), the features of which are as described
in the Compensation Discussion and Analysis section of this proxy statement. Awards
have been made under the Current Plan as described in such Compensation Discussion and
Analysis section and as reported in various tables in Part III: Executive
Compensation Tables of this proxy statement.
The total number of shares of the Companys Common Stock that are potentially
eligible for issuance under the Current Plan is 4,635,436 shares. After deducting
shares issued and outstanding awards through December 17, 2009, 382,588 shares remain
for potential issuance under the Current Plan.
The Board of Directors of the Company has determined that the remaining shares
under the Current Plan are likely to be insufficient for additional awards to be made
under the Current Plan prior to the 2011 Annual Meeting of the Companys shareholders.
The Board and its Compensation Committee regularly review the equity overhang and
manage the number of annual awards in administering the Current Plan. Equity overhang
represents all stock incentives granted and available for future grant under plans as
a percentage of outstanding shares (plus shares that could be issued pursuant to
plans). Annual awards represent the sum of option awards, restricted stock awards,
deferred stock awards, and bonus stock awards vesting in a year as a percentage of
outstanding shares at the end of the year. In considering the amendments to the
Current Plan, the Board reviewed both the equity overhang and the rate of annual
awards and determined that both are reasonable. Accordingly, the Board, at its
meeting on December 2, 2009, did re-adopt, subject to shareholder approval at this
2010 Annual Meeting, the Current Plan in the revised form attached as Appendix A and
entitled Hillenbrand, Inc. Stock Incentive Plan (As of February 24, 2010) (the
Amended Plan).
If approved by the shareholders, the Amended Plan would differ from the Current
Plan as follows:
1) Increase in Total Number of Shares Authorized for Issuance Under the Plan
The Amended Plan would increase the total number of shares of the Companys
Common Stock issuable under the Amended Plan from the 4,635,436 shares authorized
under the Current Plan to 8,635,436 shares (an increase of 4,000,000 shares). The
Board anticipates that this increase in the available shares under the Plan will
provide a sufficient number of shares for equity awards made from the present until at
least the 2013 Annual Meeting.
2) Designation of Number of Authorized Shares Available for Issuance as Incentive
Options under the Plan
The Current Plan does not fix a maximum number of shares under the plan that can
be issued as Incentive Options. No Incentive Options have been issued under the
Current Plan. The Amended Plan would designate 1,500,000 shares as the maximum number
of shares as to which Incentive Options could be granted under the Amended Plan. All
other provisions relating to Incentive Options in the Amended Plan, including the
definition of such term, remain unchanged by the proposed amendments.
3) Elimination of Option and SAR Repricing Unless Approved by Shareholders
The Current Plan permits the plan administrator to reprice or substitute other
awards (including cash) for underwater Stock Options or Stock Appreciation Rights
(those having an exercise or grant price that is above the current price of the
Companys Common Stock). The Amended Plan prohibits the taking of any of those
actions without first obtaining shareholder approval to do so.
Shareholder Approval Required
Under applicable New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) rules and by terms contained
within the Plan, shareholder approval is required to approve any increase in the
number of shares available for issuance under the Plan and for certain other material
revisions to the Plan. In addition, stockholder approval is required for a company to
(i) grant Incentive Options to employees under Section 422 of the Internal Revenue
Code, and (ii) ensure that certain compensation can be eligible for an exemption from
the limits on tax deductibility imposed by Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code
(Section 162(m)). Section 162(m) limits the deductibility of certain compensation
paid to individuals who are, at the end of the tax year in which the company would
otherwise claim its tax deduction, the companys chief executive officer and its other
three highest-paid executive officers other than the chief financial officer.
The Board believes that awards of performance-based equity compensation under the
Current Plan (and under the Amended Plan after it is approved by the shareholders) are
essential to enable us to attract and retain talented executive and managerial
employees, and provides a powerful incentive for the award recipients to use their
best efforts to achieve the financial goals established by the Board in order to
enhance shareholder value.
Price of Company Common Stock
As of December 17, 2009, the closing price of the Companys Common Stock as
reported by the NYSE was $18.80.
The Amended Plan
The following is a summary of the principal provisions of the Amended Plan, as
proposed for approval of the shareholders. The full text of the Amended Plan, as
proposed, is attached as Appendix A.
Plan Limits
In addition to the limitations on the total number of shares of the Companys
Common Stock issuable under the Amended Plan and the total number of shares available
for issuance as Incentive Options under the Amended Plan, the Amended Plan imposed
sub-limits on the number of shares of Common Stock that may be issued under the
Amended Plan. In order to comply with the exemption from Section 162(m) relating to
performance-based compensation, the Amended Plan provides that, subject to certain
exceptions, no employee may be granted Stock Options and/or Stock Appreciation Rights
for more than 400,000 shares in any fiscal year, and no employee shall be granted
Restricted Stock, Deferred Stock, and/or Bonus Stock awards for more than 200,000
shares in any fiscal year, subject to adjustment.
All employees and directors of the Company and its subsidiaries are eligible to
receive equity awards under the Amended Plan, except that Incentive Options may be
granted only to employees. The Compensation Committee is authorized to make awards to
our employees as selected in its discretion, and the Board has authority to make
awards to directors who are not also employees of the Company.
The Compensation Committee has the authority and responsibility to administer the
Amended Plan, except for awards to non-employee directors which are administered by
the Board. The Compensation Committee consists solely of members intended to be
non-employee directors within the meaning of Rule 16b-3 of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934, as amended, outside directors under regulations promulgated under
Section 162(m), and independent directors under the NYSE rules. The Administrator
may exercise broad discretionary authority in the administration of the Amended Plan
including the authority to determine the treatment of awards upon an employees
retirement, disability, death, termination for cause or other termination of
employment, or during a leave of absence. In addition, the Compensation Committee is
authorized to delegate some or all of its administrative duties to one or more of its
members or to one or more employees or agents of the Company.
Amendments and Termination
The Amended Plan is of unlimited duration, except that no Incentive Option may be
granted more than ten years after the 2010 Amended Plan was adopted by the Board. The
Amended Plan may be terminated at any time by the Board, in its sole discretion, and
the Board may also amend the Amended Plan at any time, provided that shareholder
approval is required for any amendment to the extent necessary to comply with the
rules or applicable laws or regulations or the requirements of the NYSE or any other
stock exchange on which the Common Stock is listed or traded. Currently, the NYSE
rules would require shareholder approval for a material revision of the Amended Plan,
which would generally include a material increase in the number of shares available
under the Amended Plan, a material extension of the term of the Amended Plan, an
expansion of the class of participants eligible to participate in the Amended Plan, an
expansion of the types of awards provided under the Amended Plan, a material change in
the method of determining the exercise price of stock options, and the deletion or
limitation of the provision of the Amended Plan prohibiting re-pricing of stock
options and Stock Appreciation Rights.
Types of Awards
Five different types of equity awards may be made under the Amended Plan, which
awards may be free-standing or granted in tandem. They are as follows:
Stock Options. Stock Options entitle the holder of the options to elect
to purchase up to a specified number of shares of the Companys Common Stock at a
specified price (the exercise price). The exercise price cannot be less than the fair
market value of the Common Stock when the options are granted. Under the Amended
Plan, Stock Options may be Incentive Options or Non-Qualified Stock Options. No
Incentive Stock Options may be exercised more than 10 years from the date of grant.
The option price for Stock Options is payable at the time of exercise in any of
the methods, to the extent permitted by the Compensation Committee: (i) cash,
(ii) delivery of unrestricted shares of Common Stock owned by the Optionee for at
least six months; and have a value at the time of exercise equal to the option price,
(iii) broker-assisted cashless exercise, (iv) any other manner permitted by law by
net-exercise, or (v) any combination of the foregoing.
Stock Appreciation Rights. A Stock Appreciation Right entitles the
holder to receive, for each share as to which the award is granted, payment of an
amount, in cash, in shares of Common Stock, or in a combination, as determined by the
Committee, equal in value to the excess of the fair market value of a share of the
Companys Common Stock on the date of exercise over the fair market value of a share
of Common Stock on the day such Stock Appreciation Right was granted.
Restricted Stock. Restricted Stock means shares of the Companys Common
Stock that are actually issued to the recipient of the award, but the recipient has no
right to sell them, pledge them, or otherwise transfer any interest in them until it
is determined in the future how many shares the recipient is entitled to retain, free
of such restrictions, and how many shares must be forfeited back to the Company.
Deferred Stock. An award of Deferred Stock is a promise by the Company
to issue up to a fixed number of shares of Common Stock to the award recipient at some
point in the future, with the number of such shares that are actually issued and the
number of shares that are forfeited being determined by the conditions attached to the
award by the Administrator. Except as provided by the Compensation Committee,
Deferred Stock awards that are unvested at the time the holders employment or other
relationship with the Company is terminated will be forfeited.
Bonus Stock. Bonus Stock means unrestricted shares of the Companys
Common Stock that are issued to an award recipient at no cost to the recipient or at a
discount for its fair market value.
Vesting and Forfeiture of Awards
The exercisability of stock options, and the vesting or forfeiture of all other
equity awards under the Amended Plan, may be conditioned in any manner that the
Administrator chooses. For example, time-based equity awards may be granted with the
condition that they will become earned (vested) ratably over a period of years as long
as the recipient remains employed during the period prior to becoming vested.
Performance-based equity awards may be granted with the condition that they will
become earned (vested) or be forfeited in accordance with the Companys attainment of
specified financial or other performance objectives. The Amended Plan grants broad
discretion to the Administrator to determine the terms and conditions applicable to
awards made under the plan.
Transferability of Certain Awards
Unless otherwise provided by the Compensation Committee, Stock Options and Stock
Appreciation Rights granted under the Amended Plan will not be transferable by a
participant other than by will or the laws of descent and distribution and Deferred
Stock awards may not be sold, assigned, transferred, pledged, or otherwise encumbered
during the Deferral Period (as defined in the Amended Plan).
The Administrator has discretion to either permit or deny the holder of an award
of shares under the Amended Plan the right to dividends (or a cash equivalent for
shares not actually issued).
Change in Control
Unless an award is granted with contrary provisions, a Change in Control of the
Company will result in the immediate full vesting of all shares under outstanding
awards under the Amended Plan.
Waiver of Conditions
The authority of the Administrator under the Amended Plan includes the right to
waive the satisfaction of any or all conditions in an award as to the vesting of the
shares awarded.
Federal Income Tax Consequences
The following discussion is limited to a summary of the U.S. federal income tax
consequences of the grant, exercise, and vesting of awards under the Amended Plan.
The tax consequences of awards may vary according to country of participation. Also,
the tax consequences of the grant, exercise, or vesting of awards may vary depending
upon the particular circumstances, and it should be noted that income tax laws,
regulations, and interpretations change frequently. Participants should rely upon
their own tax advisors for advice concerning the specific tax consequences applicable
to them, including the applicability and effect of state, local, and foreign tax laws.
Tax Consequences to Participants
Non-Qualified Options. In general, (i) a participant will not recognize
income at the time a non-qualified stock option is granted; (ii) a participant will
recognize ordinary income at the time of exercise in an amount equal to the excess of
the fair market value of the shares on the date of exercise over the option price paid
for the shares; and (iii) at the time of sale of shares acquired pursuant to the
exercise of the non-qualified option, appreciation (or depreciation) in value of the
shares after the date of exercise will be treated as either short-term or long-term
capital gain (or loss) depending on how long the shares have been held.
Incentive Stock Options. A participant will not recognize income at the
time an Incentive Option is granted or exercised. However, the excess of the fair
market value of the shares on the date of exercise over the option price paid may
constitute a preference item for the alternative minimum tax. If shares are issued to
the Optionee pursuant to the exercise of an Incentive Option, and if no disqualifying
disposition of such shares is made by such Optionee within two years after the date of
the grant or within one year after the issuance of such shares to the Optionee, then
upon sale of such shares, any amount realized in excess of the option price will be
taxed to the Optionee as a long-term capital gain and any loss sustained will be a
long-term capital loss. If shares acquired upon the exercise of an Incentive Option
are disposed of prior to the expiration of either holding period described above, the
Optionee generally will recognize ordinary income in the year of disposition in an
amount equal to the excess (if any) of the fair market value of such shares as of the
time of exercise (or, if less, the amount realized on the disposition of such shares
if a sale or exchange) over the option price paid for such shares. Any further gain
(or loss) realized by the participant generally will be taxed as short-term or
long-term capital gain (or loss) depending on the holding period.
Stock Appreciation Rights. A participant will not recognize income upon
the grant of Stock Appreciation Rights. The participant generally will recognize
ordinary income when the Stock Appreciation Rights are exercised in an amount equal to
the cash and the fair market value of any unrestricted shares received on the
Restricted Stock. A participant will not be subject to tax until the
shares of Restricted Stock are no longer subject to forfeiture or restrictions on
transfer for purposes of Section 83 of the Internal Revenue Code. At that time, the
participant will be subject to tax at ordinary income rates on the fair market value
of the restricted shares (reduced by any amount paid by the participant for such
restricted shares). However, a participant who so elects under Section 83(b) of the
Internal Revenue Code within 30 days of the date of transfer of the shares will have
taxable ordinary income on the date of transfer of the shares equal to the excess of
the fair market value of such shares (determined without regard to the restrictions)
over the purchase price, if any, of such restricted shares. Any appreciation (or
depreciation) realized upon a later disposition of such shares will be treated as
long-term or short-term capital gain depending upon how long the shares have been
held. If a Section 83(b) election has not been made, any dividends received with
respect to restricted shares that are subject to forfeiture and transfer restrictions
generally will be treated as compensation that is taxable as ordinary income to the
Deferred Stock. A participant will not recognize income upon the grant
of a Deferred Stock award. Upon payment of the awards, the participant generally will
recognize ordinary income in an amount equal to the cash and the fair market value of
any unrestricted shares received.
Bonus Stock. A participant will recognize ordinary income upon the grant
of a Bonus Stock award equal to the fair market value of the unrestricted shares
received by the participant.
Dividends or Dividend Equivalents. Any dividend or dividend equivalents
awarded with respect to awards granted under the Amended Plan and paid in cash or
unrestricted shares will be taxed to the participant at ordinary income rates when
such cash or unrestricted shares are received by the participant.
Section 409A. The Amended Plan permits the grant of various types of
awards that may or may not be exempt from Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code.
If an award is subject to Section 409A, and if the requirements of Section 409A are
not met, the award could be subject to tax at an earlier time than described above and
could be subject to additional taxes and penalties. All awards granted under the
Amended Plan will be designed either to be exempt from, or to comply with the
requirements of, Section 409A.
Tax Consequences to the Company
To the extent that a participant recognizes ordinary income in the circumstances
described above, the Company will be entitled to a corresponding deduction provided
that, among other things, the income (i) meets the test of reasonableness, is an
ordinary and necessary business expense, and is not an excess parachute payment
within the meaning of Section 280G of the Internal Revenue Code; and (ii) is not
disallowed by the $1.0 million limitation on executive compensation under
Section 162(m).
New Plan Benefits
No benefits or amounts have been granted, awarded, or received under the Amended
Plan. Future awards under the Amended Plan will be granted by the Compensation
Committee, in its discretion, and the amount of any such awards to the Companys
employees and directors is not currently determinable.
The Board of Directors has approved the Hillenbrand, Inc. Stock Incentive Plan
(As of February 24, 2010) (the Amended Plan) and recommends that the shareholders
vote FOR the approval of the Amended Plan.
Subject to shareholder ratification, the Audit Committee of the Board of
Directors of the Company has appointed the firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC),
certified public accountants, as the independent registered public accounting firm to
make an examination of the consolidated financial statements of the Company for its
fiscal year ending September 30, 2010. PwC served as the independent registered
public accounting firm of the Company for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2009. A
representative of PwC will be present at the Annual Meeting with an opportunity to
make a statement if they desire to do so and will be available to respond to
appropriate questions.
The Board of Directors, at the request of the Audit Committee, is recommending
the ratification of the appointment of PwC as our independent registered public
accounting firm for the fiscal year 2010.
The affirmative vote of a majority in voting power of the votes cast on the
proposal is required for approval of this proposal. Abstentions and broker non-votes
are not counted as votes cast, and therefore do not affect the outcome of the
If the appointment is not ratified by a majority of the votes cast, the adverse
vote will be considered as an indication to the Audit Committee that it should
consider selecting another independent registered public accounting firm for the
following fiscal year. Given the difficulty and expense of making any substitution of
independent registered public accounting firms after the beginning of the current
fiscal year, it is contemplated that the appointment for the fiscal year 2010 will
stand unless the Audit Committee finds other good reason to make a change.
Principal Accountant Fees and Services
The Audit Committee has adopted a policy requiring that all services from the
outside independent registered public accounting firm must be pre-approved by the
Audit Committee or its delegate (Chairperson) and has adopted guidelines that
non-audit related services, including tax consulting, tax compliance, and tax
preparation fees, should not exceed the total of audit and audit-related fees. During
the fiscal year ended September 30, 2009, PwCs fees for non-audit related services
fell within these guidelines.
2009 |
2008 |
2007 |
Audit Fees (1) |
$ |
601,500 |
$ |
1,869,650 |
$ |
1,257,457 |
Audit-Related Fees (2) |
$ |
212,000 |
$ |
265,200 |
$ |
147,202 |
Tax Fees (3) |
$ |
15,980 |
$ |
25,000 |
$ |
1,300 |
All Other Fees (4) |
$ |
101,500 |
$ |
1,500 |
$ |
1,500 |
Total |
$ |
930,980 |
$ |
2,161,350 |
$ |
1,407,459 |
(1) |
Audit Fees services include: (i) the audit of the financial statements
included in our Form 10-K annual report and Form 10; (ii) reviews of the interim
financial statements included in our quarterly reports on Form 10-Q; and (iii)
our allocation of audit fees paid by our former parent corporation for fiscal
years 2007 and 2008. |
(2) |
Audit-Related Fees services include: (i) consultations on the application
of accounting standards; (ii) statutory audits of certain subsidiary operations
of the Company outside the United States; and (iii) out-of-pocket expenses. |
(3) |
Tax fees include income tax consultations regarding Treasury Regulation
Section 1.1502-13 in fiscal year 2008 and posting of certain tax information in
fiscal year 2007. |
(4) |
All Other Fees includes (i) acquisition readiness consultation in fiscal
year 2009, and (ii) a subscription to PwCs accounting research tool. |
The Board of Directors recommends that the shareholders vote FOR the ratification
of the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the independent registered public
accounting firm of the Company.
Under Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Companys
directors, certain of its officers, and any person holding more than 10% of the
Companys common stock are required to file with the SEC initial reports of ownership
and reports of changes in ownership of common stock of the Company. The Company is
required to report in this proxy statement any failure to file or late filing
occurring during the fiscal year ended September 30, 2009. Based solely on a review
of filings furnished to the Company and other information from reporting persons, the
Company believes that all of these filing requirements were satisfied by its
directors, officers, and 10% beneficial owners.
January 6, 2010
(As of February 24, 2010)
WHEREAS, in accordance with that certain Distribution Agreement (as defined below),
Hillenbrand Industries, Inc. (re-named Hill-Rom Holdings, Inc. and hereinafter referred to in these
recitals as RemainCo or Hill-Rom Holdings, Inc.) has distributed its entire ownership interest
in Batesville Holdings, Inc. (re-named Hillenbrand, Inc. and hereinafter referred to in these
recitals as SpinCo or Hillenbrand, Inc.) through a pro-rata distribution of all of the
outstanding shares of SpinCo common stock then owned by RemainCo to the holders of RemainCo common
stock (Distribution); and
WHEREAS, RemainCo and SpinCo have entered into that certain Employee Matters Agreement (as
defined below) for the purpose of continuing benefits for the pre-Distribution directors, employees
and consultants of RemainCo and its subsidiaries; and
WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 2.5 of the Employee Matters Agreement, SpinCo did adopt
and implement a Stock Incentive Plan with features that are comparable to the Hillenbrand
Industries, Inc. Stock Incentive Plan, as amended, to be effective as of the date of the
consummation of the transactions contemplated by the Distribution Agreement; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of Hillenbrand, Inc. (the Company) previously determined
that certain revisions to the Stock Incentive Plan as previously adopted were desirable for the
purpose of making the provisions of the Stock Incentive Plan compliant with Section 409A of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and did adopt the Stock Incentive Plan (As of December
19, 2008) to amend, restate, supersede and replace the form of the Stock Incentive Plan previously
adopted; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Company has determined that it is in the best interest
of the Company and its shareholders to increase the total number of shares of the Common Stock of
the Company that can potentially be issued under the Stock Incentive Plan from 4,635,436 shares to
8,635,436 shares, an increase of 4,000,000 shares; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Company has, subject to shareholder approval of the
Stock Incentive Plan, re-adopted the Stock Incentive Plan (As of February 24, 2010) in the form
that follows to amend, restate, supersede, and replace the form thereof previously adopted (when
approved by the shareholders of the Company), for purposes of increasing the total number of shares
of Common Stock of the Company that can be issued under the Plan as stated above and making certain
other amendments thereto.
SECTION 1. Purpose and Types of Awards
1.1 The purposes of the Hillenbrand, Inc. Stock Incentive Plan (the Plan) are to enable
Hillenbrand, Inc. (the Company) to attract, retain and reward its employees, officers and
directors, and strengthen the mutuality of interests between such persons and the Companys
shareholders by offering such persons an equity interest in the Company and thereby enabling them
to participate in the long-term success and growth of the Company.
1.2 Awards under the Plan may be in the form of (i) Stock Options; (ii) Stock Appreciation
Rights; (iii) Restricted Stock; (iv) Deferred Stock; and/or (v) Bonus Stock. Awards may be
free-standing or granted in tandem. If two awards are granted in tandem, the award holder may
exercise (or otherwise receive the benefit of) one award only to the extent he or she relinquishes
the tandem award.
SECTION 2. Definitions
Board shall mean the Board of Directors of the Company.
Bonus Stock shall mean an award described in Section 10 of the Plan.
Code shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time-to-time.
Committee shall mean the committee of independent (in accordance with Section 162(m) of the
Code) directors of the Board designated by the Board to administer the Plan, or if no committee is
designated, and in any case with respect to awards to non-employee directors, the entire Board.
Common Stock shall mean the common stock of the Company, without par value.
Company shall mean Hillenbrand, Inc. and its successors.
Deferred Stock shall mean an award described in Section 9 of the Plan and also known as
Restricted Stock Units.
Distribution shall have the meaning set forth in the recitals.
Distribution Agreement shall mean the Distribution Agreement by and between Hillenbrand
Industries, Inc. and Batesville Holdings, Inc. dated effective as of March 14, 2008.
Effective Date shall mean the date of the consummation of the transactions contemplated by
the Distribution Agreement.
Effective Time shall mean the occurrence of the consummation of the transaction contemplated
by the Distribution Agreement.
Employee shall mean an employee of the Company or of any Subsidiary of the Company.
Employee Matters Agreement shall mean the Employee Matters Agreement by and between
Hillenbrand Industries, Inc. and Batesville Holdings, Inc. dated effective as of March 31, 2008.
Fair Market Value of the Common Stock on any date shall mean the value determined in good
faith by the Committee, by formula or other method consistent with the determination of fair market
value under Code Section 409A and its interpretive regulations; provided, however, that unless the
Committee determines to use a different measure, the fair market value of the Common Stock shall be
the average of the high and the low sales prices of the Common Stock (on such exchange or market as
is determined by the Board to be the primary market for the Common Stock) on the date in question
(or if shares of Common Stock were not traded on such date, then on the next preceding trading day
on which a sale of Common Stock occurred).
Hillenbrand Industries Common Stock shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5.3.
Hillenbrand Industries Deferred Stock shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5.3.
Hillenbrand Industries Options shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5.3.
Hillenbrand Industries Stock Incentive Plan shall mean the Hillenbrand Industries, Inc.
Stock Incentive Plan, as amended, which is in effect immediately prior to the Effective Time.
Incentive Option shall mean a Stock Option granted under the Plan which both is designated
as an Incentive Option and qualifies as an incentive stock option within the meaning of Section 422
of the Code.
Non-Employee Director shall mean a director of the Company who is not employed by the
Company or any of its Subsidiaries.
Non-Qualified Option shall mean a Stock Option granted under the Plan, which either is
designated as a Non-Qualified Option or does not qualify as an incentive stock option within the
meaning of Section 422 of the Code.
Optionee shall mean any person who has been granted a Stock Option under the Plan or who is
otherwise entitled to exercise a Stock Option.
Option Period shall mean, with respect to any portion of a Stock Option, the period after
such portion has become exercisable and before it has expired or terminated.
Plan shall mean the Hillenbrand, Inc. Stock Incentive Plan.
Prior Plans shall mean the Hillenbrand Industries, Inc. 1996 Stock Option Plan and the
Hillenbrand Industries Stock Incentive Plan.
Relationship shall mean the status of employee, officer, or director of the Company or any
Subsidiary of the Company.
Restricted Stock shall mean an award described in Section 8 of the Plan.
Spinoff Awards shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5.5.
Spinoff Deferred Stock shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5.3.
Spinoff Options shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5.3.
Stock Appreciation Right shall mean an award described in Section 7 of the Plan.
Stock Option shall mean an Incentive Option or a Non-Qualified Option, and, unless the
context requires otherwise, shall include Director Options.
Subsidiary shall mean any corporation, partnership, joint venture or other entity in which
the Company owns, directly or indirectly, more than 50% of the ownership interests.
SECTION 3. Administration
3.1 The Plan shall be administered by the Committee. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary
contained herein, only the Board shall have authority to grant awards to Non-Employee Directors and
to amend and interpret such awards.
3.2 The Committee shall have the authority and discretion with respect to awards under the
Plan to take the following actions, if consistent with Section 15.7 of the Plan and subject to the
conditions of Section 3.2A of the Plan: to grant and amend (provided, however, that no amendment
shall impair the rights of the award holder without his or her written consent) awards to eligible
persons under the Plan; to adopt, alter and repeal such administrative rules, guidelines and
practices governing the Plan as it shall deem advisable; to interpret the terms and provisions of
the Plan and any award granted under the Plan; and to make all factual and other determinations
necessary or advisable for the administration of the Plan. In particular, and without limiting its
authority and powers, the Committee shall have the authority and discretion:
(a) to select the persons to whom awards will be granted from among those eligible;
(b) to determine the number of shares of Common Stock to be covered by each award
granted hereunder subject to the limitations contained herein;
(c) to determine the terms and conditions of any award granted hereunder, including,
but not limited to, any vesting or other restrictions based on such continued employment,
performance objectives and such other factors as the Committee may establish, and to
determine whether the terms and conditions of the award have been satisfied;
(d) to determine the treatment of awards upon an Employees retirement, disability,
death, termination for cause or other termination of employment, or during a leave of
absence or upon a Non-Employee Directors termination of Relationship as allowed by law;
(e) to determine, in establishing the terms of the award agreement, that the award
holder has no rights with respect to any dividends declared with respect to any shares
covered by an award or that amounts equal to the amount of any dividends declared with
respect to the number of shares covered by an award (i) will be paid to the award holder
currently, or (ii) will be deferred and deemed to be reinvested, or (iii) will otherwise be
credited to the award holder;
(f) to amend the terms of any award, prospectively or retroactively; provided, however,
that no amendment shall impair the rights of the award holder without his or her written
(g) after considering any accounting impact to the Company, as well as any applicable
provisions of Code Sections 409A and 422, to substitute new Stock Options for previously
granted Stock Options, or for options granted under other plans or agreements, in each case
including previously granted options having higher option prices;
(h) to determine the Fair Market Value of the Common Stock on a given date;
(i) after considering any accounting impact to the Company, to provide that the shares
of Common Stock received as a result of an award shall be subject to a right of repurchase
by the Company and/or a right of first refusal, in each case subject to such terms and
conditions as the Committee may specify;
(j) to adopt one or more sub-plans, consistent with the Plan, containing such
provisions as may be necessary or desirable to enable awards under the Plan to comply with
the laws of other jurisdictions and/or qualify for preferred tax treatment under such laws;
(k) to delegate such administrative duties as it may deem advisable to one or more of
its members or to one or more Employees or agents.
3.2A Notwithstanding anything in this Plan to the contrary, no underwater Stock Options or
Stock Appreciation Rights shall be (a) directly repriced, (b) exchanged for the grant of a new or
different type of award, or (c) bought out (cashed out), without in any such case first obtaining
the approval of the shareholders of the Company to the taking of such action. For purposes of this
Plan, a Stock Option or a Stock Appreciation Right is underwater at any time when the then
current Fair Market Value of a share of Common Stock is less than the per share exercise price or
grant price of the Stock Option or Stock Appreciation Right.
3.3 The Committee shall have the right to designate awards as Performance Awards. The grant
or vesting of a Performance Award shall be subject to the achievement of performance objectives
established by the Committee based on one or more of the following criteria, in each case applied
to the Company on a consolidated basis and/or to a business unit and which the Committee may use as
an absolute measure, as a measure of improvement relative to prior performance, or as a measure of
comparable performance relative to a peer group of companies: sales, operating profits, operating
profits before taxes, operating profits before interest expense and taxes, net earnings, earnings
per share, return on equity, return on assets, return on invested capital, total shareholder
return, cash flow, debt to equity ratio, market share, stock price, economic value added, and
market value added.
3.4 All determinations and interpretations made by the Committee pursuant to the provisions of
the Plan shall be final and binding on all persons, including the Company and award holders.
Determinations by the Committee under the Plan relating to the form, amount, and terms and
conditions of awards need not be uniform, and may be made selectively among persons who receive or
are eligible to receive awards under the Plan, whether or not such persons are similarly situated.
3.5 The Committee shall act by a majority of its members at a meeting (present in person or by
conference telephone) or by majority written consent.
3.6 No member of the Board or the Committee, nor any officer or Employee of the Company or its
Subsidiaries acting on behalf of the Board or the Committee, shall be personally liable for any
action, determination or interpretation taken or made with respect to the Plan or any award
hereunder. The Company shall indemnify all members of the Board and the Committee and all such
officers and Employees acting on their behalf, to the extent permitted by law, from and against any
and all liabilities, costs and expenses incurred by such persons as a result of any act, or
omission to act, in connection with the performance of such persons duties, responsibilities and
obligations under the Plan.
SECTION 4. Stock Subject to Plan
4.1 Subject to adjustment as provided in Section 4.4, the total number of shares of Common
Stock which may be issued under the Plan shall be 8,635,436, and the total number of shares which
may be issued as Incentive Options shall be 1,500,000. Such shares may consist of authorized but
unissued shares or shares that have been issued and reacquired by the Company. The exercise of a
Stock Appreciation Right for cash or the payment of any award in cash shall not count against this
share limit.
4.2 To the extent a Stock Option is surrendered for cash or terminates without having been
exercised, or an award terminates without the holder having received payment of the award, or
shares awarded are forfeited, the shares subject to such award shall again be available for
distribution in connection with future awards under the Plan other than Incentive Options. Shares
of Common Stock equal in number to the shares surrendered in payment of the option price, and
shares of Common Stock which are withheld in order to satisfy federal, state or local tax liability
shall count against the share limit set forth in Section 4.1.
4.3 No Employee shall be granted Stock Options and/or Stock Appreciation Rights with respect
to more than 400,000 shares of Common Stock in any fiscal year, and no Employee shall be granted
Restricted Stock, Deferred Stock and/or Bonus Stock awards with respect to more than 200,000 shares
of Common Stock in any fiscal year, subject to adjustment as provided in Section 4.4.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, any Spinoff Awards (as defined in Section 5.3) shall not count
against the foregoing fiscal year award limits.
4.4 In the event of any merger, reorganization, consolidation, sale of substantially all
assets, recapitalization, stock dividend, stock split, spin-off, split-up, split-off, distribution
of assets or other change in corporate structure affecting the Common Stock such that an adjustment
is determined by the Board in its discretion to be appropriate, after considering any accounting
impact to the Company, in order to prevent dilution or enlargement of benefits under the Plan, then
the Board shall, in such a manner as it may in its discretion deem equitable, adjust any or all of
(i) the aggregate number and kind of shares reserved for issuance under the Plan, and (ii) the
number and kind of shares as to which awards may be granted to any individual in any fiscal year.
In the event of any merger, reorganization, consolidation, sale of substantially all assets,
recapitalization, stock dividend, stock split, spin-off, split-up, split-off, distribution of
assets or other change in corporate structure affecting the Common Stock subject to an outstanding
award, the number and kind of shares of Common Stock or other securities which are subject to this
Plan or subject to any awards theretofore granted, and the exercise prices, shall be appropriately
and equitably adjusted by the Board so as to maintain the proportionate number of shares or other
securities without changing the aggregate exercise price, if any.
In addition, upon the dissolution or liquidation of the Company or upon any reorganization,
merger, or consolidation as a result of which the Company is not the surviving corporation (or
survives as a wholly-owned subsidiary of another corporation), or upon a sale of substantially all
the assets of the Company, the Board may, after considering any accounting impact to the Company,
take such action as it in its discretion deems appropriate to (i) accelerate the time when awards
vest and/or may be exercised and/or may be paid, (ii) cash out outstanding Stock Options and/or
other awards at or immediately prior to the date of such event, (iii) provide for the assumption of
outstanding Stock Options or other awards by surviving, successor or transferee corporations,
(iv) provide that in lieu of shares of Common Stock of Company, the award recipient shall be
entitled to receive the consideration he would have received in such transaction in exchange for
such shares of Common Stock (or the Fair Market Value thereof in cash), and/or (v) provide that
Stock Options shall be exercisable for a period of at least 10 business days from the date of
receipt of a notice from the Company of such proposed event, following the expiration of which
period any unexercised Stock Options shall terminate.
The Board shall exercise its discretion under this Section 4.4 only to the extent consistent
with Section 15.7 of the Plan. The Boards determination as to which adjustments shall be made
under this Section 4.4 and the extent thereof shall be final, binding and conclusive.
4.5 No fractional shares shall be issued or delivered under the Plan. The Committee shall
determine whether the value of fractional shares shall be paid in cash or other property, or
whether such fractional shares and any rights thereto shall be cancelled without payment.
SECTION 5. Eligibility and Spinoff Awards
5.1 The persons who are eligible for awards under Sections 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 of the Plan are
Employees, officers and directors of the Company or of any Subsidiary of the Company. In addition,
awards under such Sections may be granted to prospective Employees, officers, or directors but such
awards shall not become effective until the recipients commencement of employment or service with
the Company or a Subsidiary. Incentive Options may be granted only to Employees and prospective
Employees. Award recipients under the Plan shall be selected from time-to-time by the Committee,
in its sole discretion, from among those eligible.
5.2 Non-Employee Directors shall be granted awards under Section 12 in addition to any awards
which may be granted to them under other Sections of the Plan.
5.3 In connection with the Distribution and except as provided below, Stock Options to
purchase Common Stock (Spinoff Options) are granted as of the Effective Time in accordance with
the terms of the Employee Matters Agreement to holders of options (Hillenbrand Industries
Options) to purchase shares of common stock, no par value, of Hillenbrand Industries, Inc.
(Hillenbrand Industries Common Stock) under the Prior Plans. The Spinoff Options granted to such
holders shall be under the same terms as the corresponding options to purchase Hillenbrand
Industries Common Stock held by such holders, including the rate at which the options vest and the
expiration date of such options, provided that the number of shares of Common Stock under the
Spinoff Options and the exercise prices of the Spinoff Options compared to their Hillenbrand
Industries Option counterparts will reflect the Distribution in the manner set forth in the
Employee Matters Agreement. In addition and except as provided below, Deferred Stock awards
(Spinoff Deferred Stock) are granted as of the Effective Time in accordance with the terms of the
Employee Matters Agreement to holders of deferred stock relating to Hillenbrand Industries Common
Stock (Hillenbrand Industries Deferred Stock) under the Hillenbrand Industries Stock Incentive
Plan. The Spinoff Deferred Stock awards granted to such holders shall be under the same terms as
the corresponding deferred stock relating to Hillenbrand Industries Common Stock held by such
holders, including the rate at which the awards vest, provided that the number of shares of Common
Stock under the Spinoff Deferred Stock awards compared to their Hillenbrand Industries Deferred
Stock counterparts will reflect the Distribution in the manner set forth in the Employee Matters
Agreement. It is intended that all grants of Spinoff Options and Spinoff Deferred Stock described
in this paragraph satisfy the requirements of Section 424 of the Code, to the extent applicable,
and avoid treatment as nonqualified deferred compensation subject to Section 409A of the Code. For
purposes of this Section 5.3, a director of Hillenbrand Industries, Inc., who will not be a
director of the Company after the Effective Time, and an employee of Hillenbrand Industries, Inc.
or its Subsidiaries, who will not be an employee of the Company or its Subsidiaries after the
Effective Time, shall not be treated as a holder of Hillenbrand Industries Options and/or
Hillenbrand Industries Deferred Stock, even though he or she may be such a holder prior to the
Effective Time and shall not be entitled to Spinoff Options and Spinoff Deferred Stock hereunder as
set forth above. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary and except for Spinoff Option
agreements and Spinoff Deferred Stock agreements for the individuals who are receiving Spinoff
Options and Spinoff Deferred Stock pursuant to Section 7.1(c) and/or Sections 7.2(c) or (d),
respectively, of the Employee Matters Agreement, all other Spinoff Option agreements and Deferred
Stock agreements for the grants of Spinoff Options and Spinoff Deferred Stock as set forth in this
Section 5.3 shall provide that as of the Effective Time, the corresponding Hillenbrand Industries
Options and Hillenbrand Industries Deferred Stock are cancelled and shall have no further force or
5.4 In connection with the Distribution, Spinoff Deferred Stock is granted as of the Effective
Time in accordance with Section 7.2(d) of the Employee Matters Agreement to holders of Hillenbrand
Industries Deferred Stock who have made an election to defer payment of the Hillenbrand Industries
Deferred Stock pursuant to and under the Hillenbrand Industries Stock Incentive Plan. The Spinoff
Deferred Stock Awards granted to such holders shall be under the same terms as the corresponding
Hillenbrand Industries Deferred Stock held by such holders, provided that the number of shares of
Common Stock under the Spinoff Deferred Stock awards compared to their Hillenbrand Industries
Deferred Stock counterparts will reflect the Distribution in the manner set forth in the Employee
Matters Agreement. It is intended that all grants of Spinoff Deferred Stock described in this
paragraph satisfy the requirements of Section 424 of the Code, to the extent applicable, and avoid
treatment as nonqualified deferred compensation subject to Section 409A of the Code.
5.5 Spinoff Options and Spinoff Deferred Stock granted pursuant to Sections 5.3 and 5.4 above
shall be referred to collectively herein as Spinoff Awards.
SECTION 6. Stock Options
6.1 The Stock Options awarded to eligible persons under the Plan may be of two types:
(i) Incentive Options, and (ii) Non-Qualified Options. To the extent that any Stock Option granted
to an Employee does not qualify as an Incentive Option, it shall constitute a Non-Qualified Option.
All Stock Options awarded to persons who are not Employees shall be Non-Qualified Options.
6.2 Subject to the following provisions, Stock Options awarded under Section 6 of the Plan
shall be in such form and shall have such terms and conditions as the Committee may determine.
(a) Option Price. The option price per share of Common Stock purchasable under
a Stock Option (other than a Spinoff Option) shall be determined by the Committee and may
not be less than the Fair Market Value of the Common Stock on the date of the award of the
Stock Option (or, with respect to awards to prospective Employees, on the first date of
(b) Option Term. The term of each Stock Option shall be fixed by the
(c) Exercisability. Stock Options shall be exercisable and shall vest at such
time or times and subject to such terms and conditions as shall be determined by the
Committee. The Committee may impose different schedules for exercisability and vesting.
After considering any accounting impact to the Company, the Committee may waive any exercise
or vesting provisions or accelerate the exercisability or vesting of the Stock Option at any
time in whole or in part.
(d) Method of Exercise. Stock Options may be exercised in whole or in part at
any time during the Option Period by giving the Company notice of exercise in the form
approved by the Committee (which may be written or electronic) specifying the number of
whole shares to be purchased, accompanied by payment of the aggregate option price for such
shares. Payment of the option price shall be made in such manner as the Committee may
provide in the award, which may include (i) cash (including cash equivalents), (ii) delivery
(either by actual delivery of the shares or by providing an affidavit affirming ownership of
the shares) of shares of Common Stock already owned by the Optionee for at least six months,
(iii) broker-assisted cashless exercise in which the Optionee delivers a notice of
exercise together with irrevocable instructions to a broker acceptable to the Company to
sell shares of Common Stock (or a sufficient portion of such shares) acquired upon exercise
of the Stock Option and remit to the Company a sufficient portion of the sale proceeds to
pay the total option price and any withholding tax obligation resulting from such exercise,
(iv) any other manner permitted by law, or (v) any combination of the foregoing.
(e) No Shareholder Rights. An Optionee shall have no rights to dividends or
other rights of a shareholder with respect to shares subject to a Stock Option until the
Optionee has duly exercised the Stock Option and a certificate for such shares has been duly
issued (or the Optionee has otherwise been duly recorded as the owner of the shares on the
books of the Company).
(f) Termination of Employment or Relationship. Following the termination of an
Optionees employment or other Relationship with the Company or its Subsidiaries, the Stock
Option shall be exercisable to the extent determined by the Committee. The Committee may
provide different post-termination exercise provisions which may vary based on the nature of
and reason for the termination. The Committee may provide that, notwithstanding the option
term fixed pursuant to Section 6.2(b), a Non-Qualified Option which is outstanding on the
date of an Optionees death shall remain outstanding for an additional period after the date
of such death. The Committee shall have absolute discretion to determine the date and
circumstances of any termination of employment or other Relationship.
(g) Non-transferability. Unless otherwise provided by the Committee, (i) Stock
Options shall not be transferable by the Optionee other than by will or by the laws of
descent and distribution, and (ii) during the Optionees lifetime, all Stock Options shall
be exercisable only by such Optionee. The Committee, in its sole discretion, may permit
Stock Options to be transferred to such other transferees and on such terms and conditions
as may be determined by the Committee.
(h) Surrender Rights. The Committee may, after considering any accounting
impact to the Company, provide that Stock Options may be surrendered for cash upon any terms
and conditions set by the Committee.
6.3 Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 6.2, Incentive Options shall be subject to the
following additional restrictions:
(a) Option Term. No Incentive Option shall be exercisable more than ten years
after the date such Incentive Stock Option is awarded.
(b) Additional Limitations for 10% Shareholders. No Incentive Option granted
to an Employee who owns more than 10% of the total combined voting power of all classes of
stock of the Company or any of its parent or subsidiary corporations, as defined in Section
424 of the Code, shall (i) have an option price which is less than 110% of the Fair Market
Value of the Common Stock on the date of award of the Incentive Option, or (ii) be
exercisable more than five years after the date such Incentive Option is awarded.
(c) Exercisability. The aggregate Fair Market Value (determined as of the time
the Incentive Option is granted) of the shares with respect to which Incentive Options
(granted under the Plan and any other plans of the Company, its parent corporation or
subsidiary corporations, as defined in Section 424 of the Code) are exercisable for the
first time by an Optionee in any calendar year shall not exceed $100,000.
(d) Notice of Disqualifying Disposition. An Optionees right to exercise an
Incentive Option shall be subject to the Optionees agreement to notify the Company of any
disqualifying disposition (for purposes of Section 422 of the Code) of the shares acquired
upon such exercise.
(e) Non-transferability. Incentive Options shall not be transferable by the
Optionee, other than by will or by the laws of descent and distribution. During the
Optionees lifetime, all Incentive Options shall be exercisable only by such Optionee.
(f) Last Grant Date. No Incentive Option shall be granted more than ten years
after the earlier of the date of adoption of the Plan by the Board or approval of the Plan
by the Companys shareholders.
The Committee may, with the consent of the Optionee, amend an Incentive Option in a manner that
would cause loss of Incentive Option status, provided the Stock Option as so amended satisfies the
requirements of Section 6.2.
6.4 Substitute Options. In connection with a merger or consolidation of an entity
with the Company or the acquisition by the Company of property or stock of an entity, the Committee
may grant Stock Options in substitution for any options or other stock awards or stock-based awards
granted by such entity or an affiliate thereof. Such substitute Stock Options may be granted on
such terms, consistent with Section 15.7, as the Committee deems appropriate in the circumstances,
notwithstanding any limitations on Stock Options contained in other provisions of this Section 6.
SECTION 7. Stock Appreciation Rights
7.1 A Stock Appreciation Right shall entitle the holder thereof to receive, for each share as
to which the award is granted, payment of an amount, in cash, shares of Common Stock, or a
combination thereof, as determined by the Committee, equal in value to the excess of the Fair
Market Value of a share of Common Stock on the date of exercise over the Fair Market Value of a
share of Common Stock on the day such Stock Appreciation Right was granted. Any such award shall
be in such form and shall have such terms and conditions as the Committee may determine. The grant
shall specify the number of shares of Common Stock as to which the Stock Appreciation Right is
7.2 The Committee may provide that a Stock Appreciation Right may be exercised only within the
60-day period following occurrence of a Change in Control (as defined in Section 14.2) (such Stock
Appreciation Right being referred to herein as a Limited Stock Appreciation Right). The
Committee may also provide that in the event of a Change in Control the amount to be paid upon
exercise of a Stock Appreciation Right shall be based on the Change in Control Price (as defined in
Section 14.3).
SECTION 8. Restricted Stock
Subject to the following provisions, all awards of Restricted Stock shall be in such form and
shall have such terms and conditions as the Committee may determine:
(a) The Restricted Stock award shall specify the number of shares of Restricted Stock
to be awarded, the price, if any, to be paid by the recipient of the Restricted Stock and
the date or dates on which, or the conditions upon the satisfaction of which, the Restricted
Stock will vest. The grant and/or the vesting of Restricted Stock may be conditioned upon
the completion of a specified period of service with the Company and/or its Subsidiaries,
upon the attainment of specified performance objectives, or upon such other criteria as the
Committee may determine.
(b) Stock certificates representing the Restricted Stock awarded under the Plan shall
be registered in the award holders name, but the Committee may direct that such
certificates be held by the Company on behalf of the award holder. Except as may be
permitted by the Committee, no share of Restricted Stock may be sold, transferred, assigned,
pledged or otherwise encumbered by the award holder until such share has vested in
accordance with the terms of the Restricted Stock award. At the time Restricted Stock
vests, a certificate for such vested shares shall be delivered to the award holder (or his
or her designated beneficiary in the event of death), free of all restrictions.
(c) The Committee may provide that the award holder shall have the right to vote and/or
receive dividends on Restricted Stock. Unless the Committee provides otherwise, Common
Stock received as a dividend on, or in connection with a stock split of, Restricted Stock
shall be subject to the same restrictions as the Restricted Stock.
(d) Except as may be provided by the Committee, in the event of an award holders
termination of employment or other Relationship before all of his or her Restricted Stock
has vested, or in the event any conditions to the vesting of Restricted Stock have not been
satisfied prior to any deadline for the satisfaction of such conditions set forth in the
award, the shares of Restricted Stock which have not vested shall be forfeited, and the
Committee may provide that (i) any purchase price paid by the award holder shall be returned
to the award holder, or (ii) a cash payment equal to the Restricted Stocks Fair Market
Value on the date of forfeiture, if lower, shall be paid to the award holder.
(e) The Committee may waive, in whole or in part, any or all of the conditions to
receipt of, or restrictions with respect to, any or all of the award holders Restricted
Stock. The Committee may not, however, waive conditions or restrictions with respect to
awards intended to qualify under Section 162(m) of the Code unless such waiver would not
cause the award to fail to qualify as performance-based compensation within the meaning of
Section 162(m) of the Code, and the Committee may not accelerate the payment of any
dividends subject to restrictions under Section 8.6(c) unless such acceleration is
consistent with Section 15.7.
SECTION 9. Deferred Stock Awards (also known as Restricted Stock Units)
Subject to the following provisions, all awards of Deferred Stock shall be in such form and
shall have such terms and conditions as the Committee may determine:
(a) The Deferred Stock award shall specify the number of shares of Deferred Stock to be
awarded and the duration of the period (the Deferral Period) during which, and the
conditions under which, receipt of the Common Stock will be deferred. The Committee may
condition the grant or vesting of Deferred Stock, or receipt of Common Stock or cash at the
end of the Deferral Period, upon the completion of a specified period of service with the
Company and/or its Subsidiaries, upon the attainment of specified performance objectives, or
upon such other criteria as the Committee may determine.
(b) Except as may be provided by the Committee, Deferred Stock awards may not be sold,
assigned, transferred, pledged or otherwise encumbered during the Deferral Period.
(c) At the expiration of the Deferral Period, the award holder (or his or her
designated beneficiary in the event of death) shall receive (i) certificates for the number
of shares of Common Stock equal to the number of shares covered by the Deferred Stock award,
(ii) cash equal to the Fair Market Value of such Common Stock, or (iii) a combination of
shares and cash, as the Committee may determine.
(d) Except as may be provided by the Committee, in the event of an award holders
termination of employment or other Relationship before the Deferred Stock has vested, his or
her Deferred Stock award shall be forfeited.
(e) The Committee may waive, in whole or in part, any or all of the conditions to
receipt of, or restrictions with respect to, Common Stock or cash under a Deferred Stock
award. The Committee may not, however, waive conditions or restrictions with respect to
awards intended to qualify under Section 162(m) of the Code unless such waiver would not
cause the award to fail to qualify as performance-based compensation within the meaning of
Section 162(m) of the Code, and the Committee may not accelerate the payment of any Deferred
Stock awards unless such acceleration is consistent with Section 15.7.
SECTION 10. Bonus Stock Awards
The Committee may award Bonus Stock to any eligible award recipient subject to such terms and
conditions as the Committee shall determine. The grant of Bonus Stock may, but need not, be
conditioned upon the attainment of specified performance objectives or upon such other criteria as
the Committee may determine. The Committee may waive such conditions in whole or in part, except
that the Committee may not waive conditions or restrictions with respect to awards intended to
qualify under Section 162(m) of the Code unless such waiver would not cause the award to fail to
qualify as performance-based compensation within the meaning of Section 162(m) of the Code, and
the Committee may not accelerate the payment of any Bonus Stock unless such acceleration is
consistent with Section 15.7. Unless otherwise specified by the Committee, no money shall be paid
by the recipient for the Bonus Stock. Alternatively, the Committee may, after considering any
accounting impact to the Company, offer eligible employees the opportunity to purchase Bonus Stock
at a discount from its Fair Market Value. The Bonus Stock award shall be satisfied by the delivery
of the designated number of shares of Common Stock which are not subject to restriction.
SECTION 11. Election to Defer Deferred Stock Awards or Bonus Stock Awards
The Committee may permit an award recipient to elect to defer payment of an award other than a
Stock Option for a specified period or until a specified event, upon such terms as are determined
by the Committee. An award holder may elect to defer the distribution date of a Deferred Stock
Award or Bonus Stock Award provided that such election is made and delivered to the Company in
compliance with Section 409A of the Code, when applicable.
SECTION 12. Non-Employee Director Awards
The Board shall have the discretion to determine the number and types of awards to be granted
to Non-Employee Directors and the terms of such awards, including but not limited to the
exercisability and the effect of a directors termination of service.
SECTION 13. Tax Withholding
13.1 Each award holder shall, no later than the date as of which an amount with respect to an
award first becomes includible in such persons gross income for applicable tax purposes, pay to
the Company, or make arrangements satisfactory to the Committee regarding payment of, any federal,
state, local or other taxes of any kind required by law to be withheld with respect to the award.
The obligations of the Company under the Plan shall be conditional on such payment or arrangements.
The Company (and, where applicable, its Subsidiaries), shall, to the extent permitted by law, have
the right to deduct the minimum amount of any required tax withholdings from any such taxes from
any payment of any kind otherwise due to the award holder.
13.2 To the extent permitted by the Committee, and subject to such terms and conditions as the
Committee may provide, an Employee may elect to have the minimum amount of any required tax
withholdings with respect to any awards hereunder, satisfied by (i) having the Company withhold
shares of Common Stock otherwise deliverable to such person with respect to the award or
(ii) delivering to the Company shares of unrestricted Common Stock already owned by the Employee
for at least six months. Alternatively, the Committee may require that a portion of the shares of
Common Stock otherwise deliverable be applied to satisfy the withholding tax obligations with
respect to the award.
SECTION 14. Change in Control
14.1 In the event of a Change in Control, unless otherwise determined by the Committee at the
time of grant or by amendment (with the award holders consent) of such grant:
(a) all outstanding Stock Options (including Director Options) and all outstanding
Stock Appreciation Rights (including Limited Stock Appreciation Rights) awarded under the
Plan shall become fully exercisable and vested;
(b) the restrictions and vesting conditions applicable to any outstanding Restricted
Stock and Deferred Stock awards under the Plan shall lapse and such shares and awards shall
be deemed fully vested;
(c) the Committee may, in its sole discretion, accelerate the payment date of all
Restricted Stock and Deferred Stock awards; and
(d) to the extent the cash payment of any award is based on the Fair Market Value of
Common Stock, such Fair Market Value shall be the Change in Control Price.
14.2 A Change in Control shall be deemed to occur on:
(a) the date that any person, corporation, partnership, syndicate, trust, estate or
other group acting with a view to the acquisition, holding or disposition of securities of
the Company, becomes, directly or. indirectly, the beneficial owner, as defined in Rule
13d-3 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Beneficial Owner), of securities of the
Company representing 35% or more of the voting power of all securities of the Company having
the right under ordinary circumstances to vote at an election of the Board (Voting
Securities), other than by reason of (x) the acquisition of securities of the Company by
the Company or any of its Subsidiaries or any employee benefit plan of the Company or any of
its Subsidiaries, (y) the acquisition of securities of the Company directly from the
Company, or (z) the acquisition of securities of the Company by one or more members of the
Hillenbrand Family (which term shall mean descendants of John A. Hillenbrand and their
spouses, trusts primarily for their benefit or entities controlled by them);
(b) the consummation of a merger or consolidation of the Company with another
corporation unless
(i) the shareholders of the Company, immediately prior to the merger or
consolidation, beneficially own, immediately after the merger or consolidation,
shares entitling such shareholders to 50% or more of the voting power of all
securities of the corporation surviving the merger or consolidation having the right
under ordinary circumstances to vote at an election of directors in substantially
the same proportions as their ownership, immediately prior to such merger or
consolidation, of Voting Securities of the Company;
(ii) no person, corporation, partnership, syndicate, trust, estate or other
group beneficially owns, directly or indirectly, 35% or more of the voting power of
the outstanding voting securities of the corporation resulting from such merger or
consolidation except to the extent that such ownership existed prior to such merger
or consolidation; and
(iii) the members of the Companys Board, immediately prior to the merger or
consolidation, constitute, immediately after the merger or consolidation, a majority
of the board of directors of the corporation issuing cash or securities in the
(c) the date on which a majority of the members of the Board are replaced during any
12-month period by persons other than directors whose appointment or election was approved
by a majority of the members of the Board as constituted immediately prior to such
appointment or election;
(d) the consummation of a sale or other disposition of all or substantially all of the
assets of the Company; or
(e) the corporate dissolution of the Company if the corporate dissolution results,
within 12 months, in the complete termination and liquidation of the Plan.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section to the contrary, an occurrence
shall not constitute a Change in Control if it does not constitute a change in the ownership
or effective control, or in the ownership of a substantial portion of the assets of, the
Company or another allowable acceleration event under Section 409A of the Code and its
interpretive regulations.
14.3 Change in Control Price means the highest price per share of Common Stock paid in any
transaction reported on any national market or securities exchange where the Common Stock is
traded, or paid or offered in any transaction related to a Change in Control at any time during the
90-day period ending with the Change in Control. Notwithstanding the foregoing sentence, in the
case of Stock Appreciation Rights granted in tandem with Incentive Options, the Change in Control
Price shall be the highest price paid on the date on which the Stock Appreciation Right is
SECTION 15. General Provisions
15.1 Each award under the Plan shall be subject to the requirement that, if at any time the
Committee shall determine that (i) the listing, registration or qualification of the Common Stock
subject or related thereto upon any securities exchange or market or under any state or federal
law, or (ii) the consent or approval of any government regulatory body, or (iii) an agreement by
the recipient of an award with respect to the disposition of Common Stock, is necessary or
desirable in order to satisfy any legal requirements, or (iv) the issuance, sale or delivery of any
shares of Common Stock is or may in the circumstances be unlawful under the laws or regulations of
any applicable jurisdiction, the right to exercise such Stock Option shall be suspended, such award
shall not be granted and such shares will not be issued, sold or delivered, in whole or in part,
unless such listing, registration, qualification, consent, approval or agreement shall have been
effected or obtained free of any conditions not acceptable to the Committee, and the Committee
determines that the issuance, sale or delivery of the shares is lawful. The application of this
Section shall not extend the term of any Stock Option or other award. The Company shall have no
obligation to effect any registration or qualification of the Common Stock under federal or state
laws or to compensate the award holder for any loss caused by the implementation of this Section
15.2 The Committee may provide, at the time of grant or by amendment with the award holders
consent, that an award and/or Common Stock acquired under the Plan shall be forfeited, including
after exercise or vesting, if within a specified period of time the award holder engages in any of
the conduct described below (Disqualifying Conduct). Disqualifying Conduct shall mean (i) the
award holders performance of service for a competitor of the Company and/or its Subsidiaries,
including service as an employee, director, or consultant, or the establishing by the award holder
of a business which competes with the Company and/or its Subsidiaries, (ii) the award holders
solicitation of employees or customers of the Company and/or its Subsidiaries, (iii) the award
holders improper use or disclosure of confidential information of the Company and/or its
Subsidiaries, or (iv) material misconduct by the award holder in the performance of such award
holders duties for the Company and/or its Subsidiaries, as determined by the Committee.
15.3 Nothing set forth in this Plan shall prevent the Board from adopting other or additional
compensation arrangements.
15.4 Nothing in the Plan nor in any award hereunder shall confer upon any award holder any
right to continuation of his or her employment by or other Relationship with the Company or its
Subsidiaries, or interfere in any way with the rights of any such company to terminate such
employment or other Relationship.
15.5 Neither the Plan nor any award shall create or be construed to create a trust or separate
fund of any kind or a fiduciary relationship between the Company or Subsidiary and an award
recipient, and no award recipient will, by participation in the Plan, acquire any right in any
specific Company property, including any property the Company may set aside in connection with the
Plan. To the extent that any award recipient acquires a right to receive payments from the Company
or any Subsidiary pursuant to an award, such right shall not be greater than the right of an
unsecured general creditor of the Company or its Subsidiaries.
15.6 The Plan and all awards hereunder shall be governed by the laws of the State of Indiana
without giving effect to conflict of laws principles.
15.7 The Plan and all awards under the Plan shall be interpreted and applied in a manner
consistent with the applicable standards for nonqualified deferred compensation plans established
by Code Section 409A and its interpretive regulations and other regulatory guidance. To the extent
that any terms of the Plan or an award would subject an Employee to gross income inclusion,
interest, or additional tax pursuant to Code Section 409A, those terms are to that extent
superseded by, and shall be adjusted to the minimum extent necessary to satisfy or to be exempt
from, the Code Section 409A standards. If as of the date Employees employment terminates, an
Employee is a key employee, within the meaning of Code Section 416(i), without regard to
paragraph 416(i)(5), and if the Company has stock that is publicly traded on an established
securities market or otherwise, any payment of deferred compensation, within the meaning of Code
Section 409A, otherwise payable because of employment termination will be suspended until, and will
be paid to the Employee on, the first day of the seventh month following the month in which the
Employees last day of employment occurs.
SECTION 16. Amendments and Termination
16.1 The Plan shall be of unlimited duration. The Board may discontinue the Plan at any time
and may amend it from time-to-time. No amendment or discontinuation of the Plan shall adversely
affect any award previously granted without the award holders written consent. Amendments may be
made without shareholder approval except as required to satisfy applicable laws or regulations or
the requirements of any stock exchange or market on which the Common Stock is listed or traded.
16.2 The Committee may amend the terms of any award prospectively or retroactively; provided,
however, that no amendment shall impair the rights of the award holder without his or her written
SECTION 17. Effective Date of Plan
17.1 The former version of the Plan was approved by the Board on December 19, 2008, and this
revised version of the Plan was approved and adopted by the Board on December 2, 2009. The Plan
was effective as of the date of the consummation of the transactions contemplated by the
Distribution Agreement (Effective Date). This February 24, 2010 version of the Plan is to be
effective, and is to amend, restate, supersede, and replace the version of the Plan adopted by the
Board on December 19, 2008, upon approval thereof by the shareholders of the Company.
VOTE BY INTERNET www.proxyvote.com
Use the Internet to transmit your voting
instructions and for electronic delivery of
information up until 11:59 P.M. Eastern Time the day
before the cut-off date or meeting date. Have your
proxy card in hand when you access the web site and
follow the instructions to obtain your records and
to create an electronic voting instruction form.
Electronic Delivery of Future PROXY MATERIALS
If you would like to reduce the costs incurred by our
company in mailing proxy materials, you can consent
to receiving all future proxy statements, proxy cards
and annual reports electronically via e-mail or the
Internet. To sign up for electronic delivery, please
follow the instructions above to vote using the
Internet and, when prompted, indicate that you agree
to receive or access proxy materials electronically
in future years.
VOTE BY PHONE 1-800-690-6903
Use any touch-tone telephone to transmit your
voting instructions up until 11:59 P.M. Eastern
Time the day before the cut-off date or meeting
date. Have your proxy card in hand when you call
and then follow the instructions.
Mark, sign and date your proxy card and return it in
the postage-paid envelope we have provided or return
it to Vote Processing, c/o Broadridge, 51 Mercedes
Way, Edgewood, NY 11717.
For All |
Withhold All |
For All Except |
To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee(s),
mark For All Except and write the number(s) of the
nominee(s) on the line below.
| |
The Board of Directors recommends that you
vote FOR the following:
o |
o |
o |
Election of Directors Nominees
01 Mark C. DeLuzio |
02 James A. Henderson |
03 Ray J. Hillenbrand |
04 F. Joseph Loughrey |
The Board of Directors recommends you vote FOR the following proposal(s): |
For |
Against |
Abstain |
Approval of the Hillenbrand, Inc. Stock Incentive Plan (As of February 24, 2010)
o |
o |
o |
Ratification of the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the independent registered public accounting firm.
o |
o |
o |
Authority, to proxies, in their discretion, to transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting and any postponement or
adjournment of the meeting.
o |
o |
o |
Yes |
No |
Please indicate if you plan to attend this meeting |
o |
o |
Please sign exactly as your name(s) appear(s) hereon. When signing as attorney, executor, administrator,
or other fiduciary, please give
full title as such. Joint owners should each sign personally. All holders must sign. If a corporation or partnership, please sign in
full corporate or partnership name, by authorized officer.
BOX] |
Date |
Signature (Joint Owners) |
Date |
Hillenbrand, Inc. |
You are cordially invited to attend the Annual Meeting of Shareholders on Wednesday,
February 24, 2010.
The Meeting will be held at the Companys headquarters at One Batesville Boulevard.
Batesville, Indiana 47006, on Wednesday, February 24, 2010, at 10:00 a.m. Eastern
Standard Time.
(Please detach this ticket from your proxy card and bring It with you as
identification. Directions to the meeting site are inscribed on this ticket for
your convenience. The use of an Admission Ticket is for our mutual convenience;
however, your right to attend without an Admission Ticket, upon proper
identification, is not affected.)
John R. Zerkle
Directions to Hillenbrand, Inc.
Hillenbrand, Inc. is located between Cincinnati, Ohio and Indianapolis, Indiana.
Shareholders traveling from the Cincinnati area should take 1-74 West toward
Indianapolis to Exit 149 (Batesville), and turn left off the exit ramp. Go
straight through the 1st stop light to the next light, and turn left at the
intersection of State Road 229 and Highway 46.
Shareholders traveling from the Indianapolis area should take I-74 East toward
Cincinnati to Exit 149 (Batesville), and turn right off the exit ramp. Go to the
1st stop light and turn left at the intersection of State Road 229 and
Highway 46.
To reach Hillenbrand, Inc.s headquarters, travel on Highway 46, go through three
stop lights and turn left onto One Satesville Blvd. Hillenbrand, Inc. is the
2nd office building on One Batesville Blvd.
Important Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy Materials for the Annual Meeting: The Annual
Report, Notice & Proxy Statement is/ are available at www.proxyvote.com.
This Proxy and Voting Instruction is solicited on
behalf of the Board of Directors for the Annual Meeting of
Shareholders on February 24, 2010
The undersigned appoints Ray J. Hillenbrand and Kenneth A. Camp, or either of them, with
full power of substitution, as proxies to vote all the shares of the undersigned of
Hillenbrand, Inc. (the Company) at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be held at the
Companys headquarters, One Batesville Boulevard, Batesville, Indiana 47006-7798, on
February 24, 2010, at 10:00 a.m., local time (Eastern Standard Time), and any
adjournments of the meeting, on the matters listed on the reverse.
This proxy may be revoked at any time before it is exercised.
Continued and to be signed on reverse side